What do YOU Think of Reddit?

Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
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I think it's quite...


I don't... Like...


I don't like Reddit.

I don't like it.

Although I HAVE been on the fence about joining it as DoubleAgentBlumaroo.

It's gonna chronicle the adventures of a double agent who wears red sunglasses to mimic the red eyes of Reddit victims. As the double agent only "joined" the cult to learn of its secrets, she'll journey further into the depths of this metaphorical Hell, and eventually face off against the evil Karma, Discentia, and Apathia (the whole adventure is set in r/mylittlepony). It'll last until I get both a Pimp Hat and a Cake Day.


You see, my depiction of these 3 paints them as more of a Dazzlings Expy than a bunch of ponies.
Reddit is hilarious and at times even charming. I like it but don't spend as much time on it as I should.
I don't like it. The community seems rude. Don't they have like a r/fatshaming section or something?
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I don't use Reddit often. In fact, whenever I go on it, it usually involves looking up tricks and tips for Brave Frontier.
I can't make a complete judgment having never been on the site, but from what I hear and have seen images of, 0/10 would not recommend
I like to read AMAs from people that were in cults or involved in crazy ****, but that's it.
I don't like it. The community seems rude. Don't they have like a r/fatshaming section or something?

That subreddit was banned, actually.

The community is generally very kind if you are talking to the right people and know where to look. Very helpful too. The reason why a lot of the negative aspects of the community shine through is because the founders (mostly) believe in full free speech on the internet and reddit is supposed to be an example of that. That's also a reason people were mad that a few subs got banned - they thought it was an intrusion of free speech, although it was just because some people of that subreddit were attacking specific people which is completely against site rules.

Reddit is my main news site and although I hate how sheep-like and "greater than thou" people can be on the site, it's way better than tumblr or any same level competitor.
Can you link some, It's for eh....Research :rolleyes:.

Here are some of my favourites for different reasons:

Barack Obama - https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/z1c9z/i_am_barack_obama_president_of_the_united_states/
Chris Hadfield (astronaut) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/18pik4/i_am_astronaut_chris_hadfield_currently_orbiting/
Bill Gates (1/3) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1xj56q/hello_reddit_im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill/

There's also the guy with two fully functioning penises but I don't think I'm allowed to link it here. It's really cool though.
Here are some of my favourites for different reasons:

Barack Obama - https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/z1c9z/i_am_barack_obama_president_of_the_united_states/
Chris Hadfield (astronaut) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/18pik4/i_am_astronaut_chris_hadfield_currently_orbiting/
Bill Gates (1/3) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1xj56q/hello_reddit_im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill/

There's also the guy with two fully functioning penises but I don't think I'm allowed to link it here. It's really cool though.

Two functioning penises? Sounds interesting...
I don't like it and I don't like the people that use it either

I suppose I should elaborate

It seems to me like the kind of site that's chock-full of "nice guys"
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