How did you name your island?

Constella! Short fancy version of Constellation! My whole schtick is a celestial theme :D stars and the sun specifically
Mine is Himuro! It's based off of the main setting of the first Fatal Frame game; Himuro Mansion

I love scary games so the name was going to be a homage to Fatal Frame while the island was going to be Silent Hill 2 themed, but that didn't end up happening and I eventually just ended up doing my own (boring) outdoor fancy garden theme 🤣
My island, Wahu, is titled after Wii Sports Resort's island, Wuhu. At the time of creation, I had no idea that I misspelled it, and I found out after the fact. I eventually grew to like my spelling of the name better.
It’s called Popstar, based on Planet Popstar in Kirby. I name it that in all my AC games.
There's a real-life northeastern US town called Pawtucket. I briefly lived near it, and saw it on road signs all the time. When I was brainstorming names for my island, I thought... PAW 🐾 - tucket. It's cute.
I named my first island Seastar because I love the ocean and I love stars/space.

I got a bit stuck on my second one. I know I want something foresty, but don't know more than that.
As soon as I knew that the new Animal Crossing was going to be an island theme I knew what I would name it; Isla Nublar inspired by Jurassic Park. My island name has no connection to "themeing on my island" ( I don't do themes anyways - I just decorate how I like ) and I would suggest you don't name your island to stick to a theme - that way you're not locked into it if you ever decide to change your mind later : )
i knew that i would be going for a forestcore vibe (same vibe as i was going for in new leaf), and eldertree (2020 - sometime in 2021 island) i think just came to my head first. then when i restarted (2021 october), i changed it from eldertree to aldertree (which i prefer!! nicer vowel sound imo)
I chose my username because I just needed a name I wouldn't get sick of that wasn't too generic. I often restarted because of the name and just wanting to go with a different theme. To me, my username sounds vaguely like two themes I like, but it's also generic enough to not mean anything.
Mine is named Opu after a small village in the game Baten Kaitos. One of my favorite game series ever.
I named mine Victoria as for the queen of the same name. Also funny enough the villager of the same name decided to come to my island in the first three spots that were open when I started my island
(This is kind of a repost, due to the last post getting removed, and gaining warning points. My bad.)
The name of my island came from an old 1992 computer game simply called Lemmings. So the name of my island is simply Lemmings.
"Let's Go!"
I still have the first and only island when I started in March 2020. I really didn't have a name I was set on, but I knew I didn't want to do a random and generic one like I did in NL (I named it Nintendo) but I wanted it to be something simple, but nice sounding still. So I settled with Cedar Cove.
I had a town in New Leaf named Melursus after I had lost my first town (which was called Atlantis, ironically). When NH came out I decided to name my island Melursus as well. It is part of the scientific name for the Sloth Bear (Melursus Ursinus). I wanted something unique and I thought scientific names for animals were a good source of unique-ness at the time lol.

My island is named Poveglia. It is named after an actual island in the Venetian Lagoon of Italy which has a reputation for being haunted due to its unpleasant history. The real island of Poveglia served as a quarantine station for various illnesses, including the plague, and it's estimated that there are between 100,000 to 160,000 plague victims buried on the island in plague pits. Later on in its history, an asylum and a nursing home for the elderly were located on Poveglia before the island eventually became abandoned around the year 1968 and travel to it was banned. Apparently, in 2015, a group bought the rights to the island and it might see development again as a tourist destination at some point in the future.

Because New Horizons launched during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a lot of confusion and anxiety, it seemed a fitting name at the time. A bit dark, yes, but I guess it's was a combination of unease and my fondness for creepy stuff which made the name feel appropriate.

I'd probably change it if I could go back or change it afterward, as I'd prefer to have come up with something original and without real world connotations. On some level as well it feels a bit exploitative of the victims, though simultaneously if the island does eventually become a fancy tourist destination then it loses any spooky appeal it had. Regardless, since it's the name I'm stuck with and because it's still a creepy, abandoned island, I'm content.
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My island is called Gondwana. All my towns in the past were called “Myland” as an escapist thing, and my newer towns with different names still had the “land” suffix as a reference to that.

I thought it was starting to sound silly and didn’t care for the suffix much anymore but I still wanted to honor it, so I thought of what could still reference it and Gondwanaland immediately sprung to mind. It’s an ancient continent, it just really works. It also fits as a reference to one of my favorite albums, Polygondwanaland.