What is your opinion on rap music?

I like a number of European and East Asian rap artists. My #1 favourite is the German rapper Cro.
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I like most genres of music so while rap isn't my favourite genre, I like a lot of artists and think a lot of the music in the genre is great and passionate and meaningful and talks about some very important topics that aren't discussed in other genres. However I don't love most of the "radio" rap where the lyrical content is just bragging about wealth or whatever
I strongly dislike both rap and country music. One is too fast and one is too slow, imo (for the most part).

Besides video game music and stuff like that, I’m really only interested in different styles of jazz music.
I don't really have an opinion one way or another. I don't think it's for me, but unlike country music it isn't forced on me everywhere I go, so it's okay in my books.
I like some of the older stuff like early Cypress Hill, 90s Outkast, and Psycho Realm. I think I like more of the underground stuff like: Immortal Technique, Necro, Crime Apple, Roc Marciano, Ill Bill, Non Phixion which is more hardcore lyrically and close to Metal lyrics lol But I do love those 90s dusted beats. I can dig some of the newer stuff to if i'm in the mood.
^I'm gonna have to check out some of those, I'm curious now! I've heard some of Necro and thought it was good, perhaps I'll explore more of his stuff first!
^I'm gonna have to check out some of those, I'm curious now! I've heard some of Necro and thought it was good, perhaps I'll explore more of his stuff first!

Check out the Prefix album by him. Probably my favorite album of his. Gory Days is also good
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But in all honesty, I enjoy it. Some hip-hop is well-crafted and makes you think about life, about social and political interaction, and about the harsh struggles of the world. Other songs are made by talentless teenagers with dyed hair and face tattoos, but I'd be lying if I didn't enjoy it for the stupidity of it all. Sometimes I want to to be deep in my thoughts, other times I just want something fast paced to get me hyped up. Really just depends on my mood.
I like it a lot! I wasn't super into most of the big tracks from 2018, but I wasn't in general super into the 2018 hits, so that's not really a smear against rap music specifically.
A lot of people don't give rap a chance because they don't like the things rap is associated with, alongside a hatred for the mainstream. Rap isn't something you can really just blow off though, because rap is incredible. It's poetry with rhythm.

I personally enjoy rap. It's not something I'll listen to every day, but it isn't something I can get sick of. If you really think you hate it, then that's fine by me - everybody is entitled to their own opinion. However, if you are going to say something such as "all rap is bad", I am going to blow off your opinion as one that is uneducated or without experience. There's something for everyone, and as easy as it is to say, you have to search to find something you might like.

Give rap a try, because rap is a good genre.
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The majority of rap I've heard is utter trash and I don't have enough interest in the genre to search for something 'good'.
I like rap when it's used to deliver a good message and the words are cleverly thought out. I don't like rap when it's like "swear word this swear word that girls drugs money"
ok heres the thing
i generally cant stand it? ive never liked rap or hh in general, i dont like the culture associated with it

but for some reason i listen to some kpop groups that incorporate a lot of rap into their songs and my favourite kpop boy is literally a rapper and i love his parts so....... i really dont know. maybe its the language that makes it better since it flows differently to my language or even english, or the fact that i just love those kids and their music is what makes me like anything they put out or maybe im just weird

theres nothing worse than polish rap/hip hop scene and culture tho, let me tell you
A lot of people don't give rap a chance because they don't like the things rap is associated with, alongside a hatred for the mainstream. Rap isn't something you can really just blow off though, because rap is incredible. It's poetry with rhythm.

I personally enjoy rap. It's not something I'll listen to every day, but it isn't something I can get sick of. If you really think you hate it, then that's fine by me - everybody is entitled to their own opinion. However, if you are going to say something such as "all rap is bad", I am going to blow off your opinion as one that is uneducated or without experience. There's something for everyone, and as easy as it is to say, you have to search to find something you might like.

Give rap a trash, because rap is a good genre.


I enjoy it a lot. Most of my music taste is rap and hip hop. But I grew up on [American] hip hop, RnB, and rap...which in turn introduced me to other countries hiphop/rap. I need some rhythm and beats I can groove to lol. Sure, as a random korean kid listening to it growing up I might not have been able to relate to it lyrically, but it took to me another place I guess. I pretty much learned my knowledge of certain regions of the United States by following rap history because the genre is so varied throughout the coasts. So I think it’s strange to write off the whole genre of rap in its entirety unless you… really don’t like to move your feet...at all lol. Anyways, it’s not for everyone but I love it.
I think too many rappers get flak for their lyrical choices. There are a lot of really vulgar rappers that have beautiful messages. If the vulgar language isn't your cup of tea, that is fine. But I don't think you can discount an entire genre based on it, because if you really listen to the lyrics you can find some amazing points.
i don't have any specific taste in music at all, so i can't say anything about the entire genre itself. but i do have a few artists i like that happen to rap! the only strong feelings i have are about the super popular songs that i hear all the time, those usually aren't my thing.