☾ Jack Jeanne has an official release date—June 15th!!! I'm trying not to get over-hyped or anything but I'm so excited I can't help it. ;w; Not sure what our situation's going to look like around that time, so I haven't pre-ordered yet or anything, but I'm still just really looking forward to it.
☾ Finally got back to playing Lover Pretend after a long break, since I'd like to have it finished before Jack Jeanne comes out. I didn't touch it for a while because I
really don't like the love interest whose route I'm trying to get through currently lol, but my fave actually got a lot of screentime so I'm very happy I went back to it!
I'd be happier if I could make the heroine go for him in this route too but we can't have everything
☾ My embroidery floss organizing project is Officially Finished

My original plans for sorting it was to make it a shade-perfect, cool-to-warm, light-to-dark rainbow gradient... but that quickly got overwhelming and I wound up just putting them in more general groups ahaha.

It still looks really nice and I don't think I should have any trouble finding the colors I need, so I'm glad I dialed back on that idea before I started pulling my hair out over it.
☾ I actually have a spare container left over as a result, so I might be able to use it to better organize some other materials too! I'm thinking maybe beads, or rubber bands if I can't use them all up on bracelets. If not I can always just save it for more embroidery floss colors!
☾ My family and I watched GeminiTay's latest Empires SMP episode this evening! Loving the crown antics and I can't wait to see where it goes next.
☾ Also had time to level my Pokémon some more in HeartGold, and I was able to defeat Clair and her Kingdra without too much difficulty! It's getting late so I had to wrap it up there, but it's off to the Dragon's Den next time!
so I can, y'know, get the badge I technically already earned