What Do You Look Like?


probably my most recent picture, maybe 2 weeks ago...I need to dye my hair and eyebrows black


This is from July 2012...I'm gonna grow my hair long again this year
At least jesughs did her japanese properly. =p

But it's okay. I forgive you. <3

edit: also, the tags in here keep getting better every day.

Using Japanese in the middle of sentences is one of the dumbest things ever, NO Japanese person would ever say わたしはCUTE.

I can speak Japanese (and Korean). If you wanna learn the language, use a full sentence, don't mix it up with your English 'cause you just sound like a weeaboo and real Japanese people are laughing at you...

I think reading that girl's post with the random Japanese words (typed in romaji no less) gave me cancer.
Using Japanese in the middle of sentences is one of the dumbest things ever, NO Japanese person would ever say わたしはCUTE.

I can speak Japanese (and Korean). If you wanna learn the language, use a full sentence, don't mix it up with your English 'cause you just sound like a weeaboo and real Japanese people are laughing at you...

I think reading that girl's post with the random Japanese words (typed in romaji no less) gave me cancer.


I like you.
Recently shaved again....also, I was on zolpidem when I took this lol.