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What Do You Look Like?

1v1 me at wwe smackdown: here comes the pain

2v1 handicap match LET'S GOOOOOO

- - - Post Merge - - -

nah they're all still there

- - - Post Merge - - -

but for some reason when i tried to respond to this it merged it with my post before yours?
The "Secret Side" of Flight Sergeant "Patches" - now Revealed!
The Origin Story of my Username..... "Kilo" (first letter of my first name) + my Call Sign, "Patches"
.....Now you know.

(Because, you know.... "Everyone loves a woman in uniform" (I guess....) XD)





(I was dating the guy to my left - the Warrant Officer and Drum Major - I was the Drill Commander at the time XD, hence the head tilt and big grin on my face! I am still very good friends with him ^^)

We decided to take an "Abbey Road" Pic..... For SOME reason! We were an odd group XD I might be short, but I yell LOUD.


We placed Top Sixth in Ontario under my command that competition. Those were the days.....

NOW SOME CIVILLIAN PICTURES!!!! (Because I am embarassed now.....)


Me and said Warrant Officer/Drum Major from the previous picture. I felt like the luckiest girl on earth....

Perhaps he did too? ^^ I was quite beautiful then.... THEN.


My secret is out.

*hides in a corner*
The reason that a number of posts went missing is because I deleted them, and as I was on my phone I wasn't able to take any further action. Im going to cut the situation down to size for you though:

Posting off topic in here is one thing, but a lot of what was removed was downright rude. If you don't have something related to post, then don't post. If you don't have something nice to post, then definitely do not post. Speaking your mind is one thing but name calling and causing confrontations over very minor things is not acceptable at all. Posting unrelated images and starting arguments only clutters the thread and causes trouble.

If you want to talk about this further then please drop me a message, otherwise keep to the topic.
jk dont pls

also i was eating ice cream :D
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This should go without saying, but please don't make posts using edited images from this thread without permission from members beforehand.
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I actually really hate taking pictures or selfies but why not. XD
I actually really hate taking pictures or selfies but why not. XD

Gurl, PLEASE! Appreciate the beautiful person that you are more!

If you look back on the pages of this thread you will see "KiloPatches throughout the ages" and find that my beauty was stripped from me due to a medical condition (Hypothyroidism) that makes my weight fluctuate like crazy....

Just.... BAM! I turned 17.... and that was it, I got bloodwork done, and was told my health was in high risk if I didn't take medication. And the MEDICATION MADE ME GAIN WEIGHT!

I was this gorgeous 16 year old, 5'2, 123lbs, with a Competitive Swimmer's body, long blonde hair, a charming smile....

Now I am this.... Ugh.... I hate the way I look....
My beauty was stripped from me.....
As it does with age anyway....

Now I am 24.... I am overweight through NO fault of my own.....
And I rely all my self worth on my Bachelor's Degree, my Pilot's License, and other things the "world can't see" unless they sat down, interviewed me or looked at my resume.

At least you can show the world this gleaming, amazing first impression! Be PROUD of that! <3
Gurl, PLEASE! Appreciate the beautiful person that you are more!

If you look back on the pages of this thread you will see "KiloPatches throughout the ages" and find that my beauty was stripped from me due to a medical condition (Hypothyroidism) that makes my weight fluctuate like crazy....

Just.... BAM! I turned 17.... and that was it, I got bloodwork done, and was told my health was in high risk if I didn't take medication. And the MEDICATION MADE ME GAIN WEIGHT!

I was this gorgeous 16 year old, 5'2, 123lbs, with a Competitive Swimmer's body, long blonde hair, a charming smile....

Now I am this.... Ugh.... I hate the way I look....
My beauty was stripped from me.....
As it does with age anyway....

Now I am 24.... I am overweight through NO fault of my own.....
And I rely all my self worth on my Bachelor's Degree, my Pilot's License, and other things the "world can't see" unless they sat down, interviewed me or looked at my resume.

At least you can show the world this gleaming, amazing first impression! Be PROUD of that! <3

Awww thank you! <3 I'm just one of those annoying people who think beauty is on the inside. I don't need to take 17792billion selfies to prove to people I'm beautiful, I'm pretty content with myself.
You on the other hand, I'm sure was gorgeous then and is still gorgeous now. You should take your own advice! Be proud of who you are and appreciate yourself. It doesn't matter how much you weigh or what other people think, the only thing that matters is how you think of yourself. ^-^
Awww thank you! <3 I'm just one of those annoying people who think beauty is on the inside. I don't need to take 17792billion selfies to prove to people I'm beautiful, I'm pretty content with myself.
You on the other hand, I'm sure was gorgeous then and is still gorgeous now. You should take your own advice! Be proud of who you are and appreciate yourself. It doesn't matter how much you weigh or what other people think, the only thing that matters is how you think of yourself. ^-^

You're not annoying! You're just beautiful inside AND out! If more people thought like you the world would be a better place. Unfortunately, we live in a superficial society that demands we look a certain way. When you are overweight, you give off certain negative stereotypes like "laziness" or "eating at McDonald's everyday". A colleague of mine in the Grad program (in Psychology) did her dissertation on this. We attribute negative connotations to "fat people" and positive attributes to "attractive people", wether or not they are "good people" or not (successful, smart, generous, kind, athletic.....whatever the attribute). Before I had my beauty stripped from me, I felt the same way - that it didn't matter how much I weighed, or what people thought of me, etc.... until I had it taken away, and people started treating me differently and I realized what I had lost. THAT was a rude awakening. So you're not wrong, its an excellent attitude to have, just a dangerous one if you ever wind up like I did.

I am going to stop spamming this thread now with off-topic subjects! XD