Pokémon What do you think of Tera Raids?

Do you like them?

  • Yes, I like them!

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Yes, but I think they could be better!

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • I have no opinion of them

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • No, but they could be better if less buggy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, they should be removed from the game

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Why can't they just bring back Megas?!

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2019
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Dreamy Party Popper
Fair Pinwheel
Balloon Dog
Balloon Dog
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Now that its been a while since Scarlet and Violet have been released, what do you think of the new Tera gimmick?

Do you like them or do you wish Gamefreak should stop with gimmicks altogether?
Feel free to comment on what you think!
i answered no because they're buggy, but also just because they feel like a Worse max raid den? i really loved those, and i want to like these too, but having to choose a path in max raids was more fun, searching for regular raids (with the y-comm) was much more seamless and up to date than scarvio, and as much as i like Not having to take turns, i actually moved quicker when we did. i would say it's a connection issue if not for the fact that it happens in all raids, and my internet is perfectly stable. it mostly seems like the dens themselves can't keep up with alternating between everyone. sometimes i have to wait at least 30 seconds before i can make any kind of move; sometimes i'll make a choice and then have to wait a similar amount of time before anything happens. it's weird as hell.
I haven’t been interested in them. Truthfully, I miss Pokémon the way it was in the older generations. I only do them because my friend likes to do them, and I’ve only done one so far. They aren’t my thing if I’m being honest, which probably means I should stop doing them but whatever.
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Overall, no, because of the following:
  • No easy way to search for raids, by mon or even by star rating.
  • Poor communication; waiting for 3 minutes only to be told 'we couldn't connect you' is frustrating.
  • Having only 8 raids show up at a time, and then having to wait around 3-5 minutes to try again.
  • Adding on to the above, when events are on, half of the raids are event raids, even if you don't want them anymore.
  • Glitchy lagfest! I watched a Charizard's health go red then shoot back up halfway?! What the?
If they could just fix a few of these, I could get past the rest. I do love that they're a guaranteed catch if you win, and they have a lot of potential. But any game on a Nintendo console seems to be doomed to have poor online play.
I like doing them, they feel kinda rewarding I feel like. But yeah I wish they'd fix them because it's just a cluster of bugs and lags all over the place and it drove me quite insane a few times ngl. Especially during the Charizard raids where I had to K.O them about 4 times before the game got itself together, it's extremely frustrating. It's also really annoying that some pokémons will literally perform 8 actions before you can even choose one, like? Cleanse effect on their side, cleanse your bonuses, attack 4 times, steal one of your charges, get a shield and attack again, like, I really want them to fix all of this, it's sad because I really enjoy them otherwise.
(Also please bring back megas.)
I really like them. There are certain things that do frustrate me but it hasn't stopped me from playing. My online experience overall has been pretty good and I can overlook the bugs. The worst one would be trapped in dialogue actions from the raid Pokemon, lol.

Most the time, I just play for the rewards because it's a good money-maker and level up machine with the rare/exp candies.
My friend and I actually like to traverse the world together to check out each tera raids, so I don't mind checking them individually. I would say when you reach a certain level, 1-3 star raids should not appear anymore. I'd rather my map be filled with 4 star raids and up.
They're hilariously bad. It's funny how they advertised them as "raids where you no longer have to wait!"... but the reality is you still do! But instead of a fixed order now you'll have no idea when you get to move!! x_x
They're fun, I like them. Spent a lot of them grinding them and those XP candies really boosted me.
i do like them, i hope they bring back something like dynamax adventure for legendaries. the only thing i really hate is how much worse it is to look for random raids online! in swsh it was way smoother but now you are stuck in communicating.. for a while and you cant refresh them as often.
I like them but they definitely need improvements even with the obvious glitches aside.

It also frustrates me how so many people have no idea what Pokémon they should bring in the online hosted ones. I joined a Psychic Staraptor and two people brought Meowscarada… Yes, it’s dark type moves will be effective but you will spend most of the raid dead as Staraptor’s flying moves will destroy you…
I have yet to actually play ScarVio, but as a concept, I just don't like raid battles in Pokemon to begin with... especially if they're supposed to completely replace multi battle Battle Tower as an option to play co op battles with friends. I thought the raid battles in SwSh were tedious and mindless, with fake difficulty added through the frustrating and unfun shield mechanic. I was really hoping that raid battles would disappear in this generation along with dynamax/gigantamax, and yet here we are... Just one of the reasons why I didn't buy a game this generation so far. I know that Gamefreak seems to think that Raid Battles are the epitome of exciting co op endgame gameplay, and perhaps they are to some... but I just want them to bring proper battle facilities (with multi battles) back.
generally I like them but something funny I noticed is that, even on solo raids i.e no internet involved, i encounter a fair bit of lag. More than once now I’ve had this happen: a Pokémon will have its shield up, i terastallize , few rounds of things go on as normal, but suddenly the shield breaks and it’s ready to be caught??? when it still had like a quarter of its health???
Actually joining them can suck and take ages unless I just cave and do the random join option... But they're pretty fun if you get decent teammates. Nice to have something different to build Pokémon for - and it's actually got me caring about stat moves more! Wish the shiny chances were a bit higher though.
I only do the Tera Raids solo (which was the case with Max Raids in SwSh), and I like them, even if they are buggy in spots. I feel like they're an improvement over the Max Raids and they helped encourage me to actually train my team so I could handle them more easily, which is nice for a change.
I like the Tera Raids because they're a nice way to collect EXP Candies to level up my team and they're fun. They're definitely better than the Max Raids from Sword and Shield. If you're not hosting a raid battle, you only have a 3 percent chance to capture the Gigantamax Pokemon, and it's kinda irritating how the Pokemon don't have a guaranteed catch rate. Like once, I found a shiny G-max Pokemon in Sword during a raid battle, though I wasn't able to capture it with an Ultra Ball since it had a low catch rate. This also made it somewhat of a hassle to go through the Dynamax Adventures and obtain all of the Legendaries. At least the Tera Raids always have a 100 percent catch rate if you manage to defeat the Pokemon. I haven't done any Tera Raids with friends nor have I participated in any Tera Raid battle events, though I plan on doing so in the future since I really like the Terastal battle mechanic.
I love them to be honest. I've been doing them a lot more lately with a group I'm a part of, and they're super fun. I also agree with Kamex above that the catch rate being 100% is absolutely necessary. All of your efforts feel wasted if it's not. Kind of just another reason I didn't like Sword/Shield nearly as much as Scarlet/Violet.

I missed out on the 7 star Charizard raids, but I'm currently almost fully prepared to take on the Cinderace raids when they return on the 6th or 7th.
I'm mixed on Tera Raids.

Terastalization is itself a cool gimmick, better than both Dynamaxing and Z-Moves in my opinion and sort of in competition with Mega Evolution for me for best gimmick.

Tera Raids themselves, though, are a bit of a mess. Moves not appearing to hit, moves hitting but only showing damage when you click on the Terastalized Pokémon to attack. Lag. Enemy Terastalized Pokémon hitting moves even after they're technically supposed to be knocked out. All of that somehow even in single player, offline mode.

As someone who prefers single player games I'm not fond of the concept of having to have a group of people online to take on Dynamax or Tera Raids online in Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet. I do have friends I can do this with (for now, until they inevitiably tire of the game and move on) but others might not be able to say the same, and if I have to I'd rather do these with friends than a group of strangers. I'm also not fond of having to sacrifice a move slot to give a Pokémon Tera Blast because of the barriers you encounter in 4-Star and above raids.

I feel they're better in theory than in execution.
I enjoy them, however the 7 star raids feel almost impossible to do. I don't have a lot of friends capable of doing them yet and most random groups I'm in never seem to pan out and since I'm not great myself at ev training, I missed out on Charizard and Cinderace =( My only hope is to get a breedject in surprise trade now.
Other than that, my other hang up is that it takes so long to connect and then you're told you can't join. I stopped trying to join specific tera raids and either just farm my own or do the random.

I enjoy them though, they ARE fun for me.
They're fine...but it's a pretty boring concept. No different in execution from the mega raids. I like the way the designs actually look...but the entire gimmick is pointless and feels tacked on. I mean...what is the point of it? I understand how useful it is to be able to add another typing to any Pokemon...but the gimmick itself seems unnecessary.

Feels like they could have just created an item to do the same thing.

I'd much rather have a cohesive game with a full Pokedex (including foreign regional forms). It feels like the gimmicks probably take a decent amount of work to create...and I'm not sure that anyone is really itching for more of them in future games. Seems to be that the new games all have some sort of big gimmick now, and everything else is haphazardly built around them. And there's just no reason for the Pokemon franchise to be like that. Mega raids, Tera raids, time distortion...none of it feels super interesting or necessary to me.

I mean...if everything else about Scarlet and Violet was perfect, then I'd consider tera raids to be a nice addition. But there is so much wrong with the main presentation that the tera raids almost feel like they shouldn't exist at all. A game with a Pokedex of 400 and the inability to even change your shirt or pants (after full character customization was already normalized in previous games). It's not a great look.
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As a mainly singleplayer I don't enjoy the harder ones. I've got some Pokémon playing friends in real life but doing the high star raids is still too hard, too longwinded and just near impossible with some of the connectivity issues. In itself the raids feel very disconnected from the game, they were not involved in the story enough to feel like the bring anything to the game. Imho it would have been better if the main game was more polished instead of the raid addition.

Only thing I really like about raids is how you can definetely catch the pokemon.