• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • built a new ramp for my little picnic area
  • picked up lots of weeds/cleaned up (i havent played in awhile...)
  • talked to my villagers and gave a sick little norma medicine :c
  • picked up my star fragments from last nights meteor shower
  • basic daily things (money tree, bottle diy, etc.)
  • donated a painting to the museum
  • sold and shopped at the nooklings
  • visited the nook stop
  • and now im finishing my villagerdb catalog/trade list
I spent over a million bells moving the shops and four villagers to the beach, to move them back to where they were, but a space back, and forward, because I finally made my paths three spaces instead of four.

Lots of TT'g, but it's now how I wanted it originally.

Redid all the bridges to brick. :)
  • got some regular wood from trades and finally had enough to craft the rest of the craftable furniture for my villagers' yards! Ran out of customizations kits though and its way past 10pm so I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to customize them and add them to the yards. Hopefully at that point the yards will be done for now, and I can add little details with time as the ideas come in. I've been putting this off for months so I'm so glad for it to be almost done!
  • dumped a few more items into my campsite area - hoping to get started on rearranging them tomorrow, and hopefully finishing the campsite this week
  • traded for another throwback container variant, and now that I have 3 I think that's enough to start making a train station in my little forced perspective corner so hopefully I'll get started with that over the weekend
  • other than that I just did some trades, cleaned up some stray flowers, fixed some cliff edges, and gave some gifts to my villagers
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 caught a fish for poppy
🌷 bought some stuff from saharah; didn’t get any new rugs but i got a mortar wall c’:
🌷 harvested and planted more pumpkins!
🌷 prevented marina from moving,, again ;/
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
🌷 bought candy
🌷 bought a spooky lantern from nook’s
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
Time traveled back and forth quite a bit today to move some things around and finally place my villagers and shops where I would like them. My island is actually turning out pretty good for it being simple and organized. I'm quite happy with it. Did a little bit of my chores too when I went back to the current date, but that's about it.
  • Built another permanent bridge in the 'neighborhood' part of the island.
  • Moved Raymond's house to the neighborhood part of the island.
  • Gave gifts to each of my cat villagers that I have enough friendship with.
  • Island-hopped for 50 NMT. Picked up a bunch of fossils, furniture, and an inventory full of tarantulas thanks to running into a rare island.
  • Ended up amiiboing Tom in after failing to see a single cat for 50 tickets, lol. :') Not sure why my luck is so absurdly awful when it comes to cats, but ah well.
  • Bought my daily candy.

Muir Wood
  • Bought my daily candy.
  • Checked on the move-out bubble -- it was on Shep, so ignored him for the day.
  • Ordered / gifted a few items to Inverness.
  • Gave Butch a gift. Did not receive his photo. Butch, please, I'm dying, I don't want your denim cap.
  • I got my first villager photo! It's Norma's. I never thought she'd be the first to give her photo to me, but I'm very proud!
  • Payed off my ramp
  • Dug up Gulliver's communicator parts once again
I am super happy that I just stashed away my top-selling bugs to sell to Flick today! I had enough banded dragonflies to get a model and enough dragonflies, extra bugs cleared out of my storage, scorpions, and wasps to be able to pay off my bridge! Getting around my island will be easy breezy now! I only have four inclines and two more bridges to go!

I also started the two-day moving process for my museum. I managed to get enough bells to stash away another 50k to move it back to the proper place tomorrow. As long as I don't change my mind and didn't miscalculate the amount of room I needed for my rainbow garden in front of my museum.

I changed up my pumpkin patch a little bit. I have plenty of pumpkins now, so I am working on getting rid of a few. I need to fiddle with my yard size as well so I can scoot my own personal garden back one space.

When I get back from work tonight, I get to wander around my island and figure out what the last of the punkins I need are, craft them, and decorate! I think I finally have enough pumpkins for Halloween. This means that my pumpkin patches will probably be used for pure profit from now on!
I got my first villager photo from Sherb, I had Agent S in the campsite which was cool, and I crafted a bunch of tree's bounty items. I also planted some orange tea olive starts and a few cedar trees. I spend a lot of time shaking trees lately, I find it helps me zone out and distract from stress. It's such a simple activity but it's rewarding to get something other than a branch, lol. This year has been so awful that really simple things like that are extra appreciated.
  • found my money rock
  • watered my pumpkins and flowers (i want freaking green mums to complete my entrance i literally just need 2 at the moment dang it)
  • shopped and sold at the shops
  • talked to my villagers
  • found a lost item and decided to keep it as it belongs to a villager im gonna move out
  • got a halloween diy from judy
  • found my bottle diy
  • had a camper but it was beardo -_- dont care for him
  • cleaned up (twigs, rocks, weeds, etc.)
  • visited the nook stop and put away bells
  • found my money tree
  • built another ramp to my secret beach cus i was getting annoyed with having to use the ladder, wish i could line the ramps up better
Remember when I thought I had enough pumpkins? Apparently 104 pumpkins are not enough pumpkins to get all the pumpkin decorations I want! 🤣 I might have a problem over here.

I also decorated Marina's area next to the secret beach and it looks fantastic! I have to island hop for bamboo island to get some more bamboo for the last of her decorations, but it will be worth it. I'm also slowly transforming Marina's pinker than pink beachfront to Audie's tropical getaway. The only thing that is a bit annoying is that none of my rattan furniture matches!
i had a productive day and i’m proud of myself c’:

🌷 said goodbye to big top; i’m sad to see him go but i’m also very excited to go island hopping tomorrow c’:
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 delivered a package for beau
🌷 caught a flea off of beau
🌷 bought a genuine scary painting from redd
🌷 terraformed a pond + crafted some things for my forest
🌷 changed my alt character’s house exterior + crafted her a vaulting pole
🌷 ordered stuff for my shopping area, park and house
🌷 worked on my park; swapped elephant slides, added some springy ride-ons & other lil knickknacks + rearranged things
🌷 added some flowers, crescent-moon chairs and a giant teddy bear to my campground
🌷 harvested pumpkins
🌷 harvested and sold fruit
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 bought an astro dress (blue) from able’s
🌷 bought candy
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
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I was island hopping for a new villager and because I was bored I started thinking about how unlucky I must be to not have the ironwood dresser DIY yet after playing the game for 7 months and I've found multiples copies of most of the other DIY recipes. Well sure enough, a few minutes later I found a bottle on the beach of one of the islands and there was the ironwood dresser DIY. I didn't even realize it at first because I just opened it and mindlessly tried to learn it just in case it was something new even though I was expecting it to be another repeat. I thought "holy ****! Did I just find the ironwood dresser DIY?!" and had to double check to make sure. I guess today was my lucky day. Speaking of Lucky, a few minutes later I found him on another island and decided to nab him just in time for Halloween.
  • Found out that I'd misplaced Raymond's house by one block because of how villager houses are weirdly asymmetrical, decided I'd deal with it later.
  • Moved Bob's house.
  • Destroyed one of the early-game log bridges that was in the way of where I wanted to make a new stone bridge.
  • Bought my daily candy.
  • Chatted to my cat villagers.
  • Welcomed Tom to the island!
Muir Wood
  • Gave Butch yet another gift. Received yet another ninja costume. Butch, why do you own these??
  • Bought my daily candy.
  • Chatted to all of my villagers except Purrl, who has the move-out bubble today.
  • Visited a friend's island to chat to Celeste and grab a few shooting stars.
Rolf, dear old Rolf, gave me his photo today. For the second time. :D

(I'd rather get the bonsai shelf DIY! I've always had two cranky residents since the start of the game. And neither has given me this DIY. :sleep: )
didn't play much. I customized the furniture I crafted last night and fit them into the deers' yards, and picked up some dropped items here and there too bring my island back to 5 stars. Other than that, I spent a while looking through my old screenshots to find weather patterns to plug into meteonook and finally got my seed! I haven't noticed any rainbows in the game yet but it turns out i have a double one tomorrow so I'm excited to see it!
Gave Lolly a new outfit - the poncho in pink/purple. It looks adorable on her.

Built some mountain and hedge standees, and customized them for fall, to put along the cliff edge of my fairy village. It isn't perfect, but it's better than having the open cliff there.
I finally have my museum put in the right spot! I was smart and decided to lay everything out for my rainbow garden before I put the museum back and discovered I wanted to move everything two spaces back. Now everything will be perfect there! I just need to get basic lillies and basic pansies in my garden then I can start breeding flowers for my island! So excited!

I also decided to put the arched stone pathing underneath my museum fences. That felt like it took an age and a half to do, but it looks nice now.

I rearranged Audie's portion of the beach. It isn't done yet, but it looks a lot more like something she would decorate now.

I celebrated my bridge project completion and put up the last bridge for my first level. Marina is now living in a Japanese themed section that is fenced off with the imperial fence and will have the red zen bridge there soon. I discovered I had to grow the bamboo trees in another area on my island and replant them where I want them.

I basically have one more area to decorate, one more bridge to put up, four more inclines for my museum, and then it is just breeding various flowers for my island. It feels both amazing and a but bittersweet that everything is in the last stages of coming together.

Edit: oh! And I updated my dream address because I was so excited over my rainbow flower garden that I had to share it.
I got another villager photo! Plucky's this time. She was one of my starting 2 villagers. The tips for photos I got from tbt really worked lol! I just wrap two foreign fruits in some wrapping paper now and I keep getting them! :)