★ spent my Easter in peace with my mom (my dad is visiting family til tomorrow afternoon), I got a ton of video editing done and I managed to get all three of my Wii Sports Resort videos out within the last 24 hours so I'm very happy about that!
★ speaking of youtube, I now have 93 subscribers! I'm so close to 100, part of me knew I would at least get this far but it's crazy to actually see all my hard work paying off!!
★ I finally have an avatar idea for my youtube channel, I'm currently still using a drawing of a thwomp that I made in Flipnote 3D way back in Nov 2015 so it'll be nice to update it once that's done
★ I've been taking Lamotrigine for Bipolar II for a few weeks now, and I'm so happy to be able to say I haven't had a depressive episode in weeks! I've obv had times where I don't feel that great at all but it's never been for days/weeks on end, and it's definitely not depression (it's just my emotions being crazy). it helps that I also have learned ways to deal with stress/overwhelm and also acknowledging emotions and letting them have their place, and letting go when need be. I still have a lot to work on with myself but I think I'm making tremendous progress!!
★ I really enjoyed participating in the egg hunt this year!! I especially love the new eggies, the stardust, crescent moon, and froggy eggs are absolutely legendary
I still need to participate in the egg decorating contest bc I don't have the egg to decorate yet, but I have a fantastic idea and I can't wait to work on it!
★ I got CFW set up on my DSiXL so I'm excited about that
★ hoping to get my new swingset set up sometime this week, that'll be awesome bc I've been wanting my own swingset since I was a kid!