What Are You Happy About Today?

i finish school in a week (have exams after said week but no biggie because it's the light at the end of the tunnel) and then i finally get to study what i want! been stuck in the education system for too long now and im so glad i get to drop the stuff i dont like and pursue my interests :cool:
I made art to put on my wall today. It was really for practice, but it's not like they came out terrible or anythin.
I'm happy that I didn't have to work today.

Also, Game of Thrones spoiler ahead...
I was so happy to see Ghost alive in tonight's episode of Game of Thrones that I started crying. Yes, he was beat up, but he's alive! I was convinced there was no way he could have survived the slaughter of the front lines. I shouldn't be this happy about a fictional wolf but I am.
Taking a nice shower after working in the rain all day is the best.
i got my final grade in a class i thought i for sure was failing but ended up not doing too terribly.
I F I N A L L Y had my english "mock" oral exam today and I was VERY stressed about it. I was so scared about it because I only prepared the introductions and key questions for all 4 of my notions... but didn't prepare anything for the explanation of the texts and how they're linked to the question.
BUT the examinator chose the two notions I wanted most for me (Gun Control in the USA and Gothic Fiction for the smaller English Literature oral) so I was veyr happy, and since I have a decent english level I could improvise without any problem at all.
So at the end, when I started the English Literature oral (both normal english and english literature are done together) I saw that I got a 20/20 for normal english! I'm so happy omg.
And I think I did great for my english literature oral too!

TL;DR: I did two english "mock" orals today and I got an awesome grade (I think!)
got my coffee and croissant this morning (๑ゝڡ◕๑)
feeling good ~
Went to the eye doctor today. My eyes aren’t that bad! I can wear glasses for driving to make things clearer if I want but i don’t have to have them
I finished my last final exam this morning (it was really easy lol) and now I'm pretty much packed up and ready to go home for the Summer! Can't wait to hang out with my kitters and actually have good air conditioning lol :blush:
Not really in a good mood right now, but one thing that did make me happy today was receiving a 100 on one of my final exams for a class. I’ve never received a 100 on a final exam before, so there’s that.
I have finally determined that I can take next week off work as I had planned for my husband's birthday. It was touch and go there for a while because I have several projects going in during the next few weeks and they kept changing the dates on me, so I couldn't nail down when I needed to be available. But everything is good now. I do have to work this Sunday, but after that I get a much needed week off!
Got my stuff that I ordered....finally I swear these mail and customs people are the worst.... Bruh we're not living in some 3rd world country man...
I was going to post this yesterday, but no one posted after me for awhile, so I’ll post it now.

-I’m finished with classes now and all I have left is to study for final exams, which are next week.

-My future roommate/friend and I were approved yesterday to move into a student apartment for next year, which is a step up from where I’m living at the moment and it will be my last year before I graduate.

-When I got back to my room from classes yesterday my bathroom was completely clean. One of the staff workers or someone must have came in and cleaned it. I wish I could have thanked them because it made me tear up a little.

-Finally, it stopped raining yesterday and it’s nice outside now.

Things are really looking up now. :)
The weather was really nice today. It rained last night, but was sunny and clear this morning so everything had a bright, fresh feeling. Also, tomorrow is Friday. I love Fridays!