What Does Your Handwriting Look Like?

I typically write all uppercase for titles and switch between a lowercase printing/cursive style. I prefer printing but find I shift when jotting things down quickly.

Handwritten notes helped a lot in college because I'd be so torn over the look of them that I'd rip them out of my notebook and start over. Terrible for my hands, great for recall. It worked out. 😅

I love this thread, lol. Depending on how I’m feeling, I’ll write in all capital letters, but normally (slightly legible):
It completely depends on my mood and what I'm writing. If I'm in a good mood, then my handwriting would be pretty neat as I'm proud of what I'm creating. If I were in a bad mood, then my handwriting would be extremely messy, since I'm trying to rush through whatever I'm creating. I'll add a pic later when I get the chance.

this is usually how it looks but it depends
I just want to say that the school I was at for when I was REALLY REALLY little never taught me how to write correctly so mine looks like rotten oranges OwO
I’ve been meaning to repost here since I realized I write WAY different w my notes than what I had posted here. The initial handwriting I posted was for when I really rushing writing, but when I make a more conscious effort to stop mixing cursive and print and just focus on print, it looks……. more organized? Hm hm.

It's hilarious that I write like a child in elementary despite how old I am. I never been taught how to write neatly.
This thread is so cute! Here's mine; not good but not so bad either


My handwriting is is not the best but not the worst. I can make it look nicer when needed or worse when I’m in a hurry.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog..jpg

Here's my cursive handwriting and I'm actually not proud about it.

Yeah, I did alright. I can read it, and I know others can read it too. But this one person I know wants me to write more bigger and more clearly.

man, I like posting in old threads. especially when they contain topics that pique my interest for a bit.

It really depends on how much of a rush I'm in, but I'm normally too lazy to spend time writing, so the top is my standard. I use to get in trouble for my writing being too small and messy in school, but as long as I can read it I think it's okay 😭
When I was little I started being taught in running writing and then they switched over to print soon after? So I kind of have a mix of cursive and print letters.
This is what a page of my actual notes looks like:
writing notes.jpg