What did you dream about?

That there was this alien invasion that had me prisoner on the spaceship and the leader was bragging about how much superior their technology was than ours and all I did was simply touched their main weapon and it fell apart instantly and I said “Doesn’t look that way to me.” The aliens then left because of this
I dreamed that I phoned a GameStop about a preorder. We got into an argument because he said they cancelled my preorder due to past criminal history. (Ironically I have nothing of the sort in real life).

So I stormed to the car. Passed an empty lot and a cemetery.

Interesting note about the phone call: There's almost never anybody else in my dreams. So it's amusing that when someone has finally appeared, it was through the phone.


Getting there slowly.
This was a few years ago but these two dreams just reappeared in my mind and I want to share them here.

Anyway, in my first dream, all I could remember was that a cat threw a spider at me, and I actually screamed. My sister could hear me and everything.

In the second dream, me, my dad, and my brother were walking around in this empty mall. The lights were still on and it was nighttime. Later we exited the mall and drove to some building with Chinese symbols. We had food there, then we drove back home. I can distinctly remember us passing by a red car that belonged to my mom with a water bottle on the hood during traffic. Then I had a vision of a simplistic building made in Roblox, and I woke up. But I was still dreaming because when I got up to go to the kitchen I saw a box of blueberry Pop Tarts with Greninja's face on the package. Then I woke up for real.
I had a dream that I was late for a class because I was eating a spicy beef burrito for some reason. And I knew I was going to be late, but I just kept eating it??? Weird dream considering I'm not in school anymore. :LOL:
I had a dream I was at an anime convention, and some of the organizers purposely rigged coin/badge distribution, and tried pinning the blame on one person.
I had a dream that I was late for a class because I was eating a spicy beef burrito for some reason. And I knew I was going to be late, but I just kept eating it??? Weird dream considering I'm not in school anymore. :LOL:
Nah, you just got your priorities straight!
Haven't had a dream that I've remembered in a while but last night I had a very detailed dream where I quit my job 😳
I gave my manager my written notice, they pretended like everything was fine for a bit, and then later pulled me in to the backroom to grill me with a million questions
Last night I dreamt about squirrels. The idea was if you kept thinking about these squirrels, you would have them appear near you. Needless to say they did, and they were impossible to get rid of.
I dreamt I was in florida and there were semi-transparent lizards and hostile conches running around.
I had a dream that one of my cats weighed 28 pounds and the vet told me that she needed to gain more weight because she didn't weigh enough to race in some kind of contest. I'm not really sure why I dreamed of that but you know sometimes dreams just don't make sense.
Lots of school related dreams lately. Good and Bad.

Good being I dreamed that I was playing games with my classmates. It was a relaxing nostalgic dream.

Bad being I dreamed that I was running away from a school shooting (reoccurring dream). I probably won't stop having those, but it was the first one in a while.
I had a dream that my store was flooded, and there were pirates who were obviously up to no good. For some reason they also had power levels, and they were pretty low, but somehow dream me knew that they were just hiding their power levels. And for some reason, my store was selling previews of the third Fourth Wing novel, with the pages lamented, about 30 pages a book, and being sold for a price of a hard cover book.
I'm not going to go into too many details because it gets personal, but I had a very realistic nightmare this morning. Nearly everything bad that's happened in my real life was covered in the dream, all happening at once, and I felt so alone.

I woke up depressed, but I texted my husband and he cheered me up. 💞
I had a dream that I saw a spot on our deck where a lot of ants were crawling into, and I was under the impression that they would slowly work their way into our home. It was a minor dream but I felt so much panic, there were so many ants!
Well, first I dreamt that I was visiting an Amish village that was in kind of a woodsy area and I peeked into a really dark/dense corner of the woods and saw the silhouette of what I think was a mountain lion and bear fighting… but I decided they were far enough away to not be any threat to anyone.

Then I dreamt that one of my biggest style icons (whose shop in Japan I want to visit so bad) opened up a shop in my town where she and her employees would dress you up and give you makeovers, and I drove over there with my boyfriend and some other people I think, and I almost accidentally got us killed driving there, but we ended up there safely and the employees were preparing but then the tornado alarm went off and I was like “sorry, I love you all but I have to head home” because I decided home was close enough it was worth the risk to go there instead of stay in the small weak building with big windows. But somehow I was still “there”, at least in spirit but I could still see and experience everything there. I hid between the side of a shelf and the wall as winds and thunder rumbled by, and then I was woken up by my alarm, which I thought was a phone call in the dream before I woke up and realized what the signature tone was.
I went on vacation with my family but I don't remember where (and it's definitely not in Canada). We stayed in someone's apartment and @ZeldaCrossing64 happened to be there! I was ecstatic when I saw them.

We slept with each other (because why not), then the next day all of us got kicked out because our car was in the staff parking, so we had to drive to the parking for us which was a little farther from the apartment building. I was outside the parking with my siblings and one of my classmates from elementary school was running around me for some reason.

Then we were at a restaurant and we were served these seasoned chips.

That was all I dreamed about today.
I dreamt that my family and I were going on a vacation somewhere, but the dream was mostly about us packing instead. I was freaking out because I was packing at the last minute and I couldn't find a lot of my things. I was also frustrated because my phone wasn't charging and I realized I had to buy a lot of the stuff I was missing. When we were at the resort, my friend @Suguri was also there! Except we never talked in person and just chatted on Discord. They sent me a video of them going up to a nun and showing them a certain album, and the nun screamed in terror... I don't get that part, but dream-me thought it was hilarious.
I don’t know how to feel about it.

In my dream, apparently I had a job (I don’t have one irl), and my mom wanted me to drive to work with my brother in the back seat. Except I’m pretty sure you can’t legally drive without an adult in the passenger seat unless you have a driver’s license… but whatever. So I drove to work, which was the movie theater that my sister actually does work at, and then went there for a few hours. For some reason, even though I got to work completely fine, I was too scared to drive back from work, but I had to do it anyway since my mom wouldn’t do it. It was also snowy. When I tried to drive, the car went in reverse and started driving backwards down a slope, and when I finally got control over it, it crashed into the front of another car. Obviously I was incredibly scared, and my brother kept calling me stupid like he always does when I make a mistake end me.

Then we left for a while and came back, and when I was finally ready to drive, I noticed the police were there. I didn’t want to talk to them because I didn’t want to get in trouble for not having a license even though it technically wasn’t my fault. But I eventually told them what happened, and they were actually incredibly understanding of the situation. They were going to let me go for free, actually, but then my mom came and admitted that it was her fault for letting me drive in the first place and proceeded to take away my phone as punishment despite it mostly being her fault that this happened. But you know, idec at that point. Then she decided that she should drive us home, and I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Kind of tired of having stressful dreams like this.
Me and my sister went to the museum that I visited during my field trip months ago, and the plastination exhibit piqued her interest so we went there.

Later I was in bed, and I overheard her watching a video where some guy was rambling about how we should go back to the primitive era because technology has been driving us insane. Somehow, in the dream, I was easily convinced. But looking back, I would've thought it was ridiculous.
I dreamt that I went to a Party City with my mom but it was very weird. When we walked in there were shelves full of giant Easter baskets, then a bunch of Halloween costumes. I wandered off toward the back of the store which turned into this claustrophobic liminal hallway with baroque wallpaper. I think I was crawling at one point lol. I was looking for my mom, and stuck her head through a window in the wall with a completely illogical space behind it saying “I’m right here sweetie!” Very strange XD