I would 100% be a normal. I like reading, baking, knitting, and writing, and I am awkward socially and do not always have the most confidence in myself. (And I am probably a bit boring as well).
I think I would be a dog, because I just love dogs and feel a lot of kinship with them. Even though I am not an outgoing person, I am very attached to my people and territory. I also really like having my routine and I am a ‘rule follower’ by nature which seems very dog like. If not a dog I think I would be a pig (my zodiac animal! And I am super stubborn) or perhaps a rabbit (I have a lot of nervous energy)
it wasn’t part of the question by I would have the education hobby. When I was in elementary school is often used to read at recess (and while walking back to class, and at the dinner table, and in the car even though it made me carsick).
i'd say i'm a lazy, but more in the NL sense since i don't like bugs and that's half of all they talk about in NH. even without my debilitating mental health issues, i like sleeping, eat a lot of junk food, and can be quite childish at heart. maybe with a streak of normal? i enjoy writing and daydreaming and am very introverted/socially awkward. one of my favorite animals is cats, and i own several myself, so i want to say i'd be a cat but i also dress as a rabbit frequently in the game (and my girlfriend literally calls me "bunny") so it's more like either/or. i wouldn't mind fox, but i find their in-game design/model really unappealing. then again, maybe that's just because redd is the only example to go off of.
Hey, OP, I appreciate your love for jock villagers. Most of my favorite villagers tend to be jocks (as well as crankies)! It's okay to choose a male personality even if you're female and vice versa. Because for me, I'd be Graham the smug hamster. I, too, am a chubby blonde hamster with glasses and hobbies pertaining to cartoons.
But if I were to make a new villager based off of me, I feel like I'd be a weird blend of uchi, peppy, and normal (with emphasis on the style of uchis, personality of peppies, and literature love and social awkwardness of normals). My animal would be a mouse or hamster because those are my favorite animals other than axolotls! I guess I could be Dr. Shrunk as well as Graham, then.
I feel like I would be cranky because I always complain about almost every thing lol. I’m not mean at all but among the male personalities, cranky is the one that represents me the most. If I could choose from male and female personalities, then I would definitely pick normal. In fact, I love reading just as much as normal villagers do and I behave in a very similar way to them, except for the always complaining part.
As for which animal species I would be, I’d like to say I would be a squirrel, which is my absolute favourite animal species in the entire game, but I’m actually more similar to a cat.
i think a mixture of uchi and lazy !! but mostly lazy. i like lazing around 'n enjoying the small lil' things in life, but i also really like looking after my friends and giving them advice. i'd definitely be the kinda person who'd offer a sandwich in one hand and medicine in the other for wasp stings ...
I would be a normal villager, since they're always talking about reading or baking. As for the species, most of my dreamies are deer. I guess that would make me Fauna.
At first impression: Normal. I’ve had several moments where I related to the things that they’ve said. Also, both of my Normal villagers stayed inside during New Years Eve. This is something that I would do irl.
Around my family: Mostly Uchi and Lazy. Cranky and Snooty if I’m tired of their BS.
I wasn't going to answer but I was pressured into it
For a personality I'd probably be somewhere between normal/lazy/cranky. But since a villager can only be one personality, I'm going to pick Lazy. The crankies just seem too mature, and the normals seem to have their life on track (and are also female but let's not go there right now)
Species is a hard one. I love so many different animals... Penguin or bird would be a good option. But I'm picking Bear. I mean, active at night? Only sleep a few hours, then suddenly hibernating for a while? Don't really bother with a plan but take the opportunistic approach? Big and fluffy but also somehow very deadly? Sounds good to me!
I’ve always thought I would be an Uchi mouse. I’m a small person and I’ve always liked the mice in AC; I enjoy small enclosed spaces; I can be blunt or straightforward to a fault but I’m always ready to help or listen. I relate more to the New Leaf iteration of the Uchi personality than the NH one.
If I can't be an otter (cries inside),
I'd definitely be an octopus villager. Trying to pick a personality is hard just because I feel like they're too limited...probably lazy or normal ultimately. I'd probably choose black, white, or seafoam for a design color.
This is such a fun question! I thought about my answer to this for a long time and this is what I came up with.
As much as it pains me to say, I would probably be a normal villager personality. I'm not a very exciting person, I kind of have a boring life and my interests like writing/reading, baking, and generally hanging out at home lead me to believe I'd be a villager with a normal personality. I'm not a lazy person by any stretch, or a jock or anything cool like that. The second closest personality type I'd say is cranky. I know snooty is supposed to be the female version of cranky, but I feel like that has a different connotation. I have a cranky grandpa kind of personality so I'd probably be a normal villager that's a bit cranky, haha.
As for the type of villager I'd be, that's a tough one. My favorites are the cubs but they're too small to be me. In all honesty I'd probably be an elephant. I am extremely tall IRL so I think that would fit well. They're both tall and kind of chonky in the middle, just like me, haha. I thought about a rhino types as well, but I'm not sure that would be like me. I almost went with penguin because I like the cold but that's not really me either. In any case, I'd be BFFs with Tia and Merengue and we'd just enjoy being gigantic friends together, haha!
Of the villager personality types, I feel like I would be normal. My mannerisms and temperament match up with normals, and I also enjoy reading, writing, and other indoor activities. I'm definitely an introverted homebody, and although I don't have a lot of experience with it, I do like baking now and then. I have a little lazy (I love food and bugs) and cranky (I love to complain) in me as well.
As far as animal choice goes, I'd be an alligator! I love reptiles and bugs, so I'd absolutely have a bug-themed house, and also I'd probably end up having some kind of light mantis-green colored scales. As a meganekko, I'd definitely have glasses as well. I think that would differentiate me enough from Gayle (who I think looks more like a peppy than a normal anyway, but I digress).
I'd definitely be a normal personality. All of the planner and book dialogue is so me. I also resonate with the way they talk — they're polite and sweet but also a little shy and reserved, and I'm the same way.
As far as what species I'd be, my friends have told me that I look like a deer so... I guess I'd be a deer. Fauna has always resonated with me.
A mix of normal and lazy and also snooty fashion kinda stuff . I had cranky villager fang he just moved out yesterday from my island and I’m getting Judy tomorrow, let’s see
I thought a while about this but I would most likely be a peppy villager I guess. But if I have to stick to my gender (since all peppy are female) I would most likely be smug. Still stick with peppy tho.
I am actually quite liked among most people even tho I don't know how actually and like to be in the spotlight sometimes. I prefer peppy because I am not as arrogant as smug villagers and more talkaktive and loud sometimes.
For the villager specie it is a hard but I would most likely be an eagle. To be able to fly is one of my most beloved wishes, but also they have that sort of elegance to them which would stick to a peppy villager. I actually want to draw me as a character now haha. Maybe I will edit this post ones I am done.
Reading everyone's responses has been interesting. It makes me wish there were more personality variation and personalities were isolated to only certain groups but more diversely split.
It would be cute to see everyone's villager self drawn. This topic definitely makes me want to draw mine lol.