What was the biggest scandal at your high school?

tw: sexual assault of minor
We had a science teacher who groomed and sexually assaulted a 13 year old girl - he was arrested at the school while teaching.
I'd post news article links of the story above but I don't want to doxx myself.

Other than that we had two teachers who were hooking up. A girl in year 9 getting preggo by a guy in year 11 (she was about 13/14 he was 16) which seems kind of normal if it happens now but back then it was drama. A girl who took a crap in another girls shoes at a house party.

British high schools are brutal for some of the stuff that happens and the way kids behave.

There was so much more but I kind of blacked out a lot of my high school years due to bullying and other personal situations that I don't tend to disclose to anyone let alone the internet.
A guy who came to class with... I guess you could call them space cookies, and distributed them to some of his classmates. We never saw him again after that.
I think there were some lawsuits between two families during my senior year I think, when two friends died in an accident, one was sleeping and the other guy was driving. I forgot all the details but there were quite a few deaths throughout my time in high school.
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Nothing interesting in my high-school.
In my middle school, all sorts of things.

The worst was Was when a girl threw herself off the top floor (she survived). I remember that day I was in P.E. and they herded all of us to the locker rooms and we were just pretty much waiting. It was a lockdown, and we had no clue what was going on. They just probably didn’t want us to see the police and paramedics. She switched schools though.
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Nothing interesting in my high-school.
In my middle school, all sorts of things.

The worst was Was when a girl threw herself off the top floor (she survived). I remember that day I was in pee and they herded all of us to the locker rooms and we were just pretty much waiting. It was a lockdown, and we had no clue what was going on. They just probably didn’t want us to see the police and paramedics. She switched schools though.
Oh my God... That's awful...
omg so many. In my freshman (could have been 8th grade) year of school we had a bomb threat like every other week. It turned out to be a bunch of the students orchestrating it as a prank, but of course as a school they had to take it seriously. In the high school, I went to for my junior and senior year we had an active shooter situation. He didn’t end up killing or hurting anyone as he got caught before he could make it to that point. We also had a teacher get pretty much demoted to teaching at the junior high because some ladies of the PTA/newly elected school board members didn’t like the teacher. She was my journalism teacher and I remember going to so many school board meetings to voice my opinions and fight for her to be able to stay. In the end she did get demoted, but that was my first time actually standing up for a cause and speaking out and “dying on a hill.” It was also the first time i realized teachers were regular people outside of school. There is definitely more stories like students dying, a tragic bush crash, teacher accidentally played an adult film on the smart board, pregnant teens, one of our beloved teachers had cancer, so many more. High school was wild.
Mine didn’t really have any. The biggest was probably a teacher that made an inappropriate joke. I think more should’ve been done, but I’m glad my school never had anything major.
I remember we had a young student trying to hang himself from the stairs, luckily he failed and fell down. We only learned about it later that week (happened while we were in class).
My school didn't had a lot of scandals from what I know. The one I remember good is because I was sadly part of it.
It's nothing big, but yeah.. whole school got evacuated, lol.
Well, what happened: Boy from my class thought it was a smart idea to play table tennis in the dark in front of the classroom door,
while waiting for the teacher to arrive after break. Why he didn't at least turn the light on is a mystery. Anyways, he smashed the
firealarm with the ball. Obviously everybody thought there is a real fire now. Firemen arrive, etc. We were 5 kids that got brought to
the principal, because we were the ones near. Man, I thought I would get kicked out of the school for the boys stupidity.
We got all asked one by one what happened and me not wanting for anyone to get in trouble, I decided to say directly who it was,
but that it was a complete accident. Welp, he got a warning letter but at least I saved him from getting suspended.
Nowadays I would've loved to just say "Yup, he was it with full knowledge of this possibly happening" and see him getting suspended, lol.
He was not very nice to me afterwards, because we were together for like 2 days (lmao) and I was young and was scared of telling my parents,
so I said I can't, because I don't want to hide it from them, but don't want to tell them either. So yeah, he started to make fun of me in front
of everyone. Hero that my at this time best friend was, she kicked him in the nuts in front of everyone, muahahaha. Best moment ever.

Also sorry, I went a bit off topic, but I wanted to tell that. :v
My school is pretty small (about 500-600 people) but there are a few "events" I can think of such as,
  • Some random guy from Florida called and said he'd shoot up the school, he ended up getting arrested in his state
  • A plethora of fights, the two most prominent would be a guy fighting a girl because she stole his phone and refused to give it back, and one kid pretended to get hacked on snapchat to fish for attention, but the way he did it was extremely unwise, in that he was using many racial slurs and specifically tagged another kid in one of the posts who I will call "D" for privacy's sake, anyway long story short "D" beat up the other kid who I'll call "G", and it was so bad to the point where it took 7 teachers to get "D" off of "G". For the record, "G" was like 5'4 and "D" is about 6'3, he should've known what was coming
  • A group of seniors were caught circumventing the school's web filter to access "questionable" sites such as 4chan and Kiwifarms, unsurprisingly these kids are your typical definition of incels
  • This actually happened to me, one of the incels mentioned in the last bullet point kept using anti-Semitic insults towards me (I'm not even Jewish), so he ended up getting suspended for nearly a month. Speaking of anti-Semitism, someone wrote in one of the boys' bathrooms some hateful language towards Jewish and gay people, so they actually compared the handwriting to every single person in the school to what was written in the bathroom to find out who it was. They got suspended for a month as well
  • Once someone spray painted a certain female body part onto the stall door in the basement bathroom
  • The Westboro Baptist Church was planning on protesting at a nearby school, so we got sent home early as a safety precaution. It ended up being like 2 people from the "church" and about 800 counter-protesters, it was a nice sight to say the least
  • There was an electrical fire in the music room which actually caused some damage to the floor
  • When Avengers: Endgame was new, some kid managed to sneak into the office and shout spoilers to the movie over the school intercom, and the kid was subsequently "jumped"
  • One of the deranged kids showed me pictures of something related to an extreme phobia I have, and because of it the teacher in the class I was in with them threatened to send him to a nearby mental hospital. That same deranged kid also got beat up by my brother and didn't get in trouble at all
  • Someone who I'll call "J" posted a meme on his snapchat that was rather harmless, but someone who I'll call "S" got really offended by it for some reason so somehow, "J" managed to get suspended, and he was suspended for 40 DAYS. With this, people were making posters saying "FREE 'J'!" "'J' did nothing wrong!!" and at one point, nearly everyone in the cafeteria during lunch was chanting "FREE 'J' NOW!" (they were saying his actual name but I'm not revealing that for his own privacy). Nobody knew who reported him until it was randomly discovered that 'S' was the person, since the day he got suspended, they made a post on their snapchat saying "and thats why you dont post stupid memes". Because of that, nearly every day people would scream at 'S' saying "YOU DID THIS" "CRYBABY" "If you're so offended, TURN OFF YOUR PHONE" and all this other stuff, it was ruthless. Somehow though, the rallying worked, since a week into his suspension, "J"'s suspension was ended. I ride the same bus as him so we talked and he was happy to be un-suspended, and when he walked into school, people were cheering for him. Quite a glorious time tbh
I know I already posted on here but reading throu reminded me of more.

Throu out middle and high school, bomb threats and shooting threats weren't unheard of. The schools went in lockdown multiple times throu out the years, thou nothing happened (while I was there atleast). There was a time that the middle school I was at went in lockdown cause somethin was happening at another school over. Nothing major happened but police did get involved.
One time as I was walking to school I remember seeing everyone sitting outside in the park literally across the street from the school. Somethin about a bomb/shooting threat, so everyone had to be evacuated. This was before school even began for the day. Kind of stupid to keep everyone OUTSIDE IN THE OPEN but nothin happened, thank goodness.

We had multiple times that fire alarms would go off, and not for the monthly rehearsal thing. One time the fire started in the cafeteria as the cooks were making somethin. Somethin caught fire, an appliance I think, and they pulled the alarm. I think everyone was fine thou.

A faculty office staff member got cancer and died. A year or two later I ended up gettin that ladys son as a sceive teacher.

A security guard got fired and it was on the news. He was chasing a girl around the school and, I won't say exactly what happened, but his finger went somewhere that absolutely had no business being there.

In my senior year of high school a senior died in a motorcycle accident. I have no idea what happened, and the one story that was published in the school newspaper didn't go into detail either. Only that he was on the motorcycle and died in an accident.

Someone peed in the stairwell and it smelled for days before it finally got cleaned up.

A teacher who was in charge of the animal program we had at the high school just gave away lots of animals improperly. We had to downsize the amount of animals we had so the teacher just let random people take animals. There was no papers and zero communication between anyone, even students who helped out in the program. There's a process that has to happen with these types of animals (we're talking goats, sheep, pigs, parrots, snakes, rabbits, turtles ect...) and that process was NOT followed at all. He said he emailed these people later to get updates and that no one responded. I highly doubt he sent those emails or even got any form of communication at all. He later left that school year cause he got a job in Uptown, but the principal was on his case when he was here after she heard about that incident.

Many fights between kids of different towns and such. This was quite common at my high school.
All of the interesting scandals happened either before or after my high school years. The only incident that I remember happened either during my sophomore or junior year.

There were rumors of the newer teachers being let go or “getting the pink slip” due to a lack of funding. I don’t remember if this was a district wide or a state wide problem.

Anyways, we weren’t happy. So the students wore pink in solidarity. There were even talks of walk-outs. In the end, the union for the teachers managed to work out a deal. No one was let go.
A boy stole his dad's gun, came to school and killed a girl with an execution style method in the hallway. He shot another student (who survived), proceeded to continue down the school presumably searching for more targets, before one of our security officers killed him in an exchange. I was getting breakfast, helping set up the cafeteria as I typically did every morning. A panicking teacher rushed me into a classroom.

I started having panic attacks which were frequent for about a year. (still happen, but now infrequent).
When I was a junior a much-liked teacher suddenly quit halfway through the year; the rumor was he had been sleeping with a senior, and I guess he quit to try and get ahead of the fallout from that.

On a lighter note, the same year a girl a year below me asked one of the senior guys for a pot brownie, for some reason decided it would be a good idea to take it during musical practice, and missed a couple days of school because her mom was so pissed about it. It was the talk of the band (which we were both in).
My teacher got arrested for trying to run away to another country with a 14 year old student they were secretly dating.
There were a few, but the most notable one in recent years involved the highly publicized college admissions scandal (they even made a netflix documentary about it which i highly recommend). i went to an arts high school that a few celebrity’s offspring attended, one of which was Bill Macy and Felicity Huffman’s kid who was a grade below me at the time. her parents ended up faking her SAT scores without her permission and when the truth came out, she was rejected from her dream school. It’s honestly really sad, I feel for her because she didn’t even know that her mom and dad were gonna do this.
another one I can think of was when one of the math teachers started talking to a student on Grindr and met up with them. They ended up having this “secret” relationship that didn’t stay secret for that long. He got fired obviously
another one I can think of was when one of the math teachers started talking to a student on Grindr and met up with them. They ended up having this “secret” relationship that didn’t stay secret for that long. He got fired obviously
Thats pretty sad assuming it wasn't an unprofessional relationship (like being his teacher) and still a college one.
Not so sad if this is a school one thing
Thats pretty sad assuming it wasn't an unprofessional relationship (like being his teacher) and still a college one.
Not so sad if this is a school one thing
Well considering this was high school and it happened while the student was underage, it was definitely an unprofessional relationship
Well considering this was high school and it happened while the student was underage, it was definitely an unprofessional relationship
Ah okay
It was just because at first you spoke about the college thing so I wasn't sure if it was like a 21 year old and a 29 year old who had no dealings with each other at college.
Or like a 15 year old and some... any year old. That stuff ain't legal.
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