What color ornament do you get the most?

What color ornament do you get the most?

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I shake a tree until the space around it is filled and I consistently get more blues. I get the least amount of gold. I usually have to cover the ground more than once to get enough for a project.
I think I've been getting the most blue ornaments, closely followed by red. I haven't actually done a whole bunch of tree shaking but gold is definitely trailing behind

but spent the entire day yesterday and have over 100+ of each
They’re mostly equal, but blue is slightly more common for me and red is the least common. I haven’t used any for crafting yet, and right now I have 20 blue, 18 yellow, and 16 red.
i shook loads of trees to collect gold ornaments for my sister now i have so many red ornaments

i don't want festive items for so many reasons, but i don't wanna throw them away either because it would be a waste lol
I am not sure if it is very typical or not but i am getting tons of red like they fall one after the other then fairly enough gold ones and just a few of blue ornaments. Initially I thought that the hardest ornament to get was the gold one, now I'm not so sure anymore, I got the feeling the blue one is more scarce
I was getting slightly fewer gold ones but then today I got an entire stack of red, almost a whole stack of blue, and only 9 gold. This was a bummer because I'd just used up all my gold crafting--I think it was the illuminated reindeer that used up my gold stash.
i definitely have primarily red ornaments, but blue is following close behind. i have a fair amount of gold, but there's a big different between my gold numbers and my red numbers.
did a bunch of ornament hunting yesterday and now I'm definitely getting a lot more blue ones than the other colors! gold is right after that, and red is still the one I'm getting the least even though it's probably the one I need the most
I’ve been getting a lot of gold. Blue is the least common for me and it was annoying earlier because I was trying to craft ornament wreaths for my villagers and you need 6 blue ornaments per wreath. I was shocked that I was finding gold more easily than blue.
I’ve been getting a lot of gold. Blue is the least common for me and it was annoying earlier because I was trying to craft ornament wreaths for my villagers and you need 6 blue ornaments per wreath. I was shocked that I was finding gold more easily than blue.
Lucky you as it seem. But I wish i Was lucky on the other stuff.
I would definitely think red, based on my shaking experience. But, whenever I counted the ornaments, there were more blue. Throughout my search, the red and blue ornament count was pretty even though. Gold were much less common, but I guess they're gold for a reason!
I get a lot of red, somewhat fewer blue (but still quite a few of those), and very few gold. The ratio is something like 6:5:1 red:blue:gold for me so far.
Mostly blue then red and gold. I do get a decent amount of gold ones so I’m happy about that.
I haven't played for a couple days, but I saw this thread when I did and I recall the red and blue ones were the more common color (tying at the end).

EDIT: This morning at 7AM, I checked my pockets and oddly, it was only blue that was dominant.
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They seem to verry by day for me. One day red, the next blue still another gold. Then might be red two-day in a row and jump back to gold shrugs