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What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

I terraformed a cliff just a little so I can put the shop back where it was. I also got my last customizing Nook Achievement! I guess I've been customizing a lot of pumpkins and shells recently!

I'm also sitting on four stars for my island now. Since my biggest flaw for my island is lack of flowers, I have a feeling I'll reach 5 stars when I get more of those.

Tomorrow I'm planning on moving my museum again so I can set up my rainbow garden! So Marina gets two more days to enjoy her super pink tropical island getaway before I switch her and Audie's houses.
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 audie was sick today so i got her some medicine c’:
🌷 bought impish wings (white) from kicks
🌷 stopped marina from moving ;/
🌷 harvested and sold fruit
🌷 did a trade
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 bought a top coat (light blue), do-rags (pink & purple) and horizontal-striped tights (all variants) from able’s!
🌷 bought candy
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
I don’t think I got a lot done today.

Most isn’t in order since I forgot when exactly I did each thing

I checked my mail and put some of it in my storage.

I took out three sets of different fish and had all three of my characters give one to CJ to make into a model.

I traded for some pirate stuff that Gullivarr hasn’t been giving me and some mats since I’ve been increasingly lazy and had no reason to go to mystery islands.

I replaced a barrel with a mush table and crafted one wooden chair and then another after I gathered more wood.

I ordered some items on my alt and main for my tavern.

Went to harv’s studio twice today to try to come up with some ideas with my tavern. I think I might try putting some dish cleaning racks on the drink machines since the tavern/bar I’m basing this loosely on has food there too.

Move the fireplace and barrels forward a little.
Added a water egg at the bar to represent the Gum Gum fruit (I am a nerd :p lol).

Downloaded some wooden step designs and tested them out by my tavern and erased the ones that didn’t go with it.

Put a silo and wind turbine near bridge and move some tulips a little to the right and got rid of some.

Added two stalls at the front of the tavern facing sideways to represent a front part of the building.

Still not happy with my tavern but I like the minor changes I made.

Took a picture of Punchy singing in front of Merry and Rudy (who was walking by while I was trying to get a picture and then sat down)
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Oh forgot to write that I added a customized magazine (with luffy’s wanted poster) on a barrel.
🎃 Stayed up late making signs to welcome and inform visitors
🎃 In the morning, did my daily rounds (checking the mail, gathering materials, etc.)
🎃 Bought items from and did favors for some of my villagers
🎃 Talked to Mabel, received a free custom design
🎃 Bought Jester's Mask in all colors at Able Sisters
🎃 Finished moving the museum
🎃 Set up Hopkin's house to move to a different spot
🎃 Paved more paths
🎃 Sold my turnips at someone's island for almost 1mil Bells
🎃 Paid off my second to last loan
🎃 Expanded and decorated my pumpkin patch
🎃 Placed more pumpkin/Halloween/horror-themed furniture around the island
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I went through hell and back on my island today lmao. Recently I had covered my entire island in path so that I could move my rocks in a cute little circle where I wanted them. Going into it I knew that it was going to be ridiculously time consuming. That still didn't prepare me for just how tedious laying/deleting all of the path would be. XD I spent so much time just kicking path QAQ
didn't really do much on my island. moved some flowers to my beach to fill it up a little. Adjusted the neighborhood area - made each plot 8 squares wide instead of 9, so I freed up some space on either side of the neighborhood. This gave me enough space to expand the little picnic spot on the cliff to the right of the neighborhood into a mini park, and I plan on adding a bench near the north end of the cliff to look at the sea, and watch fireworks in the summer. It also exposed a little bit of my bigger rock area behind my island, and I've been very tempted to try some forced-perspective stuff since I first saw some examples a few months ago so I might finally try it.
And smaller yards means there's less space for decorations so I'm pretty relieved, cause I've been putting off decorating all the yards for so long and its almost the last area I need to decorate on my island so I can't avoid it for much longer.
I finally finished the the biggest section on my island to how I like it. My island is kind of made up in 5 parts two sides 1 middle part and 2 parts at the back. And I finally finished the main middle part of my island :)
I terraformed an awkward part of my river, and put a bonfire on a platform in it (the river).

It turned out ok, and not as insane as it sounds.

Though there is a snapping turtle on a mush log up there too, but that's a given. :)
I mostly just spent some time reorganizing and setting up my house since I got a whole bunch of new furniture!! its finally starting to look a bit like how I imagined and I'm so excited to keep working on it (we don't talk about the rest of the island atm as it is still a bit of a shambles)
I finally got to build the stone arch! That took a lot of stone. I also decided to move Marina's house today. Audie's house will be tomorrow. Then the museum because I just didn't have the heart to move the museum yet. It would have been four solid days of moving all the museum and I'm not up for it yet.

I decorated with even more pumpkins. I think I'm almost done decorating with them. I think.

I also updated my dream address again. That extra 5k bells can go a long way to helping you get goals done.
  • I got a 5-star rating today! :) Immediately crafted the gold watering can.
  • I found two new deep sea creatures
  • Kicks for once had a bunch of cool stuff so I purchased quite a few items from him.
  • Basically just did a lot of fishing lol
  • Also visited a DA again, I barely ever do that. It was a pretty cool Hallowinter town ~
  • Cleaned up the overabundance of flowers and weeds
  • Deep sea diving, found some pearls and also got DIY from Pascal
  • Made some bells from fossils, fruit and deep sea critters
  • Progress on loan repayment, shared bells amongst my other characters
  • Continued decorating for Halloween
  • Completed my mermaid/underwater themed bathroom for main character
  • Made progress on my main room [ magic shop]
  • Bought candy and wallpaper
  • talked to villagers
  • Watered pumpkin patches
  • shell collecting
  • bought some outfits from Able
  • Took some pictures
  • returned a lost item to a villager
  • Ran around enjoying the scenic view [ and looking for more to do]
I moved my whole orchard across my map this morning!! it took Way longer than I was expecting it to and I'm not even 10% happy with where it's placed now so that was definitely a good use of twenty minutes :rolleyes:
I TT backed to June because I needed some more stuff from the anniversary shoot and I didn't want to wait until next summer to get everything. Getting the items didn't take that long, but TT back to today's date took FOREVER! I spent almost all day doing it. I was going forward by 1 week increments because I was afraid one of my villagers might move out if I wasn't careful. Turns out the things I should have been afraid of were the weeds. Good. God. The WEEDS! There were on average 50 per day, and they formed in these mini clusters! IDK how anyone who keeps weeds as part of their island aesthetic is able to keep them under control. They spread like wildfire...
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 delivered a package for marina
🌷 worked on my basement a bit
🌷 did a few trades
🌷 finally harvested my yellow & white pumpkins + planted some more!
🌷 prevented beau from moving ;/
🌷 changed my passport photo
🌷 ordered some stuff for my campsite
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 checked out able sisters & nook’s cranny
🌷 bought candy
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
Didn’t get much done again today but I did something fun at Harv’s studio.

I started the day with my alt’s birthday. I had a lot of fun even though it was over too quick :/. I got the yellow birthday hat and six cupcakes. I tried gifting Raymond a cupcake and he gave me bicycle helmet so I reset and tried Rosie and she gave me mariachi clothing. I tried Roscoe and he gave me something not birthday related so i restarted and stashed away my items and cupcakes after i let my main catalogue them and the mom’s homemade carrot cake.

I dropped off the fish models from both alts to my main.

Today I made minor adjustments to my tavern. I added podiums and later after trading, phone boxes to represent windows. I added stalls to the bar. I moved the fireplace and other furniture by it a couple times.

Tried to come up with more ideas to make my tavern better but no success.

Earlier in the day I ordered the dish cleaning racks and one set of dishes to try out.

I traded for some bunny day eggs and made some costumes and traded for one i have no recipe for so I could figure out what costume rocco was wearing at my friend’s town on bunny day. I haven’t figured it out but I went with the sky egg outfit. I gave one of my alts the outfits to store.

Went back to harv’s studio for a little bit to look at my design again just without the villagers and was going to try coming up with a room idea for one of my alts but ended up leaving and turning off my switch for the night.
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Whoops forgot yesterday
  • Grabs some more flowers for my east beach
  • Added a poolside bed and side table to Diana's yard
  • Finally got around to customizing one of my old signposts to put outside Timbra's spa
  • Gave all of my villagers whose photos I haven't received yet furniture for their houses
  • Got rid of the extra flowers in Deirdre's yard
  • Furnished the picnic ares and added some lawn chairs overlooking the edge of my northeast cliff
  • Threw some throwback containers in my northeast area to kickstart the forced perspective area making process
it's been a hot minute since i've updated any progress on anything for my island 😅

  • VAnFxGi.jpg
  • been rearranging my island like crazy. the only permanent buildings placed are now: lobo's residence, tank's residence, the nook and able shops, and soon to be campsite. everything else is still a massive wip right now.
  • been catching all the critters and creatures i need for october; and learned a very valuable lesson about ponds.
  • celebrated sandy's birthday yesterday, and since she's already given me her photo, i'm hoping she'll start asking to move on soon.
  • met anicotti in my camp yesterday - i'm really glad i didn't have space for her. i can only handle so much of chrissy's peppy-ness. :c