What Are You Happy About Today?

Today is the 5th birthday for jade. (our rescue).

*throws a paper coffee cup into the trash bin and completely misses* 🚮 He shoots... he scores!!! Boo-yah! 😎 'Sup everyone! Are we all having a happy Tuesday so far? The week just started, baby! 😃 Wipe that frown off your face and let me see them pearly whi- OH GOD.... 🤢 Okay, maybe a grin is sufficient... 😬 ANYWAY.... Am I happy? Yes, why yes I am! Why? I don't know! 'Cause I choose to be. 😁 I bought myself some awesome James Bond socks the other day, 🧦 last night I somehow got porridge on my face and woke up this morning smelling bacon of all things, 🤭💭🥓 but hey, a little sweet goop of porridge on the cheek never hurt anybody, huh? Feels nice... 😉🥣 I also went out for a walk and bought some coffee. ☕ Well... mostly 'cause I'm out of it already here, so I need to go buy groceries soon, but still a nice stroll. 👍 Here's a picture of those socks, by the way. Do excuse the offensive symbol on there: that's James Bond's Union Jack parachute. 'Cause he's from... 😖 He's from Brit... 🤢 Uh... he's from Brita- 🤢 Ugh, I can't even say it, sorry... *inhales* James Bond... is... *deep inhale* from Britai- 🤮🤮🤮 *shakes head like a dog shaking water off* Bblblblblblbluh!!!! Anyway, choose to have a good today, everyone and if you won't do that, choose to make someone's day a good day, huh? See ya later, kiddies. 😎👉👉
- Checked my payslip for this month and I'm no longer being taxed a ridiculous amount of money, so that's nice i think 😂 I'll be earning more than I thought I would this month!

- Went to uni today (had to drag myself there), proud of myself for going when I didn't really need to considering I've already finished my essay for this class, but gotta keep my attendance reasonable

- It was a nice sunny day today ☀️
-drifted into my driveway when I got home 💀 It wasnt planned at all either. I was already in my driveway so it wasn’t a hazard to other people, just to myself 😭 anyways I got distracted by the bird and my driveway is gravel so I literally drifted and my car spun. It was kinda wild and cool but I’m just glad I didn’t get hurt 😭🙏
-my boyfriend bought me the pompompurin build a bear! c: he got it customized with a Batman costume (he picked it out because it was cool) and bought some accessories, a chocolate covered strawberry (my favorite dessert) and a pair of black glasses to match his. He also added his voice saying a cute little message. He knows I’ve had a stressful few weeks, so him doing that was so sweet.
-I made an A on my science exam!! My science class is usually very strict with things like deadlines, so I have a few zeros. It was nice to make an A on the exam because it brought my grade up significantly ☺️
Today we went on a field trip to a museum for chemistry class. We got to learn about plastination and we were able to look around the museum too. I took these photos while we were there:





Since they let us buy stuff, I was able to come back with a few goodies!

Oh yeah, the museum gift shop obviously didn't have any Switch stuff. During lunch break we went to a market square and they pretty much let us roam around downtown for an hour. I used the time available to shell out some of my spare cash on another game and a pair of my favorite Joy-cons. Totally worth it!! The other three are from the museum.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I managed to try out a Kinderjoy egg in the museum cafe, which you can read more about here.
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Today I’m happy that I got some snuggles from both my kitties. Spanky didn’t stay for even a minute I don’t think but it still made me happy ☺️


Jewels fell asleep snuggling under the blankets like this 🥰. I love my kitties so much.

I’m happy I’m no longer sleepy but i guess that means I won’t be sleeping early tonight 😅.

I’m still having a lot of fun with this event and posting 🙂.
Today was a great day off. The weather was fantastic. We took Aurora to the park for her morning walk. Was productive this morning and cleaned out the gutters on the house. Wanted to get that done before the rainy season starts. Also planted some morning glory flower seeds hopefully they grow. Having so much fun with the flower breeding event. So far I have :
2 orange hyacinths
1 blue hyacinth
2 pink roses
So thankful for everyone that waters my posts.
Played some ACNH this evening and worked on some achievements on my main island. Me and Aurora went for an evening walk and she got to play with one of her friends. Hope everyone had a great day.


Some of the flowers


Continued grinding for more e-points in Fashion Dreamer! My goal is to get to 100mil, which should be enough to last me a good while even if I make a bunch of outfits out of the most expensive items.

Worked on some art again today, and I’m happy with the progress I was able to make!

I watched some Youtube videos with my family, including LDShadowLady’s newest Minecraft SOS episode!! I love the new bridge build aaaa

Also got to play around with character profile codes some, which I haven’t done in a little while! I’m far from finished so hoping I’ll get to work on it some more tomorrow. c:

I haven’t been using my fairy lights lately, but I turned them on tonight while I was drawing and chilling out in my room. It’s made for a really nice, cozy mood ♡
I woke up this morning to find my husband snuggling me. I wish I could have stayed in bed to enjoy it a bit longer.

At the hospital, I was really pleased with how kind all of the staff members were. They asked me about my concerns and fears, treated them all as completely valid, and addressed them thoroughly. The doctor didn't show even the slightest bit of irritation when I pulled out my phone and ran through a list of 20+ questions that had been on my mind. She listened patiently and never once tried to rush me. Now I have to wait a few more weeks before they schedule me for a pre-op visit, but that gives me time for additional preparation.

After my consultation, we stopped at a Mexican restaurant for lunch and I had some delicious veggie fajitas. Later this evening, we went by our local ice cream place and picked up a quart because I saw they had one of my favorite flavors (Peanut Butter Brownie) in the rotation for this week.
  • A huge source of stress for me is gone now :D
  • I feel pretty good today, a lot better than I did yesterday
  • Caught up on some much needed sleep
  • I'm excited to be learning more about playing chess
  • My cats are doing well, I'm happy I have more free time to spend with them now
  • I'm gonna start playing videogames again, I haven't had much free time lately and have been very stressed so I'm gonna relax with some games, not sue which ones yet. Probably Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town :)
  • Also I actually have time to dedicate to art now and more time to violin :)
Right before my mom passed I asked her to come back and visit as a bluebird if she was able to. I have multiple bird feeders and I rarely see bluebirds, hence the request. I see way too many cardinals and other representative birds. Since her passing, I've seen bluebirds here and there and it always made me smile because I believe it's a sign from her. Today was extra special. A female bluebird landed only a few feet from me. Close enough to where I could see the details of it's face and feathers. It then flew to the branches above me, stared at me for a good minute or so, then it flew right back to it's close position. That made my day honestly :)
My partner suggested we order from my favourite sushi restaurant for lunch. She doesn't eat anything from there except fries, so I appreciated the gesture. We also got free chicken gyoza with the order - this is especially awesome because it is one of the sides I was already prepared to pay for! 🥟🍣

Today was generally a lazy day. My partner spent at least three hours curled up next to me with her head on my chest throughout the day. Cuddles are always nice. 😊

I was stressed this evening and responded to this by baking another lemon and blueberry cake. I've various guests coming throughout the day tomorrow so I guess I'll be greeting everyone with, "can I get you a cup of tea and a slice of cake?" 🍰
I’m feeling much better after waking up from a nap. I didn’t want to nap but I just couldn’t wake up. I’m hoping my better mood lasts all night 🤞.

This hybrid event is so fun ☺️. I’m enjoying posting in even more threads and reading everyone’s comments and watering posts. 🙂 I’m a little worried my posts came out annoying, rude or too negative but that’s probably just my anxiety 😅.

I took some pictures of my mom’s flowers right now; not a lot of sun though so I’m thinking trying again tomorrow if there is still time to enter; otherwise I’ll submit today. I’m a bit sad that some of my favorites aren’t up yet. I love the lily of the valleys, her lilacs and her pink peony (it’s so poofy and big) she got from her mom or grandma’s garden.

I caught Jewels peeking out at me at two different doors when I was taking pictures and also Spanky. Spanky even stood up on her back legs 🥺. My dad ruined the picture though :/.


Recently (not today; it was within the last week or two), I found out we have chipmunks here; my kitties were really excited watching it 😸. It was so smol and cute, the one I saw 🥹. Today I saw a cardinal 🙂. I see them a lot here and at my old house but I still love seeing them and other birds like blue jays 🙂. A couple times at the other house i’d see over a dozen or even more blue jays all flying around.
Hit 60 million E-Points in Fashion Dreamer! Over halfway there, just gotta grind out 40 million more and I can make clothes freely without having to worry about E-Points for a long time.

I won a character raffle on Toyhouse!! ;v;

Had a sketch give me absolute hell today, but I pushed through and finally came up with a version I liked!! 😭

And my parents and I watched some Youtube videos together! We got to see SmallishBeans’ new Minecraft SOS episode too.