What did you dream about?

Last night I had a nightmare that I was being chased by the person I had drama with recently in a desert on the road. I was caught and the dream ended.
Idk it was really random because somebody talked me onto going on this “ride” where you had to submit and answer a math problem. This was the “easy” version but I was warned there would be inversions. I submitted “2+2” and these two kids that were also on the “ride” submitted something else more complicated. I was nervous and realized we would probably have to answer our own questions. But then it turned out to be that you would get pushed in a swimming pool if you got the answer wrong and I decided I could do it. But then it turned out you didn’t really get pushed, you just had to jump I think. It ended up being no problem.

In another part, I was visiting some friend or acquaintance’s house I guess and it was kind of in this weird foggy forest area and I decided to walk back to some place because I saw it was 4 miles away. We was walking with some other random person through pretty regular looking neighborhoods in this overcast weather. Then I decided to check my map on my phone to make sure we were going in the right direction. We weren’t. But then I saw a sign nearby that said something like “people stealing forest” and I got really scared and wanted to stay the night at these peoples’ house but was anxious about asking them.
I dreamed that I was watching a zombie movie and there were zombies outside. I figured 'If I turn the movie off the zombies will vanish'. They didn't go away. Then I woke up before it got too scary.
I dreamt that I was in this house and someone was trying to hold me captive to kill me by setting up traps but I kept escaping with ease because the would be killer was incredibly stupid and made the traps too easy to escape from.
TW: Mentioning of dead bodies/human organs.
My most recent dream had me signed up to me among something like a group home for dead people. The person who was out to get me showed up one day, and someone had given me a fruit that's supposed to taste like human heart. I forced the person to eat the fruit and they were gagging, and I got away from joining the house.

Alternatively I had a dream that I was doing my job at my college campus.
One of the dreams I had involved this woman who was cleaning the neighborhood’s lawns with a broom. She was pretty nice for doing that, but she was also a little… creepy. I think she had two glass eyes instead of real ones. Eventually she started sweeping my lawn and when I tried to go inside, she laid down facing upward next to the door to my house while rolling her eyes backwards and sticking her tongue out, then asked me if I would let her inside. I didn’t want to, but she was lying down in a way where I wouldn’t be able to shut the door, so I let her in anyway. My mom also thought she was kind of weird and I really didn’t want to be around her anymore because it made me kind of uncomfortable, but luckily my dream ended after that.

What the hell was that? 💀
I dreamt that it was my first day at this high school which was connected to a big airport. And also the library, or maybe it was just an area that looked like a library. I kept forgetting my schedule, which, for some reason, was in a binder in a little plastic holder hanging off the lockers, with other students’ schedules. When I eventually did grab my schedule, I realized it was really really random. There were some biology/health courses and one about…robot armor suits? at some point I also tried to take a screenshot on my phone “for when I woke up”. When will I learn lmao
gawd I woke up with a weird dream.
I must've had a shower, so was only wearing the towel. But I was also off to work in just the towel, as I guess I was going to get dressed inside before opening the shop.
Generally the shop I am in, is road with other shops and stuff, but for somereason I couldn't find the shop? Like, I know I don't go down this far to the other side because I know the shop is before this other shop. And some areas had wooden structures around the shops, making it hard to tell which shop it is; this was just stressing me outand I almost was getting upset.

Also, this customer I know in real life, in the dream was acusing me of something, I don't remember what it was, but why would she acused me of such things, like I was insulted.

And as I am trying to walk around looking for the bloody place while still in just a towel, but I even bumped into my old boss's sister so that made everything worse.

Gah, hated this dream. I was getting SOOOOOO overwhelmed.
weird dream i had less than an hour ago:

i took the POV of another person (i wasn’t myself.) i was a taller woman with a light brown bob who kind of had a 2014 tumblr girl aesthetic. i was in my mid 20’s and lived in a single family home neighborhood but i somehow was able to get to a big city that resembled new york in a few minutes by walking. i placed an order at a coffee shop but i kept getting distracted by random things around my house, time passes and i was supposed to pick up my order an hour ago. i was so sad about this i called the coffee shop and asked what’s their policy on holding drinks (to see if they threw it out yet) and they said that they only had a 30 minute hold on it. i tried to explain to the barista what had happened and the dream ended.
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I just remember being in a building with a giant window and while I was going down the stairs, there was this giant strange bear running. When I saw him, I thought "oh, now I understand why people are afraid of them, they are giant!". 🫥
In the first part of my dream, I was playing Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. I was messing around with a guardian that wouldn't see me if I stood behind a nearby tree, but sometimes it'd glitch and try to shoot me. At some point it triggered a cutscene of a giant, sentient silver mirror talking in a calm voice (probably a non-existent character) before switching back to the guardian trying to kill me. Apparently if you did that two more times in the game, you'd meet the actual character instead of just the cutscene. I never reached that point, though.

The second part was a bit more... Scary. My stepmom invited a bunch of friends over to play Just Dance, so I booted up my Wii for them. She already had a console ready, so I turned off my Wii. But instead of it just turning off, I got a screen showing some pictures that looked like the warning pictures from the Wii manual. The first one was a terrified-looking woman on the ground with some blood on her face while there were some people rolling a gurney into an ambulance in the 2nd one. Like it was saying you'll end up causing damage if you turn off your Wii incorrectly?? I think the only thing that made the dream less disturbing was the music that played, which was a mix of the "WASTED" sound effect from GTAV and the game over music from Twilight Princess. XD

I... I don't know. I haven't touched any of these games (or my Wii) in a long time, so I don't know why I dreamt of them. x_x
Bruh this was so weird… I don’t know if I lucid dreamt or not. I very much believed I had free will for an extended period of time, possibly even until the dream ended. This “lucidity” started when I was sitting at the dining room table at daytime with my mom, looking out the window, and the moon suddenly got huge and I realized that I was in a dream. I looked at my mom to see what her face was like and it was kind of like the thatcher effect. I decided to just sit and talk to my mom for a bit. I don’t remember anything we talked about. Eventually I was in a different place, and I decided to start trying to walk/glide on air. I didn’t go trying any other powers like manifesting, I just wanted to start simple. IRL, my mom told me how she starts doing that in her dreams: by putting one foot in the air and kicking off with the other. It worked! I think I realized I wanted to try flying outside like a bird next but I ran out of time maybe.

There was another non-lucid dream where I was going to some school and I this boy I went to grades K-12 with IRL was packing up and asked me to help sort his socks. As I was sorting, he just casually dropped that he wanted to marry me. I told him I’m taken. Then there were these two ladies with him who were his aides and he was in special ed (unlike irl).
Funnily enough, I almost forgot about this dream until I said hello to Louie, my youngest cat!
Made sense really since the dream was about him~

My kitchen upstairs looks out at a nice back garden that I don't have access to (downstairs have access to, and I am being tortured for years to look at a garden I could never go out to), and we usually get foxes and when no one is about me and my mum feed them from our window.
Louie loves watching them from the window, the way his tails swishes etc and we know he would love a garden to go out in.

Anyways, in the dream, the bottom window is WIDE open, which we never do because of cats and no way to get them back. And Louie jumps out there, weirdly enough I ain't so worried. And there's a fox there and I see them both snuggling! That was so cute.

I think I even jumped down to make sure I could grab them, I may have broken something, so left a sorta note in the wood down there saying I'll fix and repaint the wood that I was using to send the message XD
It was nice to see Louie and the fox playing, and cuddling each other.
I dreamt that I was playing either BotW or TotK and just doing some exploration when I came across this interesting and unknown enemy in this graveyard. It was some sort of ghost that was floating in the air and holding one of those Shrine orbs with this yellowish orange spiritual energy. The enemy sort of looked like a Duskull except it had two eyes and was completely round. As Link, I approached this enemy and it suddenly turned into this giant boss that resembled the Grim Reaper with a scythe only the cloak had all of these floating Jack-o-lanterns underneath the cloak and the boss was launching them rather quickly at Link who died in three hits because of how fast they were coming at him. Link also had the Hookshot and the boss was supposed to be defeated by using the Hookshot to destroy all of the Jack-o-lanterns to reveal the weak point and it was much harder than previous bosses that used similar tactics. Link had about twelve hearts and each hit took a lot of them away. The boss actually had a really cool design and it would make an amazing Zelda boss if it were real.
I dreamt I was visiting the family of my deceased ex-neighbors. They were having a family get together, and for some reason I was the black sheep of the group. So much so that I somehow enrolled into Hogwarts. The dream repeated itself, except this time we were attacked by vampires. And I'm pretty sure I became one. I came back as a vampire and glared at everyone. It was so weird.
I dreamed that it was monday and I wasn't prepared for class. (because sunday was skipped).

One of those dreams that I woke up and had to collect myself from. Dreams involving 'time' or 'days of the week' mess with my head.
I dreamt that I was in my Granny’s hometown. My dad and I went to a mall amd walked around. It was wacky and colorful in design, like something from the 90s. We walked through a weird bowling alley and then got ice cream samples. I recieved the news that my Granny was actually alive, she was mistakenly declared dead, and I seemed to genuinely believe it.
I think I had another lucid dream kinda like on Thursday, well semi lucid at least. I was standing in front of a mirror, brushing my teeth and washing my hands (I think) but I still believed I needed to brush my teeth and wash my hands. But I did realize to some extent that I was in a dream and I tried manifesting something simple: something to draw a small black heart under my eye. It worked, even if it disappeared quickly haha. I looked at my hands, they were all weird, of course. Then I tried to manifest an outfit which I think went well?