What did you dream about?

from a few days ago-

that i found a ball python in my house and i decided to keep it. the snake eventually became too much for me so i decided that i was going to give it away to someone i know who likes reptiles.
Something about the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland telling me I 'wasn't ready to enter this area yet', then he refused to speak with me.

I was in some sort of cave.
I remember all of my dreams very vividly. Last nights was about being kidnapped and forced to work at a gas station, a bunch of other people were also being forced but they didn’t think to much of it. So I decided to steal enough food and the owners bright green truck and drive away 😭 The police found me because of how noticeable the car was on the road😐
I had a semi-lucid bit which was triggered when I saw the moon was humongous in the sky (a dream sign) so I looked at my fingers (reality check) and at first they were fairly normal looking but with an extra finger and then they were pastel colors with press on heart and star gems all over them (I blame pinterest lol) but I didn’t have a whole lot of ideas of what to do, so I put on a flip flop and tried to fly to the moon, but gave up at like 15 feet because it was too slow and I thought I would keep bumping into things.
I dreamed that a friend of mine leveled up in our gacha game. I also dreamed that someone unfollowed me on here and then boldly declared it to me in VMs and started harassing me. Neither of those things ever happened though, lmaooooo.
I dreamt that someone sent me a PM on tbt that it was a gift art of my characters. Turns out, the actual contents of a private message was a YouTube link to a creepy video. Never again. 😨
I dreamed last night that I was in the car with my mom and we got in a head on collision traffic accident. 😬
I have aswell has many dreams about car crashes. But in those dreams I am like “ I this isn’t a dream and im going to die 🥲” and I’d wake up so confused
I dreamt I had a driving lesson with 10 other people, and our instructor was taking forever to arrive. He spoke for 2 minutes and said we can go. i got so mad, I was paying him to teach me to drive not make me wait for 30 minutes for a two minute lesson. I do not know why I had this dream.
Maybe I'm just losing my mind since everything has gotten so bad for me, but I dreamed about being a store and just grabbing things to eat. There was nobody around and no security. I was eating a lot of junk food in the store and nobody was stopping me. I was eating cupcakes, chips, chocolate, and cookies. Then when I was done I exited the store and nobody was around to see what happened. Then all of a sudden I'm on a train ride just enjoying the view. Then I was running inside the train like I was some crazy lunatic. I woke up thinking "Man what in the world was that about?"
A group of people were trying to break the world for most people in a pool hotel (some being former classmates).

I snuck back to my room because I felt like the pool would implode and I didn't want to be involved with that.

sounds like something I really would do, honestly
It was April Fool’s day and I bought a snow bunny collectible from the shop for cheap, which turned out to be fake (the icon changed, but it was nothing like the psychedelic impostor). T^T And right after that a user I barely talk to gifted me a real snow bunny collectible! I was pretty happy about that!

Unfortunately it was just another dream.
I had a dream I had to manage having my current job, and work on saving the world in an alternate dimension. I got yelled at a lot. Customers wouldn't leave the store, even after we closed for the evening. It was a exhausting dream.
With schools starting up once again, it only seems fitting that I'd have yet another one of those dreams where I'm back in college again. When I have these dreams I'm almost always finding myself in a class for my absolute least favorite (and worst) school subject. The relief I felt when I woke up was massive...
I dreamt that there were random swatches of land on the coast of Eastern Australia that were claimed by British Columbia??? And it was kinda like I was there and picturing music videos for nostalgic songs and imagining they were all by the same imaginary woman.
Last night, someone was blackmailing a girl who was going through a tough time because her dad died. She found out who was blackmailing her, and the person had taken a friend or someone like that hostage, and the girl, myself, and this college library were out to get the guy.
I had to climb a building for a math class and it was less “ahhh, I’m gonna fall!” And more i’m almost completely clueless and i keep losing count of important stuff.
I was at this place with a bunch of animals got bitten by a snow leopard. and I ran to the help desk where there were two supposed veterinarians but they were busy with some other people who had less pressing matters (paperwork and whatnot) and I was going crazy because I was afraid I might get rabies.