• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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The church I had hoped to get married in is closing its doors November 3rd. Its one of the oldest churches in the country and can't afford the 10 Million dollar restoration. Now my university doesn't have a campus ministry. Times, they are a-changin'
Internet is my life but my parents really dont want to support it. Alcohol is always the priority. ''I'll stop smoking soon'' shes been saying it for a year now. My dad has ALS I wonder when he will die. My mother forces me to update her facebook. I should stop eating so much sweets, slowly getting chubby. I should probably teach myself programming to have it easier with computer science classes but I can't be arsed
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As usual, I have a headache. Sometimes it feels like they'll never stop.

On a more trivial note, I'm annoyed that all the things I have to look forward to are happening in November, it seems so far away.
passive aggression gets on my nerves sometimes. :x

- - - Post Merge - - -

As usual, I have a headache. Sometimes it feels like they'll never stop.

On a more trivial note, I'm annoyed that all the things I have to look forward to are happening in November, it seems so far away.

feel better soon.
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I'm convinced I must have some kind of social anxiety or something, I love my friends to death but I just told one of them I couldn't hang out, all because I got really nervous all of a sudden for no reason

I want to calm down and watch some tv or something, but I feel kinda guilty because I could've been having a great time with a friend instead :/
i think i need to go back to therapy, but i'm only allowed 8 free sessions with psych services per academic year at my college >__> i used up all 8 sessions in one quarter, and while it helped a little bit and i'll be eligible for another 8 sessions starting in the fall, i feel like i need something more long term. i have a lot of issues that can't be solved in 8 50-minute sessions, but i can't afford a "real" therapist either. i dread even bringing it up to my parents because they'll just brush me off and say things like "you don't need therapy," "it's all mindset," "you just need to have a positive attitude," etc.

I ate so much I feel like I'm about to explodeeeeeee
kinda annoyed whenever we argue over stuff
like it doesn't feel like arguing/fighting, feels like we are just yelling out words at each other !!@@
I'm convinced I must have some kind of social anxiety or something, I love my friends to death but I just told one of them I couldn't hang out, all because I got really nervous all of a sudden for no reason

I want to calm down and watch some tv or something, but I feel kinda guilty because I could've been having a great time with a friend instead :/

Maybe you're just an introvert and prefer a nice, quiet environment to be in...?

Anyway, my dream address keeps changing and its annoying the **** out of me.
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