What are you reading?

I'm reading I Walk in Dread by Lisa Rowe Fraustino. It is fascinating so far and I'm halfway to the middle!
I’m sure a lot of you have been picking up reading as an extra form of entertainment over lockdown, so tell me what you’ve been reading! :)

for me, I’m working my way through Becoming by Michelle Obama, and I’m also reading How To Be Right in a world gone wrong by James O’Brien. The latter is probably one of the best books I’ve read - I’ve almost finished it in 3 days! He gives a (liberal) insight to feminism, brexit, political correctness and Donald trump among other things. Definitely recommend it!

I’ve also seen good things about the book “Girls & s*x” which I’m thinking of picking up!

I'm reading how to win friends and influence people, and Harry potter. I'm enjoying both, but I do so love my Harry potter! I'm going through the full series and I'm currently on Azkaban.
Right now I'm losing the habit of reading but I really really want to pick it up again. I'm one third through The Count of Monte Cristo. Only 700 more pages to go now. yay?
I did it! I finally finished the Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe! I've been working on it sporadically for over two years now. Of course, I took lots of breaks to read other things whenever I was feeling burnt out, and COVID along with some other things in my personal life kept messing up my schedule and keeping me from reading. But it's finally done!

Next on my reading list are two books by Cat Winters that my husband got me for Christmas. I think I'm going to start with In the Shadows of Blackbirds because the other book, The Raven's Tale, is a fictional story about Poe and, as much as I love Poe, I think I want a break from that kind of thing right now. LOL
True Grit by Charles Porter.

It gives me a lot more appreciation for how good the movie remake was. It captured the spirit so much better than the older version
I'm currently re-reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R Martin on my Kindle
and I'm listening to a self help audiobook by Gary John Bishop but I don't think the title is appropriate to post here. The subtitle is Get out Of Your Head and into Your Life
i last read howl and other poems by allen ginsburg! i'm currently reading heartburn by nora ephron and slaughter-house five by kurt vonnegut
i don’t usually read but in my english class we’re reading the hunger games.
I'm currently reading a book by and italian writer I deeply admire, her name is Susanna Tamaro, and the book is "Va' dove ti porta il cuore" (t: Go where your heart leads you). The book is actually a group of letters that her (the writer) grandmother wrote to her when she was on a business trip in the USA. She writes about her life and the mistakes she has made through it, she recounts episodes of her life such as her marriage, the loss of her daughter (Susanna’s mother) and things she misses from her youth. It’s written very deeply and I can always understand her emotions
I'm about 80% way through "The Sawbone's Book", a book on medical history based on the Podcast of the same name. I just find all the medical stuff fascinating. And it amazes me how bad at cures back in the olden times.
"Violence. Speed. Momentum.", a book written by a streamer, Dr. DisRespect.

It's actually pretty good and funny!
I'm reading Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire which I've found really thought provoking! It discusses racism/classism in the UK and highlights it from the perspective of Akala, a well known British author/rapper/activist/journalist. I also purchased a mini dictionary/thesaurus because there are A LOT of words I don't understand & thought it would help me stay away from my phone. Too often have I gone to google what a word means and somehow ended up on TikTok..