What Are You Happy About Today?

- Celebrated Easter with my family early today (because my mum is working all day tomorrow), we had a roast beef dinner and then apple strudel, which was all v nice!!

- I did a big 30 minute HIIT workout last night, was intense but I felt so good afterwards!

- Another nice sunny day

- Got in touch with my friend who I haven't spoken to in a while, glad to know she's doing okay

- approx a week now until I head to Japan o_O
I saw my favorite person briefly today and although she was upset, she assured me it had nothing to do with me. My BPD brain always thinks it’s me so for her to immediately tell me it wasn’t me felt nice.
I’m beyond thankful she still wants to be in my life even if I’m the most frustrating person to deal with, lol. Not sure how she hasn’t dropped me already, but I’m glad she hasn’t.
I had a very short day at my second job since it was practically dead. I hung around the surrounding shopping center and picked up a new stress ball.
I have the rest of the night and tomorrow to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I haven’t been playing as much as I used to, so I’m happy to play more.
I spotted a Mario figurine set containing a Bowser and Boo plastic figure. It made me smile. Too bad these weren’t a thing when I was younger. I would’ve loved having a little Bowser.
Got confirmation that I’m permanently moving to exclusively morning shifts rather than having doubles randomly put on my schedule. I don’t mind too much about my days off changing from the weekends since I sometimes work a second job anyway. I’m not a huge fan of closing so I’m happy this is happening soon.

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ continued participating in the tbt egg hunt! i was able to find all of the community eggs (thanks to the lovely, smart people in this community <3) and 5/6 of the solo eggs released today, so i’m pretty happy! i was also able to help some more people find eggs, which made me really happy as well! ☺️

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ my extremely silly cat. 🖤
please ignore how dusty she is, she is a walking broom lol

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ read a new fanfic that i’m really enjoying so far! i haven’t been doing much reading as of late, so it’s nice to kinda get back into it!

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ did some self-care.
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept well and got to sleep in this morning. I'm always happy when I get to sleep on my own schedule.
- I had a good day at home with my husband and my dog.
- My husband and I went out to eat at a local Indian restaurant for dinner. We both tried something new and loved what we got. I also got my favorite Indian dessert, gulab jamun! Sooo delicious!
- I'm doing pretty well in the TBT Easter Egg Hunt despite not investing a ton of time into it. I've managed to find 5 of the solo eggs without any help so far and grabbed the community eggs thanks to the much more brilliant members who found them. I'm not stressing and having a lot of fun with this year's hunt!

@xara Bonk is such a precious baby! There is no such thing as privacy with an animal! LOL

@Shellzilla_515 I love that Super Mario Bros 3 livery! SMB3 is my favorite of the Mario games so it's very nostaligic. You did an amazing job!
Our naturally-dyed eggs turned out pretty well! More shades of brown I was hoping for, but I really like the more muted and earthy colors. 🤎
natural dye eggs.jpg
Even though I haven't been feeling too great today, I'm still faring pretty well in the egg hunt! Hoping I'll be able to safely secure that lovely Stardust Egg tomorrow. 🌠 After that... I might just be ambitious and cross my fingers for the Glitched Egg. Am I being indecisive between it and the Crescent Moon Egg? Yes.
My parents and I watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Fairy Tail this morning, and LDShadowLady's most recent Empires episode later on! These were much needed mental breaks from so much egg hunting lol 😭
Had a great day with my spouse. Which, this sounds odd, we ripped out a bush today that the city killed with their excavator, and we moved the mulch we had there to another area of the yard for a walkway. Yeah most people wouldn't call that a good day, but we got it done smoothly and bantered.
We watched a lot of anime today, and played some pokemon opalo, and we got some take out.
I found a new cabbage sprout today.
- My dad surprised me with some nice chocolates as a gift for Easter today :) I tried the dark, almond, and butterscotch flavour minibars with my coffee and they were so good

- Smashed the lindt chocolate egg my mum got me and had some as a topping for my oat porridge 😅 Basically I have eaten too much chocolate, but that's what Easter's all about hehe
happy easter to everyone who celebrated today! even if you didn’t celebrate, i hope you all had a good day, and that you have a great week ahead! 🐰🖤🥚

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ i was able to find all of the solo and community eggs (thanks to the lovely people who brainstormed and shared hints!), as well as submit guesses for almost all of the puzzles in the tbt egg hunt! 🥳💪🏻 i really wasn’t expecting to do so well this year, especially since i haven’t been super active in so long haha. i’m just hoping i get at least 5 of the puzzles right, so that i can afford the 3 eggs i want! 🤞🏻 i was also able to help people find eggs again, which always feels good <3

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ read a couple new fanfics that i enjoyed! it feels nice to get back into reading again ^^

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tidied up my room a bit.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ did some self-care.
IT WAS EASTER! I got to have my very seasonal favorite candy! Robin eggs! And I got to speak and work with so many people today, I love being given excuses to meet and talk to others on the site. TBT has made Easter my favorite holiday.

I did some more work on my egg for the decorating contest! It's becoming more and more cursed as time goes on ahahah
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept deeply last night and got to sleep in this morning.
- My sister-in-law sent us a picture of all the kids for Easter. Can't wait to see them this week!
- I enjoyed the last day of my long weekend by not doing anything productive.
- I played games, hunted for TBT eggs, and watched TV with my husband.
- We're all caught up on currently airing shows and anime at the moment.
- I'm doing fairly well with the TBT Egg Hunt this year. I've only received help on the community eggs. All of the solo eggs I've found, I figured out the clues myself. It's been a lot of fun.
Much of my day was dedicated to digital eggs ahaha, but I was able to help a lot of people out and got the help I needed as well!! ;v; I was able to get the Stardust Egg I really wanted, and once the participation points from the egg decorating contest are given out, I should be able to afford a Glitched Egg too, so I'm super happy.
Got to rewatch another episode of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood this morning and see the latest episode of One Piece! One Piece really hit me hard in the feels today, oof
My family and I also watched GeminiTay's new episode of Empires over dinner! Long live the Queen! 👑
spent my Easter in peace with my mom (my dad is visiting family til tomorrow afternoon), I got a ton of video editing done and I managed to get all three of my Wii Sports Resort videos out within the last 24 hours so I'm very happy about that!

speaking of youtube, I now have 93 subscribers! I'm so close to 100, part of me knew I would at least get this far but it's crazy to actually see all my hard work paying off!! 🤩

I finally have an avatar idea for my youtube channel, I'm currently still using a drawing of a thwomp that I made in Flipnote 3D way back in Nov 2015 so it'll be nice to update it once that's done 😌

I've been taking Lamotrigine for Bipolar II for a few weeks now, and I'm so happy to be able to say I haven't had a depressive episode in weeks! I've obv had times where I don't feel that great at all but it's never been for days/weeks on end, and it's definitely not depression (it's just my emotions being crazy). it helps that I also have learned ways to deal with stress/overwhelm and also acknowledging emotions and letting them have their place, and letting go when need be. I still have a lot to work on with myself but I think I'm making tremendous progress!!

I really enjoyed participating in the egg hunt this year!! I especially love the new eggies, the stardust, crescent moon, and froggy eggs are absolutely legendary 💕
I still need to participate in the egg decorating contest bc I don't have the egg to decorate yet, but I have a fantastic idea and I can't wait to work on it!

I got CFW set up on my DSiXL so I'm excited about that 😁

hoping to get my new swingset set up sometime this week, that'll be awesome bc I've been wanting my own swingset since I was a kid! :love:
-I had most of Saturday and Easter to myself. It felt nice.

-I found one little free library to donate some books. On my next day off I’ll try finding more.

-Bought some ingredients to cook this week.

-Took a nap.

-Ate some leftover Easter candy.
I'm having my power generator installed this Friday. I had to weather far too many outages over this past winter and am beyond over it, so knowing I'll never have to deal with it again takes a huge weight off my shoulders. Watching my kitties try to tunnel under blankets to keep warm when it's sub zero outside with no indoor heat was the push I needed, even though I know they're just spoiled and would be fine but I love them okay. 😤

I guess I've reached the point where I glean excitement and happiness via home improvement projects, huh. Oh god.
Today I'm happy because:

- I didn't wake up feeling like a total zombie this morning for work. That's a small improvement.
- My neck and back that have been a bit tense the past week or so felt a lot better today.
- I dealt with all the problems that came up at work without completely going into panic mode.
- I logged off at 5pm even though I hadn't finished everything I hoped to accomplish. Between covering for someone who's on vacation, trying to catch up from my own time off last week, and the issues that popped up, I decided I had done more than enough for one day. Only a year ago, I would have worked late into the evening and been a ball of stress bouncing off the walls. Not anymore.
- The weather was warmer and sunny today.
- I saw a groundhog outside while I was walking my dog.
- I enjoyed the TBT Egg Hunt and I can't wait to see the answers. I'm proud of how well I did on the solo clues.

@BrokenSanity Congrats on your Wix Candy! I'm so happy for you! It looks beautiful in your line-up! 🖤🤍