• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I accidentally pushed a snowball over the pond. Now I have to wait for another one to finish my snowman...
I accidentally pushed a snowball over the pond. Now I have to wait for another one to finish my snowman...

If you go inside a house or building and come back out then another snowball will have spawned somewhere in your town!
I built a Snowmam and I fixed my paths. I need to go to the island to collect some roses since I've decided to put them around town hall, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to do that.
I built the first snowman of the season, does that count? I've been too busy and tired to play constantly, but I try to play for at least a few minutes during the day and just check up on villagers, if nothing else!
Finally got the one non-sheep villager I have to ping to move out. It was a random villager that came from a void so I was like ajshdjldsg. Now just waiting for Timbra to show up so i can adopt ; u;
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Currently working on landscaping with roses so I can complete my Rainbow Bridge; it's going to take FOREVER. >.< Then I can finish working on Balamb...my hamsters need a nice place to live, lol.
Bunnie pinged me to tell me how much she respects me and how she wants to be more like me and I really listen to her when she talks, it was so cute I've had similar interactions before but nothing like that :')

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ooh and I also built snowmam and T&T emporium finally opened up
Built an imperfect snowman, but as I am trying to get the snowtyke items as well as snowman items I'm not devastated. Also got the bronze fishing trophy, woo hoo! One more item for my catalogue.
I'll tell you want I didn't accomplish - messed up my first snow person of the season! Ahaha. Guess I'll get it right tomorrow! I did move-in Beau though...I can't wait to visit him!!! c: c:
Out of all random villagers not in my town, I got Amelia today. My first priority dreamie and one of the reasons I got a second town. =D

Sadly she messed up my bridge plans, but it's not that bad.
I managed to purposely finish second in the fish tournament so I could get the silver trophy, the only one I didn't have yet :D
Enter the fishing tourney, where I also receive the golden fishing rod from Chip after finishing the fish encyclopedia.
Entered a fishing tourney and got a dab table and squid chair, 2 things I didn't need. -.- And got Lolly a perfect pear for some royal shorts.
Got yelled at by a Snowboy for making him wrong, beat everyone with a Trevally in the fishing tourney and got Graham's pic in the mail
It's still late November in my town after me not playing every day for a few weeks XD

Though today I was able to TT forward from the 21st to the 23rd (day by day of course, otherwise my dreamies would abandon me and my flowers would die).