What Are You Happy About Today?

It’s prom day! Everyone is happy and dancing in the classroom. I’m so excited for them, even though I can’t go this year. My senior prom, and I missed it for some stupid convention my sister backed out of.

However, I’m still excited for all of them, they’re going to look so pretty and handsome!​
I got out of bed at 5 a.m. this morning and am already having a blast of a day! I can already tell today’s going to be another solid day for me. :cool:
A water main broke at work so we all got sent home early today. I still had to work from home in the afternoon, but it was much more comfortable than being in the office.

Also, it's Friday and I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I don't have any major plans and that suits me just fine. It's been a busy couple of weeks so I need a break.
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I'm getting a new haircut later today!

Eey, me but tomorrow. Finally was able to really squeeze in a hair cut. I'm just gettin it trimmed, it grew out, but I really like the hairstyle I have now; never have I stuck with 1 style, but this will be my 3rd time gettin it I think.
Well, most of these were from yesterday, but I stayed up late until now, so whatever.

The Dallas Stars beat the St. Louis Blues in game five of the second round of the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs 2-1. I get to go to game six tomorrow, May 5th, for my birthday with a chance to win the series 4-2 and advance to the western conference finals.

Swept a friend in pool/billiards 3-0.

And got the last of the 8 gym badges in my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke Challenge with a full team, no deaths, and a perfect run still going. :cool:

Anyway, I’m exhausted, so it’s time to catch some ZZZs.
I'm back home after a week at my dads! I had fun but I missed my mom.
I also just did an amazon order, buying an SSD and some accessories for it!
If everything goes well I should receive them tonight as my mom has Prime.

Also I'm going to a friend little party tonight, I'm not stressed (I hate parties so much usually) because I know everyone and there isn't going to be any kind of alcohol, which reassures me.
Today was the perfect lazy, relaxing day at home that I was hoping for. I really needed it, too.
I can no longer get bedhead on the right side of my head, cause most of the hair is shaved off cX
I finally had enough energy to work on one of my research projects, and I finally made a tiny bit of progress. Just one step on a giant mountain of torture though, but it's something.
Got a shark plushie (the ones fro IKEA) :D

Also while I don't like sundays tomorrow is work yay!