What color ornament do you get the most?

What color ornament do you get the most?

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I've gotten the most red, followed by blue and gold, respectively. I'm relieved that the drop rates are significantly more forgiving this time around. šŸ¤£
Wow you must have gotten really lucky! I think I've only gotten 3 gold in a row one time while shaking trees for hours.
It was quite annoying earlier today, as I wanted red, but kept getting gold.

I have so many of them!
I think Iā€™ve read somewhere that the gold ornaments have a lower spawn rate then the red and blue which makes sense bc like there gold but I wonder if red has a higher chance then blue to spawn
blue is definitely my most dropped colour!! red would be next with gold coming in last (but only slightly) I've been getting almost twice the amount of blue ornaments than either of the other colour (still haven't gotten any of the festive DIYs yet tho so it's not like it's a huge deal haha)
I get stacks and stacks of blue ornaments. I get stacks of red ornaments. I get a handful of gold ornaments.

so basically,

blue > > > red >> gold

I was surprised to see other people getting more red than blue!
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Mostly blue. However, red isnā€™t much behind it.
The recipes require less yellow than blue and red. So even though Iā€™ve had less yellow, it hasnā€™t been an issue with crafting everything Iā€™ve wanted plus having extra still.
So, Iā€™m okay with the drop rate I guess.
I'm getting a ton of blue ornaments, and about an even spread of red and gold ornaments.
I think mine are pretty even so far, but if I had to choose I think I'm getting more yellow ones than red or blue. from what I've seen yellow is used the least in recipes so I'll probably have a bunch left over but I don't mind since they're nice to look at
I have been getting about the same amount or blue and red. Getting slightly more blue. Gold Iā€™m seeing a lot less but still have gotten a good amount.
i actually havenā€™t done much tree shaking but so far, iā€™ve been getting more gold ornaments than red or blue ones!
Been shaking trees for a while and getting lots of blue and red. Gold seems to be incredibly rare for me. So far I have got 14 blue, 13 red and only 2 gold. This is going to take a while šŸ˜‚
Red and blue are about equal, gold a little less. I hope the DIYs are balanced because I used all the blue ornaments to make every version of the wreath. :LOL:
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When I get like 30 red, i generally get 20 gold and 5 blue...
Most days I generally get an even amount of red and blue then fewer gold but today red is by far the most with blue and gold been even.
Mostly blue, then red, and gold the least so far. You get lots though so I'm not concerned about having enough for crafting.
I get a lot of red then itā€™s closely followed by gold I donā€™t get much blue at all which is annoying :(
After shaking 1 tree for a few minutes, this was the results

27x Red
26x Blue
19x Yellow

Might be safe to say the drop rate is equal for blue and red. Maybe 40% chance of getting a blue or red, and 20% chance of getting gold
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My order definitely seems to be red, blue, gold.

If I broke down 10 random drops...I'd say that it would be something like 6 red, 3 blue, and 1 gold. Or maybe 5, 3 and 2 if I'm lucky.