★ earlier today my friend came over w her baby and we got to hang out for a bit, she also came over again later in the day by herself so we could do stuff without worrying abt her baby getting into everything haha
(we've been watching the show The Prince and it's so god awful it's kinda hilarious, like I know it's a really bad satire of the royal family but it's like funny bc of how awful it is)
★ spent my evening playing Tomodachi Collection, as of late it's been bringing me a great deal of joy

I also played the return challenge in Wii Sports Resort, I not only beat my high score of 97 but I managed to get 171!!
and ofc I smacked Greg a few more times oops--
★ also got to talk to @/Shellzilla_515 this evening and he listened to me rave about Tomodachi Collection and my assortment of zany and possibly horrifying miis for probably over an hour. ofc we talked abt other things but it's still great to be able to talk abt my current interests and be heard (as well as reciprocate it!)
★ last night I got a new dragon in Flight Rising, I was inspired to look for him after I saw a really colorful dragon posted in this week's theme week thread. he's all blue/teal but he has the soap tertiary gene in magenta, which gives him the nice pink tint. I love him so much haha, named him BlueRazz!
★ I was finally able to get in contact w the disability office again today to make a few adjustments to my claims as well as confirm something, so I'm relieved abt that since it's been worrying me for like a week and a half now.
★ took the doggo to the vet today and he's doing better but still acting a little funky. if it continues I'll have to contact them again. but he was a little stressed while we were there so on our way home I got us some ice cream

the vet bill was also not nearly as much as I was expecting it to be, so that's a relief!
★ I've been practicing gratefulness a lot recently, and I've also been very mindful about my shame since I tend to feel it in areas of my life where it's really not necessary. I have some stuff to unlearn regarding shame but I'm doing better!
★ also I have 119 subs on my yt channel now!! I've gained like 20 in only a few days, my channel is actually growing at a crazy rate atm haha. I'm working on a new avatar for my channel and I have plans to record a new video tomorrow or Sunday
omg this is so cool!! I have a sewing machine myself but I think there's something wrong w it bc it gets jammed every time I try to use it. nonetheless, hopefully you get some good use out of it and make cool stuff!