What Are You Happy About Today?

I woke up early this morning around 6 a.m. and got a head start to my day. I can already tell I?m going to have a great day. :cool:
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I got done two more essays! One more and i'll be free from School for life! (Until College, but I don't know about that)
I had a much easier day at work today than yesterday. I was very grateful for that because yesterday was a nightmare.
Things are gonna pick up, nervous and excited! Doors are opening <3
Also, this marks one week of my new workout plan, and I'm happy about the results already.
I hung out with some friends that I am not super close to, but they're great people and we had a lot of fun n-n We had some food & played some boardgames.
Met a few new people as well!
Things are gonna pick up, nervous and excited! Doors are opening <3
Also, this marks one week of my new workout plan, and I'm happy about the results already.

I should totally start working out or exercising but honestly people keep draining your energy when you just wann work and do exactly that ugh.

Anyways, I have the day off also the stuff I ordered from hippieshop are on its way I hope :)
I finished my last final of the semester/my undergraduate career today! This semester has really exhausted me, I’m so glad I’m done.
Going to see Avengers: Endgame again tonight! I'm super excited! :>

I also found some mint chewing gum in my purse, so I'm really happy about that, too.​
I've finished all my course work! Finally free from college for a while!

Oh and to make the day better, my new phone just came today! I'm super happy~
i took my first final exam of the semester this morning in about 2 hours & thought i did decently well, received an A on my research paper for the same class, & submitted a character analysis essay for my final exam in another class! just have one take home exam to finish & another final exam on saturday to study for and then i'm ready for summer. :)
maybe this isn't a good thing, but someone I don't like is getting cannibalized by the people they chose to associate with and I
