What is your most used emoji?

Probably 🌟 and 😅

🌟 because friends I have in a group chat like to use it in response to messages. Almost like a “that’s awesome” or “great job” kind of response.

😅 because I guess I’m often embarrassed about admitting various things but I do so anyways so I often throw 😅 in.
Most likely 😂 and 😅
What can I say? I like having a positive attitude in most circumstances.

The one that I use the most on this site is probably this ---> 🐍
Not sure. Maybe 😭 because I overreact too much. My phone is saying that I use 💀 a lot apparently, and I also like using 😂.
Probably 👀, 🤔, and 😭

I always get the feeling I am somehow using some emojis wrong though like the 👀 one. I like to use it in contexts like "did someone say there was gonna be cake 👀"

But from what I have seen on social media it seems to be more like a "I can't believe they just did that 👀" gossip kinda thing??

i am probably just overthinking emojis but i swear some of them seem to have their own definitions
💀 or 😭

also use this one a lot but it’s a memoji:
My generic go-to emoji is 🥹
When I say thank you, I always use 💖
And for my friends specifically, we overuse the cry emoji because 😭 it's so 😭😭 funny 😭😭😭😭

The cry emoji specifically has been a topic of convo for so many people outside our group cuz people always ask us "Why are you crying" and we just go "Idk we're just dramatic 😭" so we've inadvertently spread the dramatic 😭 agenda



I never use iPhone emojis in normal texts, but on Discord I will use two if normal custom emotes don’t cut it. I use 💀 a lot when I need to react to something I find baffling or really funny. 👀 comes in handy to signify curiosity or interest in something.
i don't use regular texting a lot anymore as i prefer discord and using all the emotes u can get from nitro/other servers but i will still occasionally use 😩😭💀👀🫠 and this one 🥺 which i don't think any other emote quite captures the vibes of this particular emoji lol.
these two LMAOOOO 😭😔

if anything, the sobbing emoji is my default go-to and my gosh do i wish i mixed it up from time to time. literally everyone who knows me knows that i overuse it lmao