What scars/permenant injuries do you have

i have a scar under my mouth from when i was like 4 because i was jumping on the couch and fell on the coffee table :eek:
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I have identical scars on my feet...looks like my feet got slashed lol
It happened from my new shoes - they were too hard
I have scars like everywhere. :) = separation of stories

Face- I have a scar on my upper lip from the chain on my bike breaking and I ran head on into a wall and then fell in a cactus. There was a literal hole maybe a tiny bit smaller than a dime through my lip. Too bad at the time I wasn't interested in a Monroe piercing :) I also have a scar on my eyebrow from where I got attacked by my neighbors dogs and I didn't wanna tell my parents and they found out because there was blood everywhere haha oops

Arms- I have extremely bad judgement and I always run into things so I have scars on my outer arms. :) I used to self harm pretty bad so I have those scars as well but because my mom is a nurse she found out pretty quick and took care of it so now the scars are hardly noticeable.

Stomach/chest- I also self harmed on my stomach and side, so those scars are noticeable but often mistaken for stretch marks. :) I got stung by a scorpion twice on both breasts and it left its stinger in me and I squeezed it out like a pimple 6 months later and there's a scar from that now since it was like the size of my pinky fingernail.

Legs- So again bad judgement. I have tons of scars on my legs, mainly around my ankles, where I shave literal slices of my skin off. Oops. :) I also self harmed on my thighs and those are very noticeable unless I got a good tan which this summer I didn't so wearing shorts this school year is gonna suck. :) A few weeks ago (here comes bad judgement) I was at my grandparents and I was walking down the 3 STAIRS from their porch and of course my brain is like "Oh yeah you can skip a step easily man go for it" but of couRSE (#amitumblryet) I tripped and now I have a huge scar covering my left calf and its freaking amazing. Just kidding. I cried. #lame

**Note: guys don't worry about my self harm I'm like 2 years clean now k I promise I'm good fam

*Also I don't have a scar from it I think but I got pushed out of a two story window when I was like 4 from my supposedly best childhood friend. #goodtimes
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I have a lump in the middle of my forehead, where my mum's old friend's kid hit me with the metal part of the seat belt. He was a ****** lmao
I also have a small scar on my knee where I breaked to hard on my scooter and fell over xD
i have a scar on my middle finger because i cut it on a popcan when i was really young
Mine are mainly self-harm scars. I'm not saying this to be attention seeky because in all honesty the nature of true self-harm is anything but that. I'm saying it because I want to basically help people even if passive to make them realize they are not alone.
I have scars on my left arm all the way down to the end of my wrist. Both above and below the arm. I have scars from the start of my rib cage all the way down to my pelvis. I also have scars on both thighs that end by the knee cap.

Some say scars look ugly in general, but to me they look kinda pretty. If youve done something like that and mean it you shouldnt regret it, its part of your emotion and how you feel and that is nothing to be disappointed about. Covering it up is not weak though. Again it comes down to the nature of the people doing it, not that they regret the action itself.

If anybody does give you hatred for what youve done to yourself, not just self-harm but anything in general. Please remember that they are wrong and not considerate. Especially if it is in public and others can hear the discussion. Never feel bad about yourself and the things you do. EVER.
I have like a little surgery stitches thing mark? because I fell down when I was little cause I was running, and hit my forehead with the bottom of a metal chair
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I have a scar in the middle of my left eyebrow and I absolutely hate it. I always feel less beautiful from other people because I always have wished to have a scarless face. I don't even care if the scar would be on my cheek, just not my eyebrow. I've had it since I was a baby, it was when I first started walking and then I trip and fell and hit my head on a very sharp end of a chair and it slit my eyebrow. I've been thinking of penciling it in with eyebrow pencil so it's not as noticable :/ I've always gotten bullied for it ever since I was a little kid and I still feel insecure about it.

I also have one on my chest from recently getting an unusual mole removed. The cells were abnormal so I had to get that mole removed that was on my left breast, lolcrying
Anyways though, I really don't care about the scar that it going to form on my chest because it's not shown to the world. My face is with the scar in my eyebrow :/
I have a large circle-like scar on my knee where I fell on really rough concrete as a kid, lots of small scars on my fingers from nail cuts and what-not, a small pinprick scar on the top of my hand where a nurse didn't attach a drip properly so it ripped out multiple times, a large scar on my ring finger where I was bitten by a horse, small scars on my arms and legs where I have picked scabs/skin out of boredom, scars on my wrists and the inside of my elbows from some stupid decisions, and a few chicken pox scars on my face and stomach.
I got this scar on my leg from the knee to my ankle, I got it when I was swinging, and I jumped off. I've never jumped from the swing since.
i have a scar under my right eye from when i got stitches and i have a random scar on my right hand i dont really know how i got but.. yeah
I have a small scar on my face from when I was about 7. I was rocking on my chair in class and ended up bashing my face on the table, my tooth went through my lip... The teacher was mad because I got blood on her floor lol. It's not noticeable at all but if I look in a close up mirror, I can see a little white line.

I also have a lot of very noticeable scars on my arms (self-inflicted), some of them are keloids and I have a lot of messed up nerves.
Three scars.

One on my forehead where I fell down the stairs as a toddler and hit my head off a radiator.
One on my wrist where I cut it cleaning a gerbil tank.
One on my foot from where I separated a fight between two rats. While it hurt like hell, if the wound had landed on Vallon instead it would have been far worse.
My knee is pretty messed up. When I was younger, I thought a bmx track and a scooter would be a good mix. I was wrong, and now my knee is all scarred and hurts quite a bit on occasions.
I have six scars on my face, I have two parallell from each other about 3 inches long each on my left side of my forehead. They are slashes sorta like this. (//) I have a 4 1/2 inch scar starting from the middle of my left eye ending down my cheek towards my left ear. I have a 9 inch scar starting from the outter corner my right eye to the right corner of my nose, and then over the left side of my lips and down towards the left side of my chin. 5th one is 7 inches starting from right cheek bone down to the right corner of my mouth to the middle of my chin. Last scar on my face is about 4 1/2 inchs starts at the right nostal and goes down to the far left of my cheek. Those are my major scars. I have scars up and down my body, on my all of arms and on most of my body , I can't count all the scars. Permanent injuries I have is TBI and that I cannot walk. They all came from being stupid. :/
I got a neat little one on my calve from a shard of glass. I was about 8 years old playing some soccer in the field at the old apartment complex my family I used to live at. I ended up tripping up and there just so happened to be a nice-sized shard of glass facing upward. It really didn't hurt too bad, though. It was just pretty darn bloody lol.
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I keep seeing this thread and, well, do you think you could change the title to read "permanent" instead? The spelling's bothering me. :p

Anyway, no, I don't have any permanent injuries or anything, unless constant nail-biting is doing something, lol.
So many, oh goodness.
I have a pock scare on my head, self harm scars on one of my wrists, and all over my thighs, scar on my pinkie toe from my sister slicing it over with the bottom of a door, scar tissue on my ankle from my mom running me over, scar on my knee from tripping and getting a huge rock in my knee, scar on my arm from my cat slicing me because she was staring at a cat she hated and was in attack mode, scar on the back of my leg from me slicing it on my bed, dot scars all over my arms from me picking at these bumps I used to get all over them, and a really huge scar across the back of my neck that has no explanation to it but gets really irritated sometimes...
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