• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

God, so much.
On Ataraxia, not too much here, but putting stuff down that we need, and bought more washing machines as I wanted to make a lil washer dryer area for outside.
Bought Lolly again on the island a second time since Vivian is leaving tomorrow ;_; wish I could've added her on my other island but not willing to time travel.

On Illyria, fished and got a lot of new critters to the musuem. I dunno if you're able to visit the musem in dream towns but im wokring on it anyways
Both musuem and shop are deciding to close the whole day tomorrow. And I tried my best to catch and sell as much as possible beaucse i just put up a brick staircase. Honestly did super well, but had to grab 40000 or so from my other island before the day was over. The grind was so long. But that sgould be ready tomorrow.

:) the grind is finally over...
Today this is what I did:

I went island hopping since Sasha moved out and I found Felicity 🥳🥳🥳. I’ve been interested in her since New Leaf and I never had her before, so I’m excited. Bonus: she’s a cat! 😸

I went to Harv’s studio. I talked to tortimer and put the acorns in my storage.

I had Cyrus customize some furniture into the variations that I didn’t have.

I talked to Katrina about my friendship with Julia and got the boost.

I went in the studio to work more on something for my shop.

I gave Julia some wrapped coconuts; she gave me an earbuds combo.

I dropped off some items at one of my other residents’ house.

I returned Spike’s bag; he gave me a steampunk hat.

I ordered some more items that I didn’t have all the variations to.

I went diving.

I dug up some manila clams and made fish bait.

I had coffee at the Roost; I talked to Kiki who was there too.

I visited Mitzi and got a dupe recipe.

I visited Rudy and chatted.

I caught a butterfly.

I fished a little.

That’s it for now 🙂
This is what I did today:

I did a trade!

I visited Felicity!

I went to Harv’s Studio. I talked to Tortimer and put the acorns in my storage.

l had Cyrus customize some furniture that I didn’t have all variations for.

I dropped off the items at one of my other residents‘ house.

I went back to Harv’s studio and talked to Katrina about my friendship with Julia and got the boost.

I bought a wallpaper that I didn’t have from Saharah; I put it in my storage. I bought some more items from her for my shop and flooring for myself.

I gave CJ a pufferfish to make a model of.

I gave Julia wrapped coconuts. She gave me a bicycle helmet.

I logged in on a different resident and gave CJ a catfish to make a model of.

I logged in on a different resident and gave CJ a sturgeon to make a model of.

Back on my main:

I ordered more furniture that I didn’t have all the variations of so I can have Cyrus customize them later.

I changed my outfit.

I baked some frosted cookies.

I might tt a bit later since I’m close to finishing my orderable furniture catalogue and having it ready for my shop :D 🥳. I just need to order several more things and customize them. 🙂
I have three islands. My third island is a current focus as I have been strengthening interior design of the houses of its two human characters. This became necessary as I don’t have this island set with a Dream Address. And I have been off and on with playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Today this is what I did:

I ordered some wallpapers, rugs, & flooring that I didn’t have at HHP.

I went to Harv’s Studio. I talked to Tortimer and put the acorns in my storage.

I talked to Katrina about my friendship with Julia and got the boost.

I gave Julia wrapped coconuts; she gave me a kung fu tee.

I picked some weeds. I put some items away that I had out on display.

I TTed to get some items that I had ordered and i ordered more. Once I get them and the items I was missing in a trade, I’ll have all the orderable wallpapers, flooring, and rugs and another catalogue list posted to my shop :D.

I went back to Harv’s studio and talked to Tortimer; I put the acorns that he gave me in my storage.

I talked to Katrina about my friendship with Julia and found out that it’s maxed! 🥳

I caught some butterflies.
Today on Serenity:

Talked to my villagers and gave them gifts
Went looking for acorns and pine cones
Started crafting some fall furniture to decorate my island for fall.
Worked on some nook+ tasks
Bug catching to try for the nook mile achievement.
Ordered some furniture from nook shopping.
Planted some more pumpkins to use to craft pumpkin furniture.
Went and got a coffee from Brewster
Group stretching
This is what I did today:

I found Spike’s bag and gave it to him; he gave me a school hat.

I went to Harv’s studio. I talked to Tortimer & put the acorns in my storage.

I bought more wrapping paper.

I caught a butterfly

I gifted Julia some wrapped coconuts; she gave me a conductor’s jacket.

I went on an island tour. I gathered materials, chopped wood, hit rocks. I dropped off the materials at one of my other residents’ house.

I picked my vegetables and watered them.

On another resident:

I bought more customization kits and a flimsy axe.

I went on an island tour.

I went on an island tour. I gathered materials, chopped bamboo, hit rocks. I dropped off the materials at one of my other residents’ house.

On a third resident:

I went on an island tour. I gathered materials, chopped wood, hit rocks. I put the materials, including the ones on the ground in my storage.

I’ll probably TT a little to get more materials and to try to get Julia’s photo. 🙂