• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

yesterday i restarted (again... thankfully with someone to hold my items this time) and finally found a starting map i actually like. my last two maps both had one river-mouth on the east side, whereas this one has two south-facing ones, so i'm a little nervous to start terraforming...

today i island-hopped and found two dreamies, which i'm thrilled about! they'll be in starter houses, but i don't mind, since i honestly kind of prefer those to their actual interiors.
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🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 bam moved in today!! 💙
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 caught a long locust for poppy
🌷 bought turnips from daisy mae
🌷 harvested pumpkins
🌷 worked on my left and main rooms a bit
🌷 plucked some purple hyacinths and crafted hyacinth lamps
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 checked out able sisters; they didn’t have anything new today ;v;
🌷 bought candy + customization kits
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
Just restarted a few days ago.

When I fired up, Tom Nook has 3 announcements for me: the museum would be closed to add a painting hall, Sydney has moved in, and Resident Services would upgrade to a building. I did my dailies, put down some fencing and furniture outside my house, changed up my room, transplanted a ton of trees, picked up a ton of weeds, took Tom Nooks class on customizing crafts, and started phase I of cleaning out my storage.

my plans for tomorrow are to place some more housing plots and try to tarantula grind with nook miles tickets.
Today I finished my entry for the Halloween fair contest :). I am extremely happy with how it turned out. I still need one more picture of Boone to add. There is still a little more room to add a few more items.

Checked the mail.

I gave Judy, Graham and Merry coconuts.

I bought more customization kits (I like having over 120ish kits on me).

I harvested some more pumpkins since I used more than half of what was in my storage last night and today.

I crafted two more spooky arches I think. I terraformed as much as I could the cliff below and by the beach so I could have more room to move and decorate by my house.

I added two tower of pisas, two wedding candles (customized one since one was already customized to the color that I needed). Replaced the the red snapper models with a spooky candy set.

Added four fossils that I received from a trade and adjusted the lantern sets, fencing and other items multiple times to make some walking room
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Oops hit submit before I was done.

I went to harv’s studio multiple times to try to come up with some interior ideas but no luck.

I also tried to think of more ideas for my tavern but also no luck.

I might’ve forgotten some stuff that I did, but that’s most of it i think (aside from watering my pumpkins and customizing my can).

I also visited a friend’s island today and goofed around there a little with him, but had none of my tools and kept selling back the ones I bought there when i thought i was leaving.
I am participating in the haunted manor challenge in The Woods Halloween event, so I've been super busy remodeling the exterior and surrounding area of my house. Hopefully I can transform it nicely to represent the Haunted Bell Tree Manor. I forgot how many flowers I have...I have soooo many flowers 😶.
Nothing too exciting today, Sundays are usually really slow.

Gave Harry, Tasha, Pecan and Eugene gifts, no photos in return yet.
Did some trades on Nookazon, was able to trade my Perfect Painting for a Sinking Painting. Check that off the list.
Ordered a few more sweaters to do touch trades on Nookazon with.
Just like in real life, I ordered a gift with overnight shipping because I forgot a birthday. Sorry Eugene.

New Zodiac sign has rolled in, so have to remember to visit Celeste soon for the Scorpio Lamp DIY.
🦇 Daily rounds of hitting rocks, planting money tree, finding DIY bottle, digging up fossils, reading mail, talking to my villagers, etc.
🦇 Bought turnips from Daisy Mae (for 97 Bells)
🦇 Moved final villager home to cliff-top neighborhood
🦇 Earned Golden Plaque from HHA
🦇 Finished decorating for Halloween
🦇 Wrote Eugene a letter for his birthday
● checked the mail (received a letter from Kabuki with present)
● water all my roses (in the process of getting my first blue rose, fingers crossed)
● search island for NPC visitor (found Pirate Gullivarrr on the west beach)
● gave all villagers a wrapped present (Jacques finally gave me his framed photo, now I can start the process of moving him out)
● checked out Nook’s and Able’s (bought a cute chair in white and some fall clothes)
● went diving to find scallop and Pascal (he rewarded me a pearl for my efforts (๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤) )
● took a break until around 10 PM
● found wisp floating around my orchard (rewarded me with nothing useful as usual x.x )
● cleaned up some of my flowers that have grown out of control (need to start decorating for the haunting at bell tree manor and Halloween)
  • the usual daily grind of fossil digging, rock slappin', etc.
  • made a post office area near my RS to take up some of the open space.
  • moved my house hopefully to its permanent location.
  • got extremely disappointed when there were no new halloween items at the able sisters. :c
  • found an amazing layout of sally's theme from nightmare before christmas for my island tune.
  • decorated the smaller parts around my RS so it doesn't look bare.

  • the usual daily grind.
  • woke up gulliver's lazy bones and dug up his communicator parts.
  • finally created my first purple hyacinth!
  • gathering a bunch of manila clams so i can make some fishing bait, and hopefully get the last 6 fish i need before the month is over.
  • losing my sanity 💀
I had to take a short one week break from gaming due to an injury, but I'm good to go now! Just in time for TBTs Halloween event.​
  • Started working on my TBT Halloween event entry. 👻
  • Leopold was sick so I took the poor boy some medicine.
  • Cousteau tried to move out but I told him no. I refuse to let him go, he's too precious.
  • CJ was visiting today but I didn't have any fish in storage and I was too busy to do fishing. Gotta focus on my contest entry...
  • Got the third Smile Island Nookmiles achievement. I've done 50 villager requests now!
  • Messed around on Harv's island to take a photo for my Halloween signature.
On top of the usual daily stuff (flower tending, trees, wrapping gifts etc) I started the clean up after camp grinding to get Raymond for my daughter, weeds everywhere.
Rearranged my flower breeding area, I took out plants that I didn't needed anymore, got a green mum this morning, so it's off to the cloning garden. Just a few left now.
I tidied up the camp area as well, small tweaks here and there, I'm happy with it.
Started a thing on the beach with shell furniture, but really sure where it's going, I need to see it on day light.
Fixed a few paths that seemed incomplete.

I made a moon lake by my house today!!
I accomplished so much that I can't even remember it all. (I had a day off from work and spent most of the day on ACNH.) I time traveled to late November (maple time) and then late December (snow) to see how my gothic island looks when the grass/trees aren't a hideous color. The answer was that it all looks nicer without the gross grass / trees.

During time traveling, I snagged the tree's bounty big tree recipe and also the illuminated snowflakes. Cool! I also found Jolly Redd and bought a couple genuine artworks. I built a snow boy. Then I came back to now. Numerous villagers made vague threats about what they will do on Halloween if they don't receive sufficient candy. They are so cute.

All the cranky villagers are talking about how their Halloween costume might just be their mean faces and it's completely adorable. *Heart* Crankies.
Today I re-did my maze garden in front of my house. I wanted it to be spookier so instead of shrubs and haystack fencing, I put in trees. I hope I don't regret doing this because it's harder to see where you are going in a dense forest. I guess we'll see what happens.🌲🌲🌳🌳👻
Did the main chores today of digging up fossils, collecting seashells to sell and finding my message in a bottle. Talked to all my villagers to see how they were doing and they are so far loving the new Halloween decorations I set up. Also got some clay from my mom and the brick fence DIY recipe, so I placed the brick fence around my villagers homes and it's starting to look great. Got a couple more DIY recipes today and will get my third one later tonight. Will be awhile before I collect them all, but it's a start. 🙂
Barely anything. My daily activity for the past few days has been little more than a courtesy run in the morning. Really need the Halloween event and the mushrooms before I can get back into the game in a serious way.
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 caught a tilapia for lily
🌷 commissioned 3 monarch butterfly models from flick
🌷 did a trade
🌷 harvested pumpkins
🌷 collected star fragments off of the beach
🌷 started and finished my haunted bell manor submission
🌷 harvested and sold fruit
🌷 checked the recycling bin; found a cardboard box and 3 clay
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 bought a star costume (white) from able’s ^^
🌷 bought candy
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
Didn’t complete much yesterday, unless you count the two mini projects I did at harv’s studio. dedicated to my friend who voided some villagers that I liked visiting or would have liked to see on his island (I didn’t even get a chance to welcome Marshal to his island 😭). Will post my second one in the screenshot thread tomorrow (or rather later today) :); I played around with the filters so the screenshots will be using three different effects and/or borders. I sent him a late night message with the new screenshots; I’m hoping he won’t be annoyed that i have continued making a little story out of his decision to cycle villagers :). He’s a super nice guy but I haven’t joked around much with him as much as I have been with @LittleMissPanda. Or maybe I have and don’t realize it ><. Anyways, today:

I checked my mail. I gave coconuts to Judy, Graham, and Merry.

I logged into my abd to get my nook miles.

I bought from saharah got all new wallpapers and flooring, but no new rugs. Oh crap, I forgot to let my friend know that I had Saharah. I didn’t find her until later the evening since I spent most of the day browsing here. I’ll let him know when he replies tomorrow. (sorry @JSS)

I dropped the rugs outside of Nook’s since Nook’s was closed.

I added the second Boone picture I acquired to my exterior and put it on the lantern set to the left.

And that’s that. :) I at least had fun coming up with some ideas that may look good in an island journal; like a side story or something :)
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🍂 I put a half dozen more pumpkin decorations on my island. I think I am finally getting full of pumpkins!
🍂 Merengue had her house in the right spot and I started a garden in her yard today. I'm doing a red, pink, and white theme
🍂 Leif was here and I planted even more shrubs! I almost have my shrub calendar done. Just one more type to go.
🍂 I've been buying all of the Halloween costumes to catalog because I don't know if they will show up past October.
🍂 I got together enough bells to move Bianca's house. Tomorrow I can move it to the right spot and all houses will be moved!
🍂 Distributed all of my pink mums to Merengue's and Marina's gardens. I need one more pink mum and then I can work on another color.
🍂 Got my main colors for the last two flowers I needed for my rainbow garden!
🍂 Decorated with a skull fossil for the museum and a piece of amber for my witch cove.
🍂 Gave gifts to villagers I needed to.
🍂 Said goodbye to Flo yesterday and stood outside the sold sign for Muffy today. She'll be moved in tomorrow!
🍂 Decided to leave a spot on my island bare for now. I might put a maze there for November.
I've removed all of the fruit trees in the park and swapped them with regular trees.
Then swapped them with pine.
Then made a mix of both.
Then went back to regular trees.

Nothing looks any good.

Fruit is ugly, and the dull autumn colors are vile so I quit for the day after wasting all that time.