What do you usually do for lunch while at work? 🥪

What do you do for lunch?

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I work at home, so my lunch is usually home-cooked. If I'm too lazy, I just buy something instead. I prefer cooking since it's a lot cheaper. But I am often lazy.
I normally get a tescos meal deal at lunch or try and birng my own, but I've started trying to grab my lunch food before work. When I go outside at lunchtime I find everyone exceedingly annoying
I'll always pack something since it's cheaper and healthier to do so but here and there for a treat I'll buy something at the caf we have at my work.
I love going out for lunch as a way to carve out some me time 👍 also great for getting to know coworkers outside of the office
When I worked, I just didn't eat or I would sometimes bring a little bag of pretzels or crackers. It was cleaning or retail jobs so the hours weren't that bad and I could just eat when I got home. Green tea in the morning also helped keep hunger away during work.

When I was at the factory, I would make dinners on Sunday for the week in some containers (1 per work day) or I would bring cereal, because it was the only time I ate due to long working hours and exhaustion. They also had a microwave and fridge unlike other places I worked so I could have something warm or perishable if I wanted. It was usually chicken breast, a green vegetable, and potatoes.
I had to vote for Other since I'm work from home. I cook my lunch during my lunch break! When I used to be a student, I would pack lunch every day, or walk back home between classes to eat home food.

Very recently I started ordering delivery food. But I try to keep that at a minimum.
I usually bring my own thing, but normally probably not enough food, just something like a can of tuna and a piece or fruit, or a museli bar. But occasionally when I was in a rush or feeling special I go out.
I do work near a few different food places but I can't afford to buy something each day, so I lean to the "mostly packed lunch" side
Going outside in thr garden so my work collegue can smoke, go inside and eat together and then we spent the rest of the break in the garden. We only have 30 mins a day and there are no shops nearby soooo there is not really an alternative lol
At my old job, I would just have leftovers from the previous night for lunch, with the except of Fridays, where I would DoorDash something.
Honestly, I generally just don't bother with lunch most of the time. Breakfast satisfies me enough until dinner later in the day.
When I was working in an office, I brought my own lunch. But now that I'm WFH, I don't have any lunch.
I usually pack myself a sandwich with fruits, veggies, and a yogurt. When it gets really busy and I didn't feel like packing any lunch, I go out and get something to eat during my lunch break
I always bring my own lunch! I hardly ever buy anything unless I forget my lunch. 😅
I still work from home so I eat at home. I like home cooked meals rather than going out anyway so its better for me.
I work from home most days so I make lunch at home! For the days I go to the office I bring my lunch (except sometimes I forget it and am forced to buy something to eat)