• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

I terraformed and made a neighborhood today. (Sorry the that the pictures aren’t that good, it was directly taken from my iPhone camera instead of a screenshot.)



i have a lot more work to do.
so today i did some more terraforming and got violet & bitty on my island 💖
now i got 4 snooty villagers 😅

then i also made this rosalina dress because nintendo didn't 👀

i also got those new warp pipes, i put 1 by my house and 1 by my campsite so i can get the crafting stuff from my house and invite amiibos quicker
I worked on various things and came up with a plan. I decided, instead of resetting an island yet again, that I should renovate the islands I have. My deadline is April 1st. I'm going to try to take some time and not rush too much. I have some ideas for my gothic island and also for my woodsy main island. I am also thinking of switching from custom paths to in-game stone paths to get that clop-clop sound when running around.

And...all the flowers need to be switched around. Sigh. I hate digging up flowers, which is why I'm giving myself a month to do renovations.

I might also time travel to try to complete one of the museums but I hold little hope. I'm not patient enough to catch another stringfish and some of those tree bugs are hard to see. :-(
Fell behind on my posts, but I've caught back up.

2/26 (had a thunderstorm today)
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Zucker said Octopus.
• C.J. was here today with a freestyle fishing challenge. Upon completion, I brought him three red snappers for a collectible.
• Delivered the gifts!
• Ordered a few blossom lanterns!
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Took the red snapper model out of the mail.
• Delivered the gifts! (Four of them ended up being sent through the mail)
• Pekoe told me that Gayle wasn't feeling well... (unfortunately, I only realized after logging off that I'd forgotten to bring her since medicine and, I felt like a huge moron...)
• Found a 29th Lily-of-the-Valley plant!
• Had a ton of fossils assessed.
• Bought some more wrapping paper.
• Ran into Kitty at the Ables'--and found her wearing one of my new designs; the Punkish Peacoat! :D

• Checked out a bunch of patterns on the design kiosk.
• Removed some excess flower growth.
• Attended Slider's show; he played K.K. Blues.

• Today's HHA puts us at 223,388 points! (Going up again!)
• Checked out a few more patterns on the design kiosk.
• Discovered it was raining after I left the Able's.
• Actually REMEMBERED to bring medicine to Gayle this time (I still feel horrible about it)
• Ran into Wisp in the cemetary; after helping him out, he rewarded me with a silver tape deck.

• Leif was here today (but I didn't buy anything)
• Remove some excess flower growth.
• Delivered a present to Pekoe for Maddie
• Ran into Celeste, who gave me the Pisces lamp recipe!
• Had a bunch of fossils assessed.
• Rolled a picnic blanket design back out near the museum.
march 1st
ʚϊɞ | checked the mail; received a letter from the bank of nook!
ʚϊɞ | had a camper today; it was benedict! i didn’t invite him but he’s lowkey really cute 😳
ʚϊɞ | did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
ʚϊɞ | talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
ʚϊɞ | delivered a package for deirdre from whitney
ʚϊɞ | sold stuff
ʚϊɞ | shot down balloons
ʚϊɞ | caught the spider crab and firefly squid - my museum, critterpedia and “underwater understudy” nm achievement are finally complete!!!
ʚϊɞ | checked the recycling bin; found an upright locker
ʚϊɞ | ordered a pi pie + some of the new mario items
ʚϊɞ | collected my daily bonus nook miles
ʚϊɞ | checked the shops; bought wrapping paper from nook’s!
ʚϊɞ | completed some nook mile achievements
- Traded
- Watered flowers
- Finished my hyacinth field finally ;-; They took forever to grow.
- Finished my museum area
- Planted bushes and flowers
- Cleaned up around town
- Terraformed
- Crafted items
- Ordered items
- Decorated outside
  • checked the mail and received some orders + gifts from villagers
  • shot down a few balloons
  • checked DIY bottle
  • talked to a few of my villagers and gifted pashmina, stitches and marshal peaches to get their photo
  • moved around a few trees and shrubs
  • Continued to work on my cozy reading area
  • did some more terraforming around my bridges
  • built a new bridge to access the other half of my island
  • played around with the small mushroom platform and star items to see how they'd look around my island
  • grew more white lilies to build a record player
  • delivered a package to diana
  • dug up a few fossils
  • removed some weeds
  • picked some of my native fruit to relocate trees (cherries)
  • did a few trades
I screwed up, had a real idiot moment, and went foward a few hours to check turnip price because I was impatient.
Then went back an hour to normal time when I didn’t like the price... I totally forgot going back rots turnips. :(
Not too big a loss really, it was only 350,000 bells worth, but now I only have 200,000 to my name, and feel like I wasted what would have been a good profit had I just been patient.
Edit: I went back to sunday, got a lot more cash, and bought a lot of turnips. Now I went foward to today and have fresh turnips ready to sell haha! :)
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  • opened todays mail, placed the newly received Pi Pie in the kitchen
  • visited the shops
  • spoke to all my villagers, gave gifts to Rosie and Kyle, received Rosies photo :giggle:
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and dug fossils
  • picked up a pearl from Pascal
  • Bunnie asked me to deliver a gift to Diana which I agreed to do, against my better judgement, so Diana is now the proud owner of a Noble Zap Suit :rolleyes: next time I agree to deliver the gift I think I'll open it first to double check if I want to give it to them or bin it
  • watered the flowers, moved some Lily of the Valleys around, rearranged some more hyacinths
  • popped some balloons
  • was gifted a cavalier hat by Molly
  • caught some bugs and sold them to Flick
  • did some terraforming around my museum and the campsite areas
  • requested to build an incline and paid it all off so that it will be completed tomorrow
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks
-Checked the mail and got my WARP PIPES BABY, also a pirate outfit from Gullivarr
-Placed my warp pipes lol I put one by my house and one right beside Nooks Cranny. I've hidden them behind trees in both spots :)
-Went and checked the shops
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Hornsby (he gave me an instant-muscles suit in return of course)
-Did some cleaning up of my villagers yards, I added a brown piano bench to Vesta's yard, the Mom's candle set in Julia's yard, and a paper lantern for Hornsby's yard
-Redd was visiting so I went to see what he had for sale today but he didn't have anything I needed so I didn't purchase anything today
I am in the process of flattening my island! Today I redid my museum area. Honestly, however, I was inspired by a photo I found online. credit for this design goes to mewmewfoofoo on reddit / @moomooshoo”
• Received a candle set in the mail from in-game Mom.
• C.J. was here today, this time with a big-time fish challenge; upon completion, I brought him three piranhas for a collectible.
• Marshal was thinking about moving away, but I was luckily able to change his mind. Being this close to the one-year anniversary of the island, I couldn't possibly imagine celebrating it without him.
• Patty showed me how to make a Dark Lily Crown.
• Ended up going on an Ables' shopping spree.
• Worked on my special project design for a bit.
• Apparently, Maddie and Gayle got into a fight. Maddie felt pretty bad about it; I agreed to help smooth things over.
• Ran into Wisp again; after helping him out, he rewarded me with green vinyl flooring.
march 2nd
ʚϊɞ | my birthday was today!! fuchsia, margie and whitney threw me a party and it was so cute - my heart is full 🥺 also managed to get all items, the song and completed the “happy birthday!” nm achievement!
ʚϊɞ | checked the mail; received the items that i ordered yesterday!
ʚϊɞ | did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
ʚϊɞ | talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
ʚϊɞ | sold stuff
ʚϊɞ | shot down balloons
ʚϊɞ | gave away an item for free
ʚϊɞ | checked the recycling bin
ʚϊɞ | collected my daily bonus nook miles
ʚϊɞ | checked the shops
ʚϊɞ | completed some nook mile achievements
Redid my wife's character's exterior and the whole estate.

Finally looks good. :)
Today about 4 mins ago I finally after months of trying I got all my rocks to spawn together :) Now I just have to make the area look nicer
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march 2nd
ʚϊɞ | my birthday was today!! fuchsia, margie and whitney threw me a party and it was so cute - my heart is full 🥺 also managed to get all items, the song and completed the “happy birthday!” nm achievement!
ʚϊɞ | checked the mail; received the items that i ordered yesterday!
ʚϊɞ | did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
ʚϊɞ | talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
ʚϊɞ | sold stuff
ʚϊɞ | shot down balloons
ʚϊɞ | gave away an item for free
ʚϊɞ | checked the recycling bin
ʚϊɞ | collected my daily bonus nook miles
ʚϊɞ | checked the shops
ʚϊɞ | completed some nook mile achievements
Happy Birthday I hope you had a lovely day ❤
I went out of my way to finally complete the final rank of the Cast Master challenge that requires you to catch 100 fish in a row. I tried since launch to do the 100 consecutive catches legitimately, but resorted to saving after every few catches and then loading back in to resume, and closing the game and reloading before the autosave could occur if there were any accidents.

I also finally caught the final fish I needed for the museum, the Stringfish. I did that after the Cast Master stuff, separate so as not to risk any mishaps. I still need 5 deep sea creatures and a good portion of the art before the museum is complete, but it's good to now have the fish exhibit completed alongside the fossil and bug exhibits.
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