I'm super hyped about Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom releasing today!! I won't get the game until sometime next week (pre-order on Amazon) and my dad + brother will play first, but I don't mind. I still have 9 other Zelda games to finish anyways.

I played some BotW today in the meantime. I restarted my save file a while ago before I stopped playing in 2022, so don't have a ton of progress, but at least I'll have a lot to do. I got the Royal Guard set, upgraded my armor, and did some exploring!
Also changed my TBT aesthetic for the game's release! This is the first time since being a TLoZ fan (2019, to be exact) that a mainline Zelda game is released, so I gotta celebrate somehow!
Some other things that made me happy this week:
♡ I'm almost finished with my fanfic, I just have to do some fine-tuning and the proof-reading! I'm glad I got the bulk of the story done, especially since I've written over 2k words.
♡ I've also done some sketches! Now whenever I feel like drawing but don't have any ideas, I can just finish up the drawings. XD
♡ The past 3 cooking classes went well; We made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, zucchini muffins, and subs!
♡ I've been having fun playing Tomodachi Life. So far I've had 4 babies born, a marriage proposal + wedding, a few confessions, etc. Things are getting really interesting!
♡ I've been listening to a lot of System of a Down songs, particularly in the Self-Titled and Hypnotize albums. I've really taken a liking to Peephole and Suite-Pee
(might've mentioned them in a previous post...), as well as Dreaming and Vicinity of Obscenity!
♡ I'm happy that it's the weekend! I'm looking forward to sleeping in, especially considering that I haven't been sleeping well the past few days.