• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

july 16th
checked the mail; received a very sweet letter from audie!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a backyard lawn diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a punching bag, a top hat and a flashy hairpin in return
returned a lost pouch to beau and got a cavalier hat in return
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
harvested my pear trees
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
helped out gulliver
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
- rearranged some furniture in my house
- got a money transfer call from Timmy and Tommy about stuff I sold yesterday
- checked the mail
- opened letters from villagers that piled up
- talked to Raymond
- dug up some excess hyacinths around my house
- placed down some custom designs
- did a bit of waterscaping
- decorated beaches
- helped gulliver
- shopped at Nook's
- shopped at Ables
- went to resident services to transfer bells
- did some fishing
-Checked the mail, Tipper sent me a College cardigan and collected the lantern I ordered
-Found the glowing spot near my house so I planted a money tree
-Checked out both shops, bought a new net as mine broke yesterday
-Found a lost item that belonged to Tipper so I returned that to her and got a Student cap from her in return
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave Flo some wrapped fruits, she gave me some Camo flooring
-Completed a few Nook miles tasks
-Moved some flowers and weeds around, watered the flowers I'm trying to duplicate
-Spent some time cleaning out my storage and selling off extra items that I don't need
  • opened the mail
  • spoke to my villagers - agreed to let Judy move, she’s a villager I really like but has been on my island a long time and there are some other snooty villagers I’d like to have
  • visited the shops
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and dug up fossils
  • had fossils assessed and sold
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • crafted and customised a few items
  • watered the flowers
  • caught and sold some fish and bugs
  • finally caught a Golden Stag, completing my critterpedia and the bug section of the museum :giggle:
• Recieved a sombrero in the mail from Gulliver.
• Collected star fragments from the beach! At the end, I found four regular frags and one Cancer frag!
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, and Pashmina. (Couldn't find Pekoe)
• Popped a balloon and got 30k bells out of it!
• Was overjoyed to discover that the hibiscus have bloomed!
• Redd was here today; I discovered that two of the art pieces were real, and I didn't have either of them! Unfortunately, I couldn't get both of them...so I walked out with a genuine Wistful Painting!
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Put some bells into savings.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.
-Erik moved in
-I put down a new land plot and used 2 nmts to try to find a new villager but can't find any. Today I came back to the island and it says the plot is sold so I guess I'll just a random villager
-Bought some nmts
-bought some bunny day planter boxes to decorate a yard-ish area
-popped some ballons
-Kicks came and I bought some wings and a traveler's bag
july 17th
checked the mail; received a genuine mystic statue from beau and the blue tam-o’-shanter from gulliver!!!!!!! i’ve been wanting the blue tam-o’-shanter for ages, so i’m super happy to finally have it! 🥳
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a bamboo wall decoration diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a zap suit, a guayabera shirt and a pinball machine in return
delivered a package to sprinkle for merengue
delivered a package to fuchsia for del and got a bowling shirt in return
caught a horse mackerel for bruce and got a water cooler in return
checked the recycling bin; found a rusted part
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
crafted an ironwood dresser, a fishing rod and a net
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
planted a few flowers
listened to a k.k. slider performance and received a copy of k.k. lament
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Started my new island today, got my move in fees all paid off, placed my museum where I wanted it, and did a little bit of fishing today. Tomorrow I’m gonna see if I can pick up and purchase some bells and nook miles tickets to help me start off right. For now, off to bed. 🙂
july 18th
checked the mail; received letters from beau and the HHA!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and stone
got an ironwood low table diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers and gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a box-skirt uniform, mrs. flamingo and a firefighter uniform in return
did some fishing and bug catching
reorganized the critters that i’m saving for model commissions
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
there was a new message on the bulletin board; checked to see what it was and it was an announcement for the upcoming bug-off!
crafted a barrel
sold some stuff
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked daisy mae’s turnip price and decided not to buy any this week
checked the shops; bought wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
july 19th
☾ checked the mail; received a letter from marty!
☾ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
☾ collected my daily weeds, tree branches and stone
☾ got a natural square table diy from my daily diy bottle
☾ talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a sprite costume, an attus robe and a basic teacher’s desk in return
☾ returned a lost book to fuchsia and got a suit of lights in return
☾ delivered a package to margie for del and got a diner apron in return
☾ caught a black bass for bruce and got a maxi shirtdress in return
☾ delivered a package to whitney for del and got a kurta in return
☾ did some fishing and bug catching
☾ crafted a fishing rod
☾ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
☾ harvested my pear trees
☾ shot down a balloon and got an emblem blazer
☾ checked the recycling bin
☾ collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
☾ bought rugs from saharah and exchanged 5 tickets for saharah’s desert; didn’t get any new rugs, though :(
☾ checked the shops
☾ completed some nook mile achievements
july 20th
☾ checked the mail; received a letter from bruce!
☾ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
☾ collected my daily weeds, tree branches and stone
☾ got a leaf diy from my daily diy bottle
☾ talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a rattan armchair, a film projector and mariachi clothing in return
☾ delivered a package to marty for bruce
☾ did a trade
☾ did some fishing, bug catching and diving
☾ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found 4 giant clams
☾ gave pascal a scallop and got a pearl in return
☾ shot down a balloon and got a judge’s bell
☾ stopped merengue from leaving
☾ checked the recycling bin; found a velvet stool
☾ collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
☾ helped out gullivarrr
☾ checked the shops
☾ completed some nook mile achievements
I just finished one of my houses. All done with the exterior and the whole interior decorating. I’ve been struggles forever with one of the last rooms, but I finally got it.
Today i:
🎁gifted items to my villagers- no pictures yet :(
🛩hosted on my island (turnip selling and tour)
🐪Sahara was visiting with carpets got one of each size and a mystery wall (wall was rock climbing wall)
🔨started on a pumpkin carving area, still need Halloween DIYs to do it justice
🎁added some more decor to one of the houses on the island
🔨collected my daily DIY in a bottles
👗brought clothes from the able sisters (brought almost all of the horns in different colours)
july 21st
checked the mail; received a blue pirate dress from gullivarrr!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and stone
got a bamboo bench diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got zebra-print flooring, an automatic washer and a doctor’s coat in return
caught a flea off of beau
planted a few flowers
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found a giant clam
did some fishing and bug catching
crafted an ironwood cart and a fishing rod
sold stuff
came up with a special greeting for del and i
checked the recycling bin; found a rusted part
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked to see what kicks was selling and bought a pair of kiddie socks (red/light blue)
checked the shops; bought 10 red tulip seeds and 10 pieces of light blue wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
-Tomorrow's my first bug-off! Excited to see what's gonna happen
-Won an auction so I bought 100 nmt for ~3 mil IGBs
-Paid for 7 bridges/inclines today
-Someone was offering a Celeste visit and I was surprised to see I got the code so quick till I realized they gave the code to literally everybody. So there were a bunch of people stuck on the dock and everybody was asking where the owner is and it was so chaotic that the connection broke and I lost my diy recipe :(
-But I went to someone else's Celeste and I was the only person there and Celeste was right there on the dock. Couldn't be better ^^ got a leo sculpture diy
-Got my first lily-of-the-valley! I didn't even know I got to 5 stars - learned that after I googled about it
-Erik finished unpacking today. I like him immediately because 1) he looks awesome 2) his internal decoration is unique and 3) he gave me a shell fountain diy recipe that I've been wanting for a while
-The random villager from yesterday moved in. She's a pink alligator, don't remember her name. Not sure if I like her yet
-Met someone whose username is iLoveGoldie. Excellent name lol
-Did a Gulliver quest
july 22nd
checked the mail; received a black fan palm from whitney!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and stone
got a rocking horse diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a wood-burning stove, a dreamy dress and a clothes closet in return
returned a lost book to merengue and got a plaid-print dress in return
caught an orchid mantis for bruce and got a marimba in return
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
harvested my pear trees
crafted a standard umbrella stand
sold stuff
got a new nickname from del; i’m now officially known as “june bug” 🥺
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
7/23 (Isabelle announced that we're in for shooting stars tonight! 🌠)
• Took the Wistful Painting out of the mail and brought it straight to Blathers.
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, Pekoe (who has decided she'd like to call me Pumpkin), and Pashmina.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for Basement Flooring inside!
• Bought more wrapping paper and customization kits.
• Label was back with a Theatrical Outfit Challenge--she seemed to like my choices, but I got the distinct feeling I'd only be getting one tailor's ticket tomorrow... I was also gifted a pair of Labelle Sneakers.
• Decided to craft a Juicy-apple TV as Rex's birthday present. I also customized it to be green so it would match his closet and bed!
• Popped a balloon and got a gold nugget out of it!
• Realized it was the last gold nugget I needed at the moment! After gathering up all of the materials I'd been saving up for months, I was FINALLY able to craft the Robot Hero!!! (Will post finished pic tomorrow)
• (Took a break to play other games while I waited for nightfall)
• Got back on later and started wishing on stars left and right!
• Ran into Celeste outside the cemetary (which does have a good view of the sky, due to where I placed it...), and she gave me a recipe for a mums wand!
• Promptly picked up a yellow mum to use for crafting tomorrow.
Post automatically merged:

-The random villager from yesterday moved in. She's a pink alligator, don't remember her name. Not sure if I like her yet

If she's got a heart motif, that's Gayle! One of my favorites for sure! 💜
july 23rd
i’m finally caught up ... again lol.

checked the mail; received an australopith fossil from beau!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
got a zen-style stone diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got 2 maxi shirtdresses and a desert outfit in return
did some fishing and bug catching
crafted a shovel and a fishing rod
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found a giant clam
shot down a balloon and got a red cute tea table
gave sprinkle permission to start calling me “june bug”
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements