What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Nothing much has happened in Leston today, I began working on sorting out all my items, I stopped Flora from moving out. (thank you flurry for telling me.). I began to work on trying to get a white carnation, built a Snowtyke and received an item from Snowmam and got 700k+ for HHA rating! Changing the theme was real worth it.
Visited my friends towns and bought stuff at their shops
Planted more trees and bushes
Chopped down some trees
Donated some fossils
Watered some flowers
Sold some stuff at retail
I caught up the 2 days I forgot to play in my town, oof. I finally built the 3rd bridge in town, and made some major progress in the hybrid breeding department! My town's really coming together now :)
Omg after 5 centuries of waiting I finally got the Iguanadon torso fossil. That was such a happy moment because literally waited months for it!The fossil part of the museum is finally complete at least which is awesome!Then got the department store finally and Gracie Grace recently!Got some nice purple and pink flowers from breeding!Donated some new bugs to the museum. Won the fishing tourney.Just finished paying off a home loan so just need the right and back rooms now. I've also been working on the catalogue so getting closer to getting done on that. For the first time I've started going to other people's towns which is fun. And got some cool unorderables as well. Think that's about it for now!
Main Town-Completed tasks for the villagers. Gave Limberg a Shoji Bench and he replaced it where the Pike was. Got the Pike as a thank you gift.

PurlLand- Mayor caught a walking leaf and donated it to the museum. One bug to go.
Completed all the tasks for the villagers.

Town Spare-3rd Player completed the bug, fish and diving collection. Donated the last diving item to museum to complete the fishing collection. Checked in with Isabelle and the town was perfect for 15 days. Got the golden watering can.
*Bought 4,000 turnips.
*Keaton requested the Cube Sculpture PWP.
*Added a new K.K. Slider song to jukebox.
*Won the fishing contest (I missed the award ceremony yesterday).
*Played with Freya at my campsite.
*Bruce officially moved in today!
I just started my game back up after a long time. I had made a new town but after being busy for awhile I lost interest but now I?m back into it! Just started paths, getting bells, and of course preparing for bell tree forums :) I have a bunch to do but my town layout is really nice so can?t wait to get into it! Just found wisp for the first time, I did not know he was in game actually.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Bought 4000 turnips for a really good price.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Ordered a few more pieces for my underwater room.
- Sent letters/gifts to half of my villagers.
- Let my husband visit to buy fortune cookies.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.

- Checked his mail.
I finally finished paying off my house loan, so I decided to spend the time decorating my house. The living room, kitchen, backyard, and bedroom are finished. Just have to complete my treasure room and hang-out space!
Also rekindled my friendship with Daisy since I haven't seen her in a few days!
Ran around doing a bunch of chores for villagers. Out of my new villagers I just need to get Wade and Piper’s pictures. Slowly collecting fortune cookie items. Got my 5th Wii U in a week lol T_T
Chopped down some trees
Dug up the 4 fossils then donated~ had the ones they already sold for bells
Watered some flowers
Bought and sold everything in the shops
Got a new public work project
Mayor found the missing fossil (I'd only found 3 last play session), did a petition for Filbert and got the blue corner (last Spotlight item what what), and did my dailies (hit the money rock; go shopping in T&T, Able Sister's, and RV; update the dream address; check for streetpass items; talk to every villager and fulfill all not-stupidly-annoying requests; check MEOW inititatives and consider doing them or not). Rumi and Circe had more lowkey days, mostly just hit the money rock and dream address updates and paid off their loans with the proceeds. Played 11/27-11/30 so next time I play it'll be December! Will probably create my 4th alt at that point to free up closet space on Rumi.

Beantown: Played a single day to trade items with Whittown and drop Katie off. Talked to the villagers and did the other dailies and paid off her loan and requested the basement be expanded next. Her house is scifi theme and the basement currently has the Robo-Series, planning to change it out for the various spaceship items (space console etc) to imply her house is actually a spaceship.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- My husband visited and gave me a gold nugget.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Spent some more time working on my underwater room.
- Sent letters/gifts to a few more villagers.
- Noticed Sterling changed his shirt and Grizzly gave me a scale-armor suit today, so I sent it to Sterling in the hopes that he changes back.
- Ordered a red vase for Annalisa and had Cyrus refurbish a white pot for Mint. I'll send those gifts out tomorrow.

- Checked his mail.
- Chatted with a few villagers.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara, which also completed a weekly Meow task.
- Talked to Katrina, got good Friendship luck
- Bought a Phone box from Papi...
Lucas! Please, you're meant to be clearing your stuff not buying more! Get yourself together!
- Day three, still no White Carnation...
- The Cyrus, K.k. Slider and Reese amiibo I ordered arrived! So I shall use them tomorrow.
- (Accidentally) Made a Villager sad for the first time in Months... :(
- Played Puzzle League on a Sable 3DS
- Sold first big wave of Furniture. (Yay, progress.)
- Celebrated the completion of a PWP

Productive day in Leston once again. :blush:
Paid off my drinking fountain PWP
Planted a few new saplings around town
Got a coffee at The Roost
Sent Tangy a gift in the mail
Bought Mitzi some furniture after she asked for something new
Talked to most of my villagers
Bought some items from the Able Sisters to prepare for my final Fashion Check
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Sterling was wearing the scale-armor shirt I sent him yesterday!
- Visited my husband town and sold my turnips for a huge profit!!!
- Got a petition signed for Hugh while I was at my husband's town.
- Let my husband visit my town and he gave me a gold nugget.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got a golden bench.
- Sent letters/gifts to my last two villagers for the week.
- I think I've finished decorating my underwater room, except for some extra Jellyfish Lamps I want to buy.

- Checked his mail.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Talked to several villagers, which completed a daily Meow task.
Made Tortimer some coffee, 'cos that's totally my job now.


Bought a cactus.


Bought a second cactus, cos you can never have too many cacti.


Got a makeover to look smarter although I'm annoyed the pink isn't brighter cos I wanted her hair to look more like mine and did some important mayoroni business?.



And then did some less important mayoroni business? like tracking down the owner of a lost pouch. Had I known there was carrot cake in it I would've just kept it for myself. The ungrateful dumbo didn't even share.


/a day in hanamura
Where did you get the second dress from, the one with short sleeves? I can't quite tell if it is one I already have, they are similar. I like it.

Also carrot cake?! I would have snatched that if it weren't for the fact that it was probably on the ground for a long time. Carrot cake is so good.
Where did you get the second dress from, the one with short sleeves? I can't quite tell if it is one I already have, they are similar. I like it.

Also carrot cake?! I would have snatched that if it weren't for the fact that it was probably on the ground for a long time. Carrot cake is so good.

It's this dress by stephainestarfire on DA. :)

It was sat on the beach for some time right by the water, so it might have been a little soggy by the time it made it back to Dizzy.