• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

So i reset recently which I’ve actually really enjoyed. Today I hit three stars and got KK Slider to come for his first visit:) hoping to nail my weather seed soon bc I really want to start getting some Celeste diys
- checked the mail
- ordered some items
- talked to Rudy
- went fishing
- went swimming
- dug up some fossils
- removed some weeds
- organized some pending orders
- sold some stuff to Nook's
- chopped a couple trees
- hit some rocks with a shovel
I'm starting to flatten my island. It's gonna take a long time. I have so many flowers that have overtaken the cliffs so I have to remove all of those first, then the trees. That's pretty much all I did today
-Participated in the Bug Off event. It's pretty grindy but not as much as the fishing tournament since I don't have to frantically run around trying to find manila clams to craft into fish bait
-Caught some bees and orchid mantis that I'm saving for Flick to make models
-Somehow the stuff I got the most from the Bug Off is the toy centipede which I'm not exactly overjoyed about since I don't like bugs and definitely don't want it in my home/on my island. I'll probably sell them to other people or just Nook's Cranny as fast as possible. Grinded for a couple of hours till I got the silver trophy. I didn't have the time, patience or the battery to grind for the gold one.
-Bought a lot of furniture
-Made a list of arts that I don't have in the museum yet
-Caught my first scorpion! Only knew how to catch it after reading through a tutorial online
-Bought a dynamic painting for my museum
-My favorite activity now is knocking on each villager's house (if they're in their houses) and see if they're crafting. If so I go get a recipe or if not I leave immediately and get the curiosity question mark reaction
-Popped a balloon but the area beneath it is all furniture so the present disappeared :/

If she's got a heart motif, that's Gayle! One of my favorites for sure! 💜

That's cool! I haven't had to chance to really talk to her yet (since it's Bug Off day so there aren't much dialogues) but I'll go talk to her & check out her house tomorrow.
july 24th
checked the mail; received red full-body tights from fuchsia and items i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
got a pear wall diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a green flashy hairpin, a sepia puzzle wall and a yellow heart-pattern wall in return
did a few trades
cleared up some space in my storage
searched for and downloaded some new dress designs as i’ve been thinking about changing up my island rep’s look again 😅
sold stuff
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found a giant clam
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
ordered some nook mile items and a do-rag
checked the shops
went to harv’s island to test out some outfit ideas
completed some nook mile achievements
Today i: (25th july)
🏠Started decorating a new area! This time a cowboy themed campsite below my house.
👗brought some new clothes (couldnt find any I wanted to gift my villagers)
🐶KK slider visited and gave me some music
🎁did a trade on here! Got some items for one of the houses libraries and for the above mentioned area!
🎈popped a bunch of balloons
🌲moved a bunch of trees around - debated just having one type but alas I am a sucker for seasonal trees when they show up 😅
🔨the shop didnt have any furniture I wanted so I replaced some of my tools instead
💌collected the mail/things I'd ordered
🤔 debating adding *another* pirate section on my beach - the first is very cute so it may be time to expand to fit more things!

Then had to stop for the evening as my switch was on 5% 😅
Over the last few days:

  • opened the mail
  • said goodbye to Judy and went island hopping to replace her - it started of quite badly with a few repeats but soon improved and I found Vivian on around the 30th NMT, I love the wolves and snooty villagers and had been looking for her on every island hopping trip I’d been on so really pleased to finally find her :giggle:
  • visited the shops
  • spoke to my villagers and gave Whitney and Julian gifts
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and dug fossils
  • had fossils assessed and sold
  • visited Redd but didn’t buy anything as he had nothing that I needed
  • went diving to see Pascal
  • caught fish, including quite a lot of sharks, and sold them to C.J.
  • watered the flowers
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t take anything
  • scared Wisp apart and then tracked down the pieces to put him back together - received a Wall Mounted Telephone
-HHA gave me a water cooler for reaching rank S
-Got a log chair diy recipe from today's beach message bottle :)
-Bought a lot of furniture
-Paid off the debt for an incline
-(yesterday) asked Tom Nook to customize my house. Turned out to look really nice!
-(yesterday) set down the last plot for a villager's house but I thought I would remember to go on a villager hunt and turned out I didn't so today the plot was sold and I'm going to get another rando villager now
-K.k came for the first regular visit - I chose the random song option and it was K.k. fusion
-Talked to Erik and Gayle; both of them seem to be pretty nice
-Sold all of my toy centipedes & cockroaches. What a relief
-my storage is getting full and I have an idea for a kitchen so asked Tom Nook to build me a basement. Gonna take a while to pay off the 2 mil debt though
-Ordered a bunch of furniture mainly for catalog purposes
-Assessed a plesio skull and finished all fossils for it
-Popped a balloon and got a kotatsu
-Someone wanted to buy a kids tent that I put up for trade earlier but it was sold so I took one out of my own decor lol.
july 25th
checked the mail; received a letter from the HHA, a rabbit tee from audie and items i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found 2 giant clams
got a bamboo speaker diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a purple dollhouse dress from merengue, a white zap suit from del and a beige detective hat from bruce
delivered a package to margie for merengue and got a red front-tie tee in return
caught a great purple emperor butterfly for bruce and got orange fishing waders in return
got rid of some flowers
crafted a shovel
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
changed my island rep’s outfit! i’m not sure if i’ll stick with it or not, but i’m really liking it so far! i took some pictures of it as well :’)
put some stuff into storage
harvested my pear trees
got a pearl from pascal
shot down a balloon and got a mint shell dress
checked the recycling bin; found a pink stadiometer
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked daisy mae’s turnip price and decided not to buy any again this week
attended a k.k. slider performance and received a copy of mountain song
checked the shops; bought 10 pieces of green wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
-The flowers directly outside of my house duplicated! This is always nice to see when I log in, now I only need one more to fill up this area so I watered the flowers again
-Checked the mail, got a letter from Erik
-Had to chop down some trees, I was trying to grow them only to medium size but I didn't play this weekend and they got too big. So I chopped them and replanted new saplings
-Harvested a money tree
-Kicks was in the plaza so I checked out what he had for sale
-Visited both shops
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Flo, still no photo :(
-Completed a few Nook Miles tasks
-The rando villager from yesterday turned out to be Judy :D I don't love her enormous sparkly eyes but I'll see in the future
-Did two touch trades today. Funny enough neither of them read the 'Touch Trade' and both thought it was normal trading. But oh well one already picked up the item so it was practically a free touch trade lol. The other offer was pretty high so I just let him keep the item
-Order some more items
-Leif came. Bought some holly starts and one of each color of flower seeds
-Looked around and didn't see any lily of the valley
-Sold a black lucky cat. I don't like the black one so I might go and buy a white one sometime in the future
-Decorated my basement! Turned it into a kitchen/dining room. Think it turned out to be pretty good. So far, I have a bedroom, study room, kitchen, and teddy bear room (along with every villager's poster) ^^ Don't judge about the teddy bear room
-Someone came to the campsite and it turned out to be Mira. Her personality seems to be great but I have my full villagers and I'm not ready to let any of them go yet
-It was a clear sky night today but Celeste still didn't show up
-It's Erilk's birthday today 🥳 I forgot to get him something lol so I gathered up my very best fruit and headed straight to his house. Tipper was there celebrating with him 😊
-Leif was in the plaza so I went to check out what he had for sale
-Visited both shops
-Talked to my villagers
-Did a bit of landscaping, swapped some of my regular trees out for orange trees instead (my native fruit)
-Changed up the area behind Nooks to make it a little arcade like, I had to order some things so this won't be done until later
-Gave wrapped fruits to Flo
-Spent some time trying to catch some bugs I need to catch
I spent a loooonnnggg time terraforming my older island to give it a makeover. I think eventually, it will be nice but it's going to be a long haul. *sigh*
Today on my Island I set up the three starter homes and furnished them all both inside and out. I also chose where to build my first bridge.

Tomorrow my museum will be built and I have a large amount of insects and fish to donate. Very glad I reset and am taking things slow this time around :)
-It's Erik's birthday! I went to his house and checked a couple of times: two times were Rodeo and one time was Bea celebrating in his house
-Planted some flowers around the plaza
-Built a marketplace-ish location near my beach - it has new year's noodles and other food put onto the stalls and then I put a row of throwback mitt chairs in front of the stalls. Was thinking of ordering public benches but decided I didn't want to wait
-did some trading
-Someone asked me to pay of their debt (which I specifically said was bridge or incline debts) a couple of days ago but we never found a good time when both of us are available. Well, today happened to be the day and then they were surprised to hear that I was going to pay for their bridge debt - apparently they wanted me to pay off their home loan. I said I can either give you the equivalent amount of bells for the most expensive bridge or I'll just pay for the bridge itself and then they said okay I can use a bridge and presumably put up a bridge right then. The moment I got to their island they messaged me and said they had to go and literally kicked me off the island right after I walked out of the airport building. I didn't have the patience to wait a couple more days and put up with more shenanigan so I just called it off.
-Bought an ironwood cupboard for my new kitchen but I don't think I have any space in there
-Saharah came! I bought a firework wallpaper, another crosswalk flooring :/, a brown shaggy rug and a heart shaped rug.
-Checked the mail, collected the things that I ordered as well as a gift from Erik for attending his birthday! He sent me some round shades
-Watered the flowers by my house
-Visited both shops, I bought some Traditional monope pants in two colours and a Belted dotted dress I don't think I've ever seen these items in the shop before so that was nice
-Flick was visiting so I gave him some Tiger beetles to made a model
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave Flo some wrapped fruits, still no photo
-Found the glowing spot and planted a money tree
-Completed a few Nook Miles tasks
-Cleaned out some duplicate clothing items from my storage
Yesterday i:
Ordered a bunch of stuff
Did some trades
Got paintings from redd
Gifted villagers

Today i:
Finished off the campsite section of my island
Gifted all my villagers clothes
Changed outfits
Ran out of storage in my house 😅
Took paintings and statues to the museum
C.J visited / sold fish
-Label came and asked for a comfy outfit. I dressed in a sweater, sweatpants, dal eye mask and dal slippers and I think I passed
-Did some trading
-Gave away some wallpaper and diys
-Sold a bug model for some gold nuggets. Then used the nuggets to make a golden watering can
-planted some flowers along my roads
-donated some more bells for my new plank incline
-Ran around my island twice but still found neither Celeste nor Wisp. It's been a couple of days already
-Did some fishing but only cause sea bass, black bass, and olive flounder. Let a shark slip and the next one I caught but it was a suckerfish
-Ordered a bunch of stuff from Nook Miles shopping
-Updated my game but didn't notice anything different. Maybe tomorrow?
Only a short play session today~
-Watered the flowers by my house
-Checked the mail, got the model I commissioned from Flick and Tipper sent me a table lamp
-Visited both shops
-Talked to my villagers
-Gullivarr was asleep on the beach but I don't need any pirate items at the moment so I let him sleep
-Got the recipe for the summer-shell rug!
-Found the glowing spot and planted a money tree
-Spent a little time trying to catch some sharks