What was your first post on your island's bulletin board?


The first and only post I’ve ever made on my board
Mine is “yo yo check it out”.... lmao
Channeling my inner rapper vibe...(I’m so sorry lol)
I tend to completely forget about the bulletin board both on my island and while visiting people 😅 I do love the concept though so when I'm ready to update my dream address I plan on making a welcome note and another note with a short description of my island. But I love drawing cute things on my friends' boards when I remember to.
...Confession time, I haven't posted anything on mine yet either 😅 And I started this island in March.

I just never found a reason to, y'know? I even know you get an achievement for it, but I don't just want to randomly post NONSENSE- it has to MEAN something!
omg same 😂

and idk about you, but for me now the pressure to have it be something big and meaningful is almost too great that it's weighing on me. 😂 I dunno if I'll ever write on it at this point.
it was a drawing of my character's big head with "welcome. it's mine now" ominously written in the middle but i deleted it HAHAHA
I think mine is just a "Welcome to My Island" kind of deal. Something generic, lol.
I just posted "Hi" to get the Nook Miles achievement. On another island I wrote something like "Welcome!" for the new villagers who were moving into the 3rd, 4th, and 5th houses.
Knowing me it was probably 'wooooo'
I put a WANTED list of villagers on my second island heh
this was my first and only post 😳. it’s pretty generic but i honestly just,, couldn’t think of anything else to write lmao. i was planning on like,, writing a positive of sorts or something good that happened that day/something that makes me happy each day but the 30 post limit sort of deterred me from that aha. but who knows, maybe i’ll start it up, anyways,, might actually be beneficial to my mental health. :’)

My first and only post on my island's bulletin board was just me quickly drawing the Bolts logo:
a cute little i love you note with hearts around it. i'll add a pic of it later on.

im hoping more visitors will leave cute little notes too