What is the meaning behind your username?

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ive gone through several usernames over the years (mainly on deviantart when i was on there) a couple were g-fan219 (big godzilla fan, dunno about the numbers) and littlemissnightowl (because i used to stay up sooo late)
this has to be like my 9th? but it has stuck for over two years now so it has lasting power lol

sleepy because im always tired, tearrs because i cry a lot and also cry when i am too tired out
when I made my username I was rly into bts and my ultimate bias was taehyung atm so I combined it with milktea lol I wanna change it but I’m poor on tbt :’)
I like sharks and I like sheep.

I used to play an old mmo and went by Tharkay and then I got a pet with a shark costume that I named Sharkay. The sheep came later and I honestly don't remember how
my user is a nickname of yoongi from bts :")
The name of a popular shounen anime character from the show My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia.

Fun fact about me: MHA/BnHA is actually not my favorite show and Izuku Midoriya is actually not my favorite character from anime. That would belong to Parasyte the maxim and Shinichi Izumi simply because I relate to him the most as a person out of anyone in anime (people are always shocked when they find this out, loool).
Honestly, this is a just a name I came up with in a daydream around 2019 or so. It was meant for an OC but once I changed my username to it, those plans just fell through, mainly because the OC wasn't finished. Now it's just my name and I've gotten used to being called it.
I had the username Pooping, and then I got hassled a lot because people would assume that I was an immature kid or I was doing it for internet points. I can't tell you how many times people asked if I thought of the name while pooping. Ooo, you're so original, lol. So I improvised and changed it to be "cuter". This is the result.
Ever since I had to chose a character name for AC I have always gone back to choosing the name Roxy (after spells of trying out Apple, Peaches and Cherry 😂) When I joined the forum I couldn’t think of another user name so just kept my AC name 😊
Faceless are a type of enemy from Fire Emblem its also the name of my first ever Mii
The word vrisnem means to scream. I chose it based on a line in a Milan Stanković song that loosely translates to, "put your hand over my mouth so I won't scream." It has similarities to my real name.

I'm often asked how it's pronounced. The "i" is pronounced "ee": vrees-nem
It's like underpants but it's my name 🤷‍♀️

its also the only username I could come up with that is actually available everywhere
mine doesn’t really have a meaning; it’s just my name. ;p
when i was younger my name on almost every website I signed up to was some variation of 'jellybeans jess' because y'know.. alliteration I guess? but when I first joined I guess I didn't want to have my name within my username so we just have jellybeans. I kind of want to change it but I also don't really know what i'd change it to so 🤷‍♀️
Kaiaa has been my username for so long that I can’t even remember how I picked it. Originally, it was my World of Warcraft characters name “Kaia” but that name was taken so I added an “A” and the rest is history. It’s pronounced “kuh-eye-uh”.
My username is based on my nickname between my family members and my friends
Since my childhood everyone always called me by “passarinho” wich is the equivalent of little bird in portuguese
As i grown up the passarinho nicname became Passar wich means bird
The number nine is a reference for me
Ive always liked the 9 and i dont really have. A plausible meaninh behind it is just something i like
I was looking for a short name and something that wouldn't be common, unless you're from the northern parts of Europe. It's Danish for wolf. The U is pronounced like "oo" and the E is pronounced like the E in bet. Most people have mispronounced it Uh-fee or Ooffee.
Well, when I first started playing Animal Crossing in 2013 (New Leaf), I had no concept of dreamies or popularity or anything like that. I just took whatever villager that came my way. Then, in early 2014 I discovered Miiverse. Specifically, the New Leaf community of Miiverse. While browsing, I spotted a screenshot of a female mayor and a little white squirrel villager. I thought he was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, and thus I had discovered my first dream villager. I genuinely didn't know Marshal was so popular until I discovered this website in 2016. He's just always been my absolute favorite. My first username had a similar sentiment to my current one, but I definitely prefer this one.
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