What Are You Happy About Today?

I haven't posted here in a while, though I love keeping up to date with the new posts, so I think it's about time! 😊

🌠First and foremost, I was surprised with this adorable art from @jadetine (my profile pic!). I cannot even describe how much I adore it. I am so blessed to call her a friend. Genuinely thankful. ❤️
🌠Thank you as well to everyone who gifted me a rose for Valentine's Day. 💝 I love seeing the rose collectibles at Valentine's, and I really love that they don't disappear completely after the holiday!
🌠I've had a chance to read some more of the New Year, New Horizons journal entries which I'm glad about, but I still have a lot to go!
🌠I've been getting some assorted things organised this week, so I don't have to stress about them! I also bought an external SSD today, so I'm currently organising files. 😊
🌠Yesterday I stopped by a French patisserie that I've never been to before, and I bought two small lemon meringue tarts and two small chocolate tarts to share, and both flavours were incredible! Way more delicious than I knew was possible. 😮
🌠The journalling event was actually a lot of fun! I was quite busy and found it hard to find the time, but I did manage to make the 14 posts I wanted to complete in the end! It was really nice to return to Bilby Isle, tour it and do some renovations. Decorating, writing and capturing pictures for the journal reminded me how sentimental the island is to me. 😊
🌠It's the weekend of course. 🎉

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Take care of yourselves. ❤️❤️
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I have officially collected all the available elemental slinks in Flight Rising so I'm feeling relieved about that, especially because past familiars that were released during elemental events tend to be verrrry pricey. the Shadow event starts on Sunday so they'll be releasing the shadow slink then and I'm excited to see it!
the shardback slink, from the Ice elemental festival

the runeback slink, from the Arcane elemental festival (and also my favorite!)

the thunderback slink, from the Lightning elemental festival

the lightback slink, from the Light elemental festival

the flameback slink, from the Fire elemental festival

the boilback slink, from the Plague elemental festival (idk how they managed to make it so cute and terrifying at the same time tbh)

and the fossilback slink, from the Earth elemental festival

also glad I don't have to go anywhere today so I can just stay home and maybe take a bit of a breather after being busy and making phone calls all week 😩
Found another System of a Down song I like, B.Y.O.B.!
I know you posted this almost a week ago now, but this took me back! I remember specifically tuning into the radio to hear this song be released for the first time, and I was in complete and utter awe. They were one of my favorite bands in high school, which was over 20 years ago now 😱☠️ I saw them live twice during that time!

I’m happy about my sister-in-law’s baby reveal party tomorrow!
  • I painted yesterday, really enjoyed it, it was relaxing, hadn't painted in years
  • I think I forgot to post this when it happened, but I got a dental cleaning and exam a week ago. I have a lot of anxiety about going to the dentist so I'm glad I was able to. I have two followup appointments for some fillings. I plan on buying an Oral B electric toothbrush soon, I've been using manual toothbrushes my whole life and I think it is definitely time to get something better so I can keep my teeth cleaner/healthier
  • Went to yoga class this week, it was good, I'm enjoying it :)
  • I'm enjoying playing Pokemon Scarlet and am excited about playing Hogwarts Legacy in June. I'm holding off on getting it for awhile because I want to finish Pokemon Scarlet first and am taking my time, I figure it would be a good birthday present to myself in June. It's fun seeing people's screenshots and stuff of it in the meantime, it looks good :)
I FINISHED MY EXAMS!!!!! 🥳 I had three midterms this week and have been frothing at the mouth while cramming studying for the past ten days. I finished my last one today... praise the lord... I want to say I'm free, but I'm exhausted and I have to start studying for the next round in a few weeks. But I'll take the temporary freedom 😭 🎈

🍻 I'm going out with my friends today!

🧳 My partner is visiting me for a few days, which I am ridiculously excited for since they live nine hours away.

☕️ Now that my hell week is over, I'm going to take this weekend to rest a bit with nice dinners, video games, coffee shops, and lots and lots of sleep.

🌱 I've been enjoying my return to TBT. I like checking back here throughout the day. I hope all of you are having a great Friday!
Wow, it's been a great day for me!
  • This is from yesterday, but I had a chat with @/Childe and the first few things he said to open up the conversation made me chuckle. It was sudden, but I very much welcome the lighthearted fun. 😆
Legendary conversation.PNG
  • Moving on to today, I had two tests, one of them being a midterm. I'm happy to say that I did good on them and am satisfied with my marks! The studying and textbook reading from last night helped me quite a bit.
  • The weather was sunny as I was coming home once again. This is probably the third time I've mentioned it this week lol.
  • I played Gran Turismo 7 to just relax and do some time trial runs, including an online one! It features a different car this time a 2017 Honda NSX, aka the car that seemingly tries to annoy me whenever an AI drives it. And also the one that I have a Hotwheels toy of, but with an Acura badge instead. It's an interesting one. The track used is a challenging one for me, most notably the first corner. I can't seem to get through without spinning out or coming in too slow losing me time. It was a bit frustrating if I'm being honest and retried every time I messed up there. Thankfully, I managed to string a great lap together and met the gold target time with some margin (at the time of this post at least). If the world record doesn't improve massively, I should be okay lol.
I made the livery, but those decals already came with the game. Except...
Daytona Road Course__4.jpeg

Hmm, what do we have here? A clue?
Daytona Road Course__5.jpeg

This better be enough haha.
Gran Turismo® 7_20230217163614.jpg
  • I watched Sailor Moon R with my sister again! Really good stuff and we both managed to get through three episodes. Of course, there were some funny moments that had us laughing!
The rice was too salty, apparently.
Screaming Artemis 2.PNG
  • For this last point, I have no classes for the entirety of next week, so I can pretty much sit back and relax! That also means I can start working on my art for @/BrokenSanity and I hope it doesn't take me too long. 😅
I'm so happy because I got a lot done today that wasn't on a screen and I'm trying to wean myself off screens so that I'm more often involved in real life than not

-I fixed breakfast for me and my mom involving eggs 🍳
-I cleaned the bathroom, at least the sink and mirror area. Made it look a bit more tidy and shiny! ✨
-I cleared the front area of my room and did some laundry: putting away clothes, running a load of towels, moving other laundry 🧺
-Last night I did some important paperwork, and I'm still relieved of that. I also made some important copies this afternoon 📄
-The day before yesterday my mom and I played a violin piece with piano accompaniment (me on the violin and she on the piano) and we were able to do that again today. I also practiced a piece for another ensemble 🎼
-Speaking of music, one of my family members fixed my music stand today so I could put my sheet music on it 🎵
-Also went out for lunch with my family and it was delicious! I got a roast beef and cheese sandwich with a meat sauce dip, soda, and chips 🍽️
-I listened to some nice music on the way home 😊

Other stuff (New Leaf 🍃) :
-I am currently rolling in Bells in New Leaf lol, my 5th or 6th debt installment is almost paid, and that's because I'm doing it for MEOW coupons which expire Monday morning, so that motivated me to try to pay old Tom off quick 😆 It is all in my savings now and when I get all of it I will put all of the money to pay the loan at the same time! 💰
-Got some durians the other day and planted them today. Also got a perfect orange and planted it a few days ago, now the tree is almost fully grown! 🍊
-Phoebe moves out tomorrow... the town will feel so empty without her😭😭😭, but I'm curious to see who will replace her...🥴
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept late this morning. My dog didn't even wake me up early for his breakfast.
- My dog was very sweet and loving today. He laid in my lap several times.
- My husband went out and picked up subs for our lunch.
- I spent the day relaxing and watched a movie I've been wanting to see for a while.
- My husband and I had a really good conversation this evening. It was nice to just sit and talk. I even learned a few things about his past that I didn't know before. It's rare to find out something new when you've been together as long as we have.
Still trying to sleep off this cold so I've spent very little of the past couple days like, actually conscious, but I did manage to muster up the energy to catch up a little bit in ACNH today! I'm hoping the fact that I was actually able to pick up a console for a little while is a sign that I'm starting to get better. ;u;
Also played some of the Far Lands or Bust series and some of Keralis' S9 Hermitcraft in the background today. I slept through most of it tbh but these two basically are my mom and I's comfort Youtube series when we're sick. I always feel weird about saying like "these Youtubers help me sleep" but I mean it in a good way so
Okay, I admit I'm a weirdo, but I'm definitely more relieved about this. I tried my best to go back to my cute, pink and pretty theme, but it turns out I still like all of the other stuff I liked back then too. So I made some more readjustments to my things and have a little more variety in life and my stuff. It's definitely made me more happy today. Sometimes you just got to have a little bit of variety in your life, rather than just sticking to one thing or another. I mean, why can't I have the best of both worlds, right?

Anyways, I'm also happy today because I've been helping my mom through a lot lately and she appreciates everything I do, including doing the cooking for her and my dad. It's always good and feels good to help other people out and your family. 🥰
evening's been pretty meh but I had some good things happen today 😌

dunno what made me think abt this today but I had the idea that I want to try to get the mail brick off of my old Wii (it's the one I've had since 2008, the one I currently use I've only had since about 2019) and luckily there is a way to reinstall the Homebrew Channel without using the message board. It does require a Bluetooth USB adapter which I will unfortunately have to order online since I couldn't find one at any store nearby, but once I get that I should be able to start the process of re-installing homebrew on there and getting the brick off. then I'll have two perfectly working Wii consoles haha (it's too bad I did a system transfer on my old Wii cause I wish it was still intact from my childhood but oh well, all that data is on my Wii U now).

I said earlier that I wasn't going to go anywhere but I did end up going out to look for that Bluetooth USB adapter, and when I didn't find it I figured I didn't want it to be a waste of a trip so I went to the thrift store. and omg yall I'm so glad I did bc I found one of my greatest thrift finds of all time: a Vulpix Build-a-Bear!!

I don't talk abt Vulpix and Ninetales much when I mention my favorite pokemon, but I adore fox pokemon and that they are! this pretty much right away has become one of my favorite plushies that I own, she's so big and squeezable and huggable 🥰
would also like to mention that idk what this plush costs on the BAB website bc it's not listed on there, but it sells second for about $45-70. I got this one for $2. literally one of the best things I've ever bought. idk if I'll ever get this lucky again tbh. I will certainly treasure her <333
*I also found a Webkinz Signature Bengal Cat at the thrift store, it's definitely been played with a lot since the fur is kinda weird but it's in good condition so it'll make a nice addition to my collection! it was also $2 so another deal!

a few days ago I was able to go and buy groceries, I think we have enough now to last a few weeks. I know for a lot of people buying groceries is just a normal thing, but we hardly have any money for groceries bc that's not a priority to my dad (plus he's horrible at actually buying decent food for decent prices) so I was very relieved to be able to do that.

I got to talk to @/Shellzilla_515 a bit this evening, he asked me abt some of my FR stuff and we were also chatting about AVGN which was fun lol

my youtube channel hit 53 subs today! and I haven't gotten around to recording a new video but I have everything set up to do so, hoping to do it tomorrow if I'm not too busy or overwhelmed.

late last night on FR I found this pure white Imperial, hoping to breed her and another Imperial I have in hopes of getting the trans colored one I've been wanting since I first joined! I named her Blanca after the cat from Animal Crossing hehe

update: so I made a FR forum post to ask abt how I might improve my odds of getting the colors I want and so many helpful people gave me a bunch of very useful info, I appreciate the community so much 💕💕

I played Tomodachi Life and Tomodachi Collection a lot today and quite a few eventful things happened, it's been good fun! 😄
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School got cancelled because of the sleet in the morning, so I got to sleep in and have a three-day weekend!

Watched some more South Park, I'm now on season 12! The episodes are hilarious and interesting so far. I'm also glad that the intro changed, both with the visuals and instrumental.

Read Coraline for a bit, I'm almost done the book! 📖

I got to draw my second-favorite Mii for my art challenge, Sakura! 🌸 I'm really happy with how it turned out. ^^ 🎨
- I had such a long sleep, like 13 hours in total between waking up for a couple hours in between 😅 I really needed it, feeling pretty refreshed now
- Just happy I've got a few days off university, and I heard that lots of the university lecturer strikes have been called off, so I should be able to attend my classes this semester after all
-It was too cold today after work, but I got everything set up in my garage so I can apply the last layer of polyurethane to my chest. And then it will finally be complete and shiny. I was also able to find a really nice piece of popular that I fashioned into a shelf for the top part of the chest. I need to stain and polyurethane that tomrrow as well. This project will look really good when it's fully complete.

-Normally this doesn't happen, but I was able to write an entire story today. It's always good when the creativeness keeps flowing and I don't hit an artist or writers block. And some of the plots connected nicely with references from previous parts of the story. I think I did really well and set the mood for each scene.

-I was also able to get get a lot of my house organized and cleaned up. It's always nice to declutter and get stuff where it should be or thrown away.

-And soon I will start my exercising. It always feels good to be active and healthy like that.
- I got paid yesterday.

- I accomplished all the work I wanted to for the week.

- Watched a new episode of MHA today!

- My family brought home sushi for me to eat, and luckily I had some chopsticks saved from awhile ago to eat it with, still in the packaging and all.

- I'm excited to watch the NBA All-Star game!

- I'm also excited to play more Fire Emblem Engage! Really looking forward to the Solm maps.
I'm feeling much better today! Still taking it very easy, but I'm just really glad that I was able to stay awake all day and not feel totally miserable. ;u;
Watched an episode each of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail with my parents this morning!
I got caught back up in ACNH! Also finally got one of the DIYs I've been after.
I've decided to try journaling again! I was looking through my old notebooks just before I got sick, but today I picked one and got started writing in it again. I'm hoping to make a habit of it this time!
And I made a rubber band bracelet this evening!

And I'm exhausted. Time to take my meds and go to bed lol