I WOULD prefer everything being an actual color, but because it's not really possible to have all of my tech be the same shade of blue or pink that I want I always pick white! And then I decorate with stickers, washi tape, covers cases skins etc. I covered the edges of my monitors with washi tape lol
Basically all of my tech is white except for the stuff that was a hand me down, thrifted, or not available in white. I always pick the lightest neutral color available.
(Also, Croconaw you are killing it with these prompts!! They're super fun)
Is silver still an option for things these days? I like silver or I guess grey, but I also don't really worry about the colour of things too much. Especially when it comes to my phone I REALLY don't care because I always have a case on it. I got a deal on my old phone because it was an ugly baby blue but I never saw the colour anyway.
In an ideal world all electronics would have a colorful transparent option ala the late 90s/early 2000s technology:
but this is not an ideal world. I prefer my electronics to have color if there is an option! my iphone is a pastel purple and the cheap knock off wireless headphones i use come in all kinds of colors, they break often so i get to go through different colors quite a bit lmao
I don't think I have a true preference. Just looking at some of the electronics I do have, I tend to gravitate towards either black, silver, or red colors, though my PS5 is the lone exception due to it being white, lol. Thinking about it, I would go with black if I was to take it out in public just so that way it didn't stand out as much, though otherwise I would go with red. Though really, I could care less about the color compared to actually having the electronic and having it work, lol.
black or white! and sometimes blue. and gray against my will LOL. i would love for everything i own to match one day, but right now the colors are all over the place.
i'll usually choose the more colorful option if it comes in a color i like but if not i'll go with black. the good thing is that you can buy an adhesive skin for your device now if you want to change it up and add some pizzaz. i really wish more electronics came in green because that's one of my favorite colors.
All black everything! My phone, laptop, I have a black case for my airpods (though, I regret that now, because I can't get the airpods out of the case...). I have always preferred black electronics to the white ones. Looks sleeker and cooler imo.
I loooove silver/grey devices, not white, a bit darker than white, and a bit lighter than black. That’s just the best color for any device imo,
since it’s not the 2000s anymore not a lot of tech has that colorway, so I just stay with black then. Looks sleek and always nice