What did you dream about?

Lateral I rushed to one of the living rooms and told my mom what was going on. She decided we should do something about the rest of the family and of the scary video's curse. So we transported to a grassy field...and then I woke up.
That's one way to battle spooky paranormal technology. Return to monke.
Had a weird dream the other night where the Dallas Mavericks had to become the Boston Celtics after losing to them. Didn't really make sense to me. Like, if so, what would the current Boston Celtics become? And what would happen to the old but new team of Dallas Mavericks? Just like... WHAT?!?

Then it transitioned into an even more weird dream where I was trying to go through a series of puzzles and get to that shopping mall bathroom again.
a few nights ago I had a dream where I accidentally ran a red light, and a sheriff just happened to be sitting there watching, so he pulled me over and gave me a $300 ticket lol 😭

also had a dream where I was walking around an indoor festival with a bunch of little shops set up, and I was wearing my backpack and I thought to myself "you know, my dad said that I shouldn't put my wallet in the side pocket of my backpack because someone could reach in and steal it". this is something that happened in real life recently, though he actually just said that I shouldn't put it in my side pocket because it could slip out. in that same dream I imagined that I kept setting my mug down and leaving it places, and having to retrace my steps to find it again. this literally happens when I go shopping too (why I sometimes don't bring it in w me at all). why are my dreams always so uncomfortably real? like I want wild fantasy dreams, but instead I dream about my day to day life struggles 😂
Had a weird dream about zombies for some reason. And they weren't zombies before but an angry mob that wanted to get me lol. I was in some strange hotel that every where I tried going was just a long hallway or a flight of stairs and I was always on the middle floor. I did find some auditorium that was also full of zombies.

I jumped out of a window to a parking lot and there were even more. There was a sword and a box of eggs on the ground. So of course I grabbed the eggs as a weapon and egged them. Because who would want a weapon that would actually be somewhat decent lool.
I was in a car and we were driving somewhere. There was a peacock running to us for a while, then he stopped and when I looked at the rear window he had already put his colorful tail up. He repeated this a few more times.

Then I took out my N2DS to play New Leaf and the Festivale event was occuring. I don't remember much of what Pavé said when I talked to him, but I can recall him saying he's the "hippiest, hoppiest frog" and that "Chax is Chex but orange-flavored." The game had dialogue options where you could call him out on his surreal sayings.

Later I found myself in a museum on my own, reminiscent of the field trip I went to months ago. I remember there was an arcade room and an outdoor space with a part of the museum that I noticed was illegal for me to get in to.
Had a weird dream about zombies for some reason. And they weren't zombies before but an angry mob that wanted to get me lol. I was in some strange hotel that every where I tried going was just a long hallway or a flight of stairs and I was always on the middle floor. I did find some auditorium that was also full of zombies.

I jumped out of a window to a parking lot and there were even more. There was a sword and a box of eggs on the ground. So of course I grabbed the eggs as a weapon and egged them. Because who would want a weapon that would actually be somewhat decent lool.
That’s basically just my dreams in a nutshell lmao.
I had a dream I was visiting a bookstore I visited on vacation last month, and it was pouring out. But I was helping a customer get a book from the bottom shelf, which was fine but I kept handing them books and they wouldn't take it. I also remember something about getting an ice cream cone.
I dreamt that there was a game that was like artfight but it was called lightfight and you’d make a completely black image and somebody would attack by making it ever so slightly lighter, “revealing” something. The more people attacked, the lighter the image would be until it was completely revealed or completely white. It seemed like it was only for scenes, mainly of houses and stuff. And it took place every April but was kinda obscure.
I dreamt I was on a fancy cruise with one of my favorite character, and in a hallway with red and gold carpeted walls and floor, he was kidnapped while right besides me and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't know where they took him, and I had only access to four identical rooms in that hallway I was now stuck in. (The doors behind and in front of me closed in)

I look through one of the room and find nothing, only for example a bunch of plushies under a blanket to make the silhouette of a human hiding under - and all four rooms were the same, except in one where I found old classmates who thought this was a fun game of hide and seek. I was getting angry at them because they didn't help me find my favorite character who was kidnapped, and in the end I did not find him and woke up.
I had a dream I was playing New Horizons again, except my lineup of villagers was completely different. Someone was missing and some ugly villager took their place. I have this kind of dream a lot, and it's usually with New Leaf. I think it's the first time I had it with New Horizons. So my dream me was trying to get back into the game.
This isn't a dream I had last night, but rather one I had months ago.

I dreamt I moved into a new house, saw a bunch of things happen around the neighborhood and on Discord, and at the end heard an ominous voice say "don't move here." The house I moved into last week looks and is laid out the exact same way as the dream despite the fact I never saw the house until just recently. The messages I've seen on Discord and the people I've seen around town this week are all happening in the exact same way as the dream too.

It's probably just a really weird coincidence, but it is still very odd.
I had this weird lucid dream where I could feel myself doing everything I was doing in the dream and everything I thought about materialized instantly in the dream. I started to attack some serial killer with random things and I was hitting the killer in the face with some giant metal pipe.
I was just thinking about a dream I had when I was a kid and my aunt and Granny were over, and I was sleeping in the living room with my aunt. I was like half asleep and dreamt that someone had set an alarm on the TV that basically had a 3D version of the peanut butter jelly time banana dancing back and forth and saying “one banana, two banana, three banana…” and kept counting up until you turned it off. It was the most annoying thing in the world!
When I was trying to sleep but couldn't, I had this dream where I went on the TBT website and the entire thing got a complete redesign for a site event. There was a "user spotlight", leaderboards, and everything. I remember the banner at night had fireflies in it. And one of the pages was formatted like a newspaper "for kids".
I strangely heard the songs Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith and Closing Time by Semisonic back to back in my dream in their entirety and the weird thing is my radio was off and I don’t have either song on iTunes. And this was a lucid dream too as I kept hearing the songs and suddenly finding myself in different houses and apartments and I knew none of it was real.