What was the biggest scandal at your high school?

I went to a very strict religious high school and honestly, I never heard of any major scandals. The worst I can think of right now is a girl in my grade caught doing drugs on campus, very tame compared to other schools lol.
Bomb scare. Someone made a joke bomb a bit after a school shooting made national news. I remember being locked in the library under the desk for hours thinking, "How is this my life?"

After reading this thread: How was this our lives?
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I went to a small school (roughly 400 students) and graduated in the late 80s. The biggest "scandal" that I remember was one of my classmates getting pregnant in our junior year. And in senior year, she dyed her hair bubblegum pink. I remember it looking good on her, but in a small New England town, it caused lots of talk.
nothing too bad happened at my school or not that i can remember at least

-like, there was this one girl everyone hated and her mum called the police on me for hanging out with her so that was pretty extra
-one time some kid punched a door and the whole thing smashed
-or another time a girl threw a chair at me and i got a detention for that
-and a bunch of kids were doing drugs just outside the school so that was weird

but yeah, there wasn't really a big event just a bunch of small ones i guess
one time someone sprayed a bunch of doe urine in the stairwells as a senior prank
another time, the seniors organized a hallway block so nobody could leave their class or get to their next one (our school was crazy overpopulated so this was really easy)
and another time the seniors barricaded themselves into the courtyard between the school and cafeteria (only two doors so they just blocked them with lunch tables)

lots of senior pranks i guess lol that was all one class too xD
This is a bit personal but I went to a strict catholic school and mind you, I didn't know anything about sex ed at the time. One of the teachers would give me special attention and find ways to touch me ( i.e. on the shoulder, thigh, or my long hair). After a few weeks, we had relations. I was confused and didn't know what we were doing and he used scriptures to justify his actions and to scare me into not telling anyone. Long story short, I ended up pregnant (13) and everyone tried to cover up my pregnancy -- my parents, the school, etc.
i already posted on this but whatever lol

according to one of the people at my school, my favourite elementary school principal just got outted for cheating on his wife?? crazy stuff. apparently, he got banned from teaching at any school in our school district. (which is a catholic district so..) i would have never guessed.
One of my PE teachers started dating one of his female students who was also her tutor for the five years she was at school. The teacher quit when everyone found out about the inappropriate relationship and he even left his wife and children to be with her. Fast forward a year later and the relationship abruptly ended and the female student ended up dating my dad's girlfriend's son for a few months.
Some of these scandals that happened at my high school a few years ago weren't big enough to make it to the local news.

1. People were smoking/vaping and were storing the used stuff in the washroom inside a wall. It got patched up a couple of years later.
2. There was this huge poster featuring teachers that had one of them scribbled out with a marker. This incident somehow made it onto the morning announcements stating that action will not be tolerated.
3. We had this emergency exit that students sometimes use to get out of the building, whether to fool around or that they just don't care. Every time that happens, the alarm from the area would go off and someone would have to insert a key to deactivate it.
4. I wasn't there when it happened, but someone in the cafeteria threw a chair at the window and broke it. It took them a few days to get it fixed, but I don't know what happened to the student who did it.
5. This incident isn't particularly about my school but more about the email network of the school board. For some reason, many students with myself included got a huge influx of spam email containing random things. I don't think it had any malicious content on it, but it was a very weird experience.
6. The school organized a talent show. A group of boys participated and what they did was shake their behinds in front of the whole school. It was so bad and frowned upon that they had to apologize for their immature act afterwards lol.

Jeez, my high school was so weird. I wouldn't be surprised if those kinds of these still happen years after I graduated from there.

Edit: I remember another incident where these groups of people were holding up signs of disgusting pictures about abortion just outside of the school. It was disturbing for me to say the least.
I don't know if we had any actual scandals, but the two things that comes to mind are.
One of the special education kids ran around the entire school almost naked, screeching at the top of his lungs, and his teacher were running after him, he literally climbed up a small tower inside the school, and the teachers thought they got him cornered, but he just jumped down, and continued.
It were funny, but also sad, I always tried to talk to him if I saw him sitting alone somewhere, but I don't think he really knew what to do, he always seemed kind of absent minded.
Another time on a trip two students had sex in one of their rooms, we were probably around 14 years old at the time, and their parents had to come, and get them, the girl were one of my childhood friends.
our homophobic geography teacher accused me of stalking her because she thought i was a lesbian (i wasn't out at the time) and tried to get me kicked out of school right before final exams. a year or so later, she had an affair with her best friend's husband (all three worked at the school) and got knocked up by him.
Overall I don't think there were many scandals associated with my school as I went to a pretty small (compared to other schools in the area) selective school where you couldn't really get away with anything but the two that pop to my head:
  • a girl in my year dropped out when we were about 15 as she'd got pregnant - our high school was all girls and the school next door was all boys but I'm not sure if the father was at that school or from a school further away
  • a few years after I'd left school I read in the local news about a teacher been in court for having a previous sexual relationship with a student - it was an old drama teacher of mine (luckily not for long as I didn't study drama for any longer then was compulsory) who had been seeing a girl in my year for practically the whole time we'd attended the school, no-one seemed to notice it while they were at school together but when I look back now I'm surprised they managed to hide it - he used to turn up in a lot of my economics lessons saying he was visiting my teacher as they were mates but it also happened that the girl in question was there and he'd sit on her desk and spend all the time laughing and joking with her. She made many comments about dating older men, suppose most of us didn't realise she meant her much older teacher :rolleyes:
A girl from my year in high school had a relationship with my history teacher. They are now married, and he continues to teach there 👀

+ I also had a friend who got pregnant as a junior
there was almost a school shooting, and i'm from the u.k where tight gun laws mean this doesn't usually happen. it was someone in one of my classes and if he'd gone through with it, i probably would have been caught up in it. i remember he got up in the middle of class to attend a music lesson, but it turned out he actually went to call the police and turn himself in. some of my friends in another class saw him get arrested from a window but we had no clue why, and the school wouldn't tell us other than messaging our parents to say there had been an 'incident', and we had to find out from googling it at lunchtime and finding news articles about it.
reading up on the court proceedings afterwards was wild because it made everyone realise how close he was to going through with it and how determined he was - he had lots of ammunition, ear plugs, etc.
Only one I remember from back when I was in highschool involved most/possibly all of one of the sports teams. They had been sending inappropriate photos of either someone or each other (I can’t remember specifics). Police were definitely involved. Thankfully I’ve never been one to play sports so I wasn’t really affected.

Also I heard that the year after I graduated custodial staff went on strike for like a month or so I think. The school halls became loaded with garbage and dirt and apparently there were mice as well. Gross.
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The only think I can remember is there being a bomb threat at my middle school. Nothing really interesting happened during my high school years. The bomb threat happened during my eighth grade year, which was actually my last year in that school district before transferring out. My transfer had nothing to do with the bomb threat, but there were several things wrong with that particular school. I’m surprised there weren’t any big news stories regarding the type of stuff that happened back when I attended.
sometime after I graduated i think my band director got caught doing something with some girls. not sure what exactly happened. also sometime during high school i think my art teacher from middle school got arrested for touching students. i haven’t thought about this for years so i forgot when exactly that happened with my art teacher.
A teacher got caught having an affair with one of the girls in my class. A bunch of girls though he was hot, but I just thought eww he’s old
It wasn't at mine but at our rival high school. A year or two after I graduated there was a stabbing incident in the girl's bathroom. I think a girl died

As for my high school, i'm not quite sure. There were a couple things I heard about but I didn't hear much because I was a bit of a loner. There was this one adult man that visited during our annual student art event, and he was telling a lot of young kids to go to the second floor. This was very weird because the second floor had an exhibit by a fellow classmate of mine whose work only centered on horror - it was pretty gory work at that so we had put up signs along the stairwell warning people about it. Some people got upset after being sent up there by some rando guy.

The only other scandal I can think of was a fight between two openly gay students