what are your biggest pet peeves?


Filthy condiment lids. This is mostly w ketchup bc that's usually the one with the flip top, but some mustards have it too. If you're gonna be nasty and not keep the ketchup lid clean, don't use it.

Leaving seconds on the microwave. Like, I understand cutting your cooking time by a few seconds, but at least clear it out before you leave the microwave. Sometimes thats All I can see wrt telling time when coming into the house after a long day and seeing those last few seconds left on thr microwave just annoys me so badly.

Pedantic people who complain about language shifting and slang. Like, I get it, i'm a petty dude, but seriously? Language is as varied and versatile as anything else in the world, why you gotta be so stuck up wrt people using proper case or whatever? Sometimes people don't know english well, sometimes people have speech/writing disabilities. Being a petty brat abt language usage just shows how much of an elitist you truly are.

People leaving unrinsed dishes in the sink. Now, there's a difference between leaving them unrinsed and letting a dish soak. But if you leave a dish in the sink without rinsing it off, you're jist being a lazy butt.

People who don't react when others talk or show them something. Yhis could just be my autism, but I feel so stressed out whenever I show a friend or someone a thing I like and they don't have a reaction. It makes me feel like i've made a huge mistake opening up myself and my emotions.
when people are chewing loudly
OH MY GOD MY MUM i have to leave the room when she eats
ugh its disgusting sorry mum
People replying with just "git gud" or any variation of it to someone struggling in a given portion of a game is what boils my blood by a lot.

Not only this meme is incredibly lame, but it also demonstrates unwillingness on being properly informed and helping others. If your reply to someone being stuck at game would be nothing but "git gud" no matter what, please refrain from posting it at all.
Anyone who uses the term 'bea' for babe, especially on Instagram.

Smokers who breathe smoke all over you.

People who never shut up about their kids.

Drama queens/kings especially the one I work with for example while I was trying to deal with nearly losing my mum to cancer and she wouldn't shut up about the same
argument she and her hubby had for the millionth time.

It really annoys me when people are out together for example for a meal and they're all just looking at their phones instead of just talking to each other.

People with no manners, if I hold the door for you, you could at least say thank you.

Yeah, people who use bae. Looks, sounds and is pretty ugly considering it means 'poop' in Danish anyway sooo.
I can't stand the sounds of people eating, it grosses me out so much ><
Also this is kinda weird but I hate certain repetitive noises, there's a streamer I watch who plays pubg alot and one of the cars he tends to use makes a constant "vrrrvrrrvrrr" noise in the same monotone over and over and it drives me crazy haha
I hate when people are pacing or walking in circles around me, It makes me really annoyed. I also hate it when people are chewing gum super loudly beside me and I can hear their spit.
people not replying to yes or no texts because they were busy but they still read the text
I don't like it when people borrow/touch my things.
It may sound mean, but I would just like to come to classes with my nice pencils and cute pouch out and for me to enjoy having them, until someone whose spying on me and my things wants to borrow a pencil and eraser. Like how do you come to classes without a pencil and eraser and the school has a bookstore where you can purchase your own materials if you didn't have any so there isn't any excuse for this. This isn't middle school, its college. It's not a problem if they use it and give it back with a thanks, but most people don't have any sense of etiquette anymore.

They always do one of these things:
  • Use it and "forget" to return item until I have to ask them for it back.
  • Use it and move away to try to keep it hoping I forget they borrowed it.
  • Use it and let others use the item without asking me.
  • Use it and return it dirty, with scratches, use up all the ink, etc.
  • Pass around the item to other people so now I have to do a goose chase to get my things back.

I can't have nice things out in classes anymore because there is always some tacky leech who always wants something. And I'm too much of a soft person who wants to help and also wants to avoid drama behind saying "No."
Don't be that one student who comes to school without basic essentials such as a pencil and eraser, and expect that your classmates are obligated to cover for you.
^This.. I think one time I actually got my pen back and that during one of my uni classes lolol.
I hate when people say cheating on your significant other is a mistake. It?s not a mistake. It?s a choice.
^true. if you are that easily trapped just stay at home or stuff gdi.

also yeah high horses royal treatment people who get miffed when you ask about their pronouns or yeah just act like they are better than anyone else... uhh gdi sure i can assume also if you treat me with respect i do the same to you.