What did you name your HHP facilities?

i've in no way gotten to that stage yet... only just finished my first job yesterday...

but i'm thinking of names after seeing all these :0

school: Crestview *pecan is the teacher... one of them?* *classroom names: Millennium Class of Fine Arts *art class*, Sing-chronize *music class*,
Six Spoons *cooking class/ Home Economics *, The Grapes of Math *math class*, Textbook Text *english class*, Butterfly Garden Room *gardening... or whatever you call it*,

edjucise *combo of education + exercise* *p.e*, the geo *geography*, science *i don't know what name that could be*

restaurant: the konnichiwa! *blanche's restaurant... cause she's japanese :> & i do realize that translates to ''the hello!'' ^^ *

cafe: iced delights *don't know who yet*

hospital: either Delight Sun Clinic or Summer spring Hospital *marina's hospital*

apparel shop: Polka Dots *i don't know who yet*

i found these names on websites... minus the p.e one & the geography one... i thought of that myself :>

are there any other classes that i'm forgetting? :unsure:

i've no idea who i'll get for them... but it'd be great if i can choose for them :>
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I haven't named them anything because I am so bad at coming up with names lol :')
Cafe: Kafune
School: Eunoia.

Theres a meaning beside it but i am too lazy to explain loll

Soon i will name my restaurant to be a little funny Ratatouille themed lolll
Hey, so question. I have been using my main character to do all the HHP stuff. But I have a second character that I use for storage and depending what and who is around, get twice as much stuff. Like I use them for getting a second gyroid figure, have a second bell tree going, get two pieces of art, ectara. But if I went to the HHP islands as them, would it be the same islands as for my main character? Same vacationers and facilities? Or would it be as if I'm doing a whole new file, because if that's the case then I want to do it more. But if not, then I don't want interrupt what I have. I want to be sure, as both villagers are on my island, of course, with the one system.

I have 3 characters on my island and all 3 go to HHP. They all have their own individual play-through and store. I do this mainly to get more items and so they can have partitions in their houses. My main character is the only one that really decorates. The others just open the boxes and call it good. :)
In keeping with the fact that Tom Nook has his hand in everything, my naming theme is based on all things Tom Nook:

school: Nookling Academy
cafe: Nook’s Chowder House
restaurant: Tom’s
store: J. Nook’s
I only got the school at the moment and called it Mistfall Academy after my island. I may do the same for the Hospital, but not sure for the others.
School - Broke***** University
Restaurant - Cool Vibes
Cafe- Cafe n' Chill

Still need to unlock everything else
School: Archer High
Restaurant: Ramen Buffet
Café: Cozy Coffee
Hospital: Animal Medical Center
Apparel: Binco
I named my school Starlight High School and my cafe is Blue Cove Cafe. The names have no significance to me, I just thought they sounded appealing for some reason. I've only gone as far as the cafe. I will be doing the restaurant soon and I have no idea what I'll name it tbh!
Named my school Wits’ End Academy, since there isn’t a school in my island.
My restaurant is named Shelly Ann’s, after the outdoor restaurant on my island (named after my in-game pet snapping turtle)
My cafe is Cocohut, a little beach hut cafe decorated with tropical colors.
so far i've only completed the school but i named it "School 4 Chumps" lmao

I'm sure the other facilities will have wacky names as well
are the buildings going to be able to get more rooms? cause i have plans for more class subjects & teachers... & a hallway :>
Love some of these names. I've only gotten to the school so far, and this is how unimaginative I am- I named it :
Paradise Academy

(Happy home paradise- paradise academy, eh?)
school: nook academy
restaurant: the cupcake factory
café: starbarks
hospital: critter’s healthcare
apparel shop: chic boutique
I tried to make mine kind of island themed, but they aren’t too creative:

Hospital: St. Kitts
Restaurant: Bayside Bistro
Cafe: Java Cafe
School: Shoreside university

And I haven’t named my store yet if anyone has ideas.
i restarted last month so i haven’t gotten to the point of decorating faculties. on my old file i only got to the school facility and i named it “shrek’s school of science.”
cafe: rigel 5
diner: upper crust
clothing shop: swag
hospital: butchers shop
school: indoctrination center
I can't remember all of them off hand. I named my restaurant " Oh, Happy Day".
i haven't gotten to all of them yet but:

- school by the sea
- seaside sushi
- le petit cafe

for the cafe i made a little pink cafe and bakery :3