What did you dream about?

a bunch of stuff... but there was one in particular that was worth sharing:

I was watching ninja warrior and one of the new contestants was an upper middle-aged woman who owned two chonky internet famous cats. They called her the 'chonky ninja' after her cats even though she was skinny. They put the cats on a little livestream screen on the top right corner of the video so they could watch her run. She fell on the first obstacle but not only did she fall, she broke it. Instead of the floating steps it was a zipline onto the course, she sat down on the platform to push herself off and the it collapsed. She fell and crashed 20 feet onto the gound with all the rubble from the zipline and they had to cut to commercial to clean it all up.
I had a bunch of different dream but ones that stood out was my brother talking **** about me again and blaming me for **** like leaving vomit on the floor and harassing me. I woke myself up talking in my sleep telling him I hate him. Another one (this one is so stupid) I found belt but it was evil and cursed anyone who wore it. We found ways to stop it from cursing people but ultimately it could not be destroyed.

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Last night I dreamed that I was part of a sort of video game tournament. A few of my old classmates
from school where there for some reasons too (haven't seen these people for years). I can't remember
what we played, but I remember that I freaked out (not sure why) and I throwed empty (?) cans from
soft drinks at the others when they start to blame me for something? And then I run out of the building
and that's where I woke up and the dream was over. Don't ask me why I dreamed this trash, I have so
many weird dreams sometimes where I can't explain why I have them.
Dreamed I had a girlfriend and we went out for dinner and, then I woke up late and almost late for work
I dreamt that I was growing a beard, and very rapidly. I think I was embarrassed in the dream. I was thinking, what am I going to do. I just kept shaving over and over again, but eventually, not only did I have very rapid growing facial hair, but also a shadow.

I think in the dream, I must have been thinking "I hope this is just a dream."

I didn't remember it until a day later, so I didn't have one of those moments where you wake up thinking, "thank gosh." I had more of a, hey, I just remembered the dream I had yesterday moments.

Also, I'm sure by the dream, it should be clear that I'm a girl who does not grow a beard, not a guy who just really doesn't want one.
I dreamt I was waiting an hour on an order from Yo Sushi for a big event, and finally the food came and it was Dominoes Pizza. Then I went and yelled at the guy I left in charge of it and he said it was because Yo Sushi was going to take an extra hour. Everyone was happy because they were none the wiser but I was still yelling at this poor lad on principle! Then I woke-up and felt bad.
I had a dream about going back to school, but in all honesty, I'm not surprised because ALL of my dreams include something from school. It was so weird because in my dream I felt sad that it was going to be my last year there, but in reality, I could care less lol.
I had two dreams last night, but right now I can only remember one of them.

My former coworker/best friend and I were spies and we had to infiltrate the company where I work. We got our hands on some officials uniforms (even though that's not a thing in real life) and somehow got into the building. We made our way up to the top floor and found some very shady things going on. I don't remember the details, but there were manufactoring lines and things that just shouldn't be there based on what my company actually does. My friend and I got separated and I realized one of the bosses was onto me, so I broke into a bathroom to hide. Unfortunately, there was another lady in the bathroom who let the boss in to find me.

Suddenly, I found myself outside in the parking lot, so I must have escaped somehow. The parking lot was full of people who had been evacuated due to the intruders. I weaved through the crowd, trying to be as discreet as possible and get to the main road so I could escape.

Then I woke up.
Dreamt about my best friend getting lost in a sewer.. o_O
And then I dreamt about this girl from my school who has a child. Her boyfriend left her on the street in front of my house and she was crying and I felt terrible. So I let her into my house and she explained everything that was going on to me- and then we chilled for the rest of the day.
This was a dream I had a few years ago but it is the most vivid one I have ever had.

Basically me, my best friend, and my family were in a lolly shop in the sky. (Don't ask me why it was in the sky it just was. I told you it was weird.) I was really happy because everything was free so I could just eat everything. Then suddenly the ground split in two pieces. I was the only one on my side everybody else was on the other side. For some reason their side stayed in the sky while my one dropped and I started falling down through the sky. I could hear everyone screaming and I started crying. Then the ground came into view and when I hit it. I woke up sweating. It turned out I had been crying in real life too during that dream. I looked at my phone and it was 2:30 am. Then I fell right back to sleep again. Other dreams I had I remembered for like five minutes afterwards at the most. I don't know why I remembered this one so vividly.
I actually wrote it down when I woke up because it was bizarre. Me and some people from school were floating down a stream of lava in hay bales wrapped in a plastic film. They looked like marshmallows and i made a joke about it. they didnt melt in the lava either. It also looked post apocalyptic and everything was red and the sky was cloudy and black. It wasn’t a nightmare but it was so weird. I blame watching season 3 of stranger things before i went to bed
Think this must have been a few nights ago that I dreamt I was swimming, and more so learning how to swim. I actually don't know what I found so fascinating about it but at one point felt like drowning
I found a lost cat and four kittens. The cat was trying to get into a box from a bakery. I opened it to find a white cake with "July 2019" iced on it in red.
I dreamt that TBT released a banana collectible. As expected, because of my timezone, I missed out on its release.
I had a really hard time falling asleep last night, and when I finally did fall asleep I dreamt about not being able to go to sleep and doing chores to pass the time like cleaning the litterbox and sweeping cat food off the rug
My friend who doesn't have a car (yet got her license a decade ago) drove me and two friends to a local club where they were holding some sort of talent show. She demonstrated her art skills (or lack thereof) and I was going to sing. I picked a song that I tend to sing most days in the shower and... I couldn't remember the first line so just stood there dumbfounded. Also for some weird reason my dad was on the judging panel and you can bet he was laughing at me.
I dreamt that I was playing a Mario game, except it wasn't anything that exists. It was a 2D platformer similar in graphics to the New Super Mario Bros series, except the overworld and levels were completely different than anything in the real world.

Actually gave me a few ideas for if I ever make my own game.
For some reason I was like at a Walmart of Sam's, and there were a lot of people running around. I stared at the white ceiling and did not know what was I doing. I heard lots of people screaming, and there were members of my mother's side family. I had a hammer on my hands, and there were several glass boxes and showcases with objects inside. We were allowed to break those boxes, and we were taking the objects inside them. There were also my grandpa and an uncle breaking those boxes. I looked behind me and there was my aunt taking Lego sets from a shelf. She said "Well, once and for all, perhaps? and took 5 boxes of them and ran away. I then walked to my right and saw a big plastic table with food on it. There was a massive chicken leg, an enormous plate full of tempura veggies, deep-fried and crumbed fish bones and deep-fried shrimps. I saw my grandpa taking a bite out of those tempura veggies, and I took a shrimp. I was about to eat it when I woke up.