What Are You Happy About Today?

My signature art by Hatori was finished today! I really like how it looks in my new (and still unfinished) signature.

As a bonus, this morning I found two Shadow Eggs while gathering in Flight Rising! Anyone who's familiar with that game knows how hard it is to find even one of those things.
Still excited about the fact that I'm going to Korea for 2 months this Summer.
Last time I went was like 7 years ago :')
It's weekend and I'm going to the cinema tomorrow... hype been wanting to see that film for ages.
I don't have class tomorrooooow!!!! Which means I'll have a real weekend for once!!
me & my class literal prayed before our exam and talked about how we would go to below bottom set then it wasnt even hard. i mean, half the stuff we revised wasnt even nentioned. so that was great
a few weeks ago, i brought some really cute clothes.

today, my travel itinerary just came in my email! super excited!
I'm happy that I didn't have to work today and I got to sleep late. I also had a very good cheeseburger with mushrooms for dinner.
getting rid on my broke n2ds xl.. **** u mom i actually had good use of it lol -. -.

and some other stuff they allow u to throw away that u cant place with the regular garbage
My project partner and I got our Human Ethics application back today, and our project got approved!! Such a sigh of relief, I thought we'd have to change up out project completely for a second there. Now we can finally progress and absolutely smash this project :)