What did you dream about?

I dreamed that I was rejected from a job. I think I arrived too late for the interview in the dream.

Not quite what I needed to dream about right now. I guess the rejection from earlier (in real life) is still lingering in my head.
I just had a dream that I was with some people protesting a county and the genocide. An area in my dream was off limits because Marvel was filming something with a soldier (specific country’s soldier), but word got out.

No comments please. Been trying to take care of my mental health and avoid “politics” but certain companies still remind me of it, so probably why I dreamt about something that’s been on my mind since my college days.
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Forgot to post here before, but I went to school and I looked in my bag and my Switch was in it for some reason. The only game I had was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so I decided to play it. For some reason I was just cracked at it even though irl the last time I’ve even touched a Mario Kart game was in April with Mario Kart 7. I just started playing it whenever I finished my work or at lunch but was a little disappointed when I woke up and realized that I was in fact, not cracked at Mario Kart and it was all just a dream. 🥲
Forgot to post here before, but I went to school and I looked in my bag and my Switch was in it for some reason. The only game I had was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so I decided to play it. For some reason I was just cracked at it even though irl the last time I’ve even touched a Mario Kart game was in April with Mario Kart 7. I just started playing it whenever I finished my work or at lunch but was a little disappointed when I woke up and realized that I was in fact, not cracked at Mario Kart and it was all just a dream. 🥲
This was so confusing to read when I didn’t see the thread title 😂
  • I dreamt that one of my favorite little pizza places had suddenly gotten all fancy, and actually it made me start to cry. But they had these yummy ice cream cones with aqua-colored ice cream. I think they kinda tasted like rainbow sherbet.
  • There was a gas station on the edge of town called WUDO or something. That was my best guess at pronouncing it, because it had a smiling mouth instead of a letter after W.
  • There was a stripmall I was walking through with my extended family which eventually morphed into more of a mall where everything was already decorated for Christmas, the floor was wrapped in wrapping paper, and you could meet Santa at the pub or something idk.
I had two dreams last night.

In the first dream I went to space on a spaceship, but couldn't get back home because everyone in the space station was watching baseball.

In the second dream the TBT staff ended up making a collectible after me called the "Midoriya" collectible. It was a png with Midoriya's face on it and a sky background. I ended up buying a full row of them, LMAOOOOOOOO!
I dreamt that I was staying in this house with chandeliers and suddenly had two little brothers named Quinn and Robert who were completely insane and were constantly destroying stuff (like knocking down the chandeliers), being cruel to animals, and spreading private family information to the world.
Two dreams:

Another carnival dream. I have these all the time. Weirdly, the ride was disappointing in the dream. I've never had that happen before.

I was locked in a room with a killer outside. There were people begging to be let in. I don't think he had a gun this time. Usually it's somewhat reminiscent of a real life experience. This was a little out there. Still scared me.
I was playing Wii Sports Resort and I realized there was an option where you could just watch your mii do sports and other stuff around Wuhu island. I watched this mii swim around power cruisers and boats, play a crossword puzzle, and dunk herself into a giant basketball hoop.
Then I was in high school but it looked different. I was walking around exploring. These two girls I went to school with IRL were walking out of the theater and wearing some crazy striped frilly dresses. There was a hospital in the school too, or at least an advanced medical center with an operating room. I walked past the “doctor’s lunch room” and some surgeons walked out, in their scrubs and all. Then I went to class which was taught by my junior year physics teacher. In this classroom, he had a HUMONGOUS fish tank with these fish that were born in an earlier dream from a turtle. Their life cycle was only a day, apparently, because they were already big and decomposing before our eyes. It was gross but also fascinating, they started to become swimming skeletons.
Dreamt that was watching a ghost hunt. Everything was in the pov of the camera. Night vision and all.Fortunately it was just the introduction. It ended when the person that held the camera peered into a dark room and said “What did I get myself into?” And then the suspenseful music played.
This is a dream I had about a year ago, but it kind of bothers me now because of some of the details.

I dreamt that a friend I used to have a crush on visited my house and came inside to talk to me at the dining room table while my mom was cooking dinner. In a later part of the dream she moved into my house and she was driving me somewhere while we talked some more.

What’s odd about the dream was that the house I lived in during the dream was the exact same as the one I moved into a few months ago - down to the exact layout of the furniture and look of the house. I had the dream sometime last year and I never saw the layout of the house until this June. I’ve had several other dreams last year set in this house too. The whole thing is really creepy.
I had several dreams this morning:

—petting baby panda cubs on the floor

—a recently discovered lost movie from 2022 called “Why I Started Painting My Eyelids”. No idea what it was about though

—about a commercial (I guess like a PSA) of a little girl going to a library and finding a book about something she liked. She then gave a fact about it, then it showed her talking more and more about it, progressively getting older and more professional as she did, until she was an old lady who passed the book onto another little girl
Oh yeah.

I had a dream this past night that I was ascending some stairs and racing other Lord of the Rings characters to the top for some reason (probably because I watched the trilogy not too long ago).

Anyway, I took the lead and ended up passing Frodo, but because I did he took out a wooden sword and killed me.

Like geez, chill dream Frodo... it was just a game. :oops:
I dreamt that the front yard had a bunch of water on the ground like a shallow ocean, but it was very clear and there were different axolotls swimming around in it who belonged to the same owner and I was also watching this on youtube but also interacting with it in real time. The water was crystal clear and people were commenting about it and someone said “this water is clear enough to kill a pig in!” What does that mean?? Lol anyway there was also like a beanbag chansey toy for them underwater since it kinda looks like an axolotl.
I had a dream I was playing a new file of New Leaf, and this cranky Kangaroo/Garbodor from Pokemon fusion moved. His name was Murpher or something, and I wanted him out as soon as possible.
I dreamt that my boyfriend lived in this appartment, one of several in a building, all of which were owned by really cool and eccentric knicknack collectors. At some point it had a food court and/or mall type of thing with an escalator and I was really jealous. Then I went outside and saw planes with what looked like pink auroras coming from the wings and tail ends, then a green flash and some circles in the air and I was like wow! What a rare and beautiful combination of sights! And then there was suddenly an earthquake and some of the ground nearby was torn to shreds it was so scary and i thought it was the end!!

Later I had a short lucid dream. I dreamt that I was with my boyfriend in his car as he was driving North down a road, I think I saw some weird random object like a floating toilet in the sky and did a reality check, and once lucid I kinda remembered what I wanted to manifest but I didn’t know how to do it.
A girl I went to college with (who I think turned out to be an IRL k-12 classmate) who was making soda cans with puns about the emotions from Inside Out 2. I remember one of them was Anxietea, but the rest were probably jibberish. I saw the cans scattered around a mix of my house and my childhood friend’s house. Then I was in a school with huge rooms and one of them had Judge Judy teaching.

And then I got to pet puppies, including a golden retriever with sunglasses.
dreamt that my padre met an identical twin at a curry place in a bar. ordered 5 tequila shots, the twin had one and my padre had the rest of them. my sibling turned up too

also something to do with mazes and collectibles? also had a dream about school, as a surprise for our last year we all got arrested and then had to escape jail. my padre was in the cell with me and sorted out the handcuffs i had going on

finally someone's album got delayed irl and i dreamt that the main person explained why that was in a room with some computers
I had a dream that Nicholas was a little younger than he is, maybe 3, but that I was holding him up under his arms on the floor to pretend walk, and he actually started walking and toddling around. 😭 In my dream, I dropped to the floor crying. Maybe one day he will walk, if not, that’s okay, and I will always love him just the same. ❤️