• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I may have Vulvar Cancer. The OBGYN won't see me because of insurance, the hospital won't remove it, I'm pretty much stuck and my health has once again gone downhill and won't come back up. I've got bloody discharge, burning, and a lot of swelling. I've also been unable to keep any kind of food down for two days. I'm extremely hungry.. and can't even drink water to fill me up.

I'm constantly tired, can't sleep, and have been laying on my side for the last three hours crying because everything's going downhill and there's nothing I can do to stop it. This stupid cyst has given me the symptoms for both Ulcers and Chrons disease, two things I do not have, apparently.

I really can't do this anymore.

-hugs tight- ohhhh i was afraid of this... all i can say without freaking out is im praying for you...
I got diagnosed with anorexia today, I guess I saw it coming and I've felt like this for quite some time but tomorrow is my birthday and my birthday means cake. Just thinking about it is making me want to throw up. My mum has made this big giant cake and it's really impressive and I don't want to be rude and not eat it. My family just don't understand how I feel and they wont listen to what I'm saying because they think its stupid and I'm making it up, they made that quite clear.
I got diagnosed with anorexia today

Oh, darling. I know you're not going through this kind of thing alone. I hope things work out for you, and I know you're young- and I hope your parents can get some of this through their heads, at least.
Oh, darling. I know you're not going through this kind of thing alone. I hope things work out for you, and I know you're young- and I hope your parents can get some of this through their heads, at least.

Thank you it means a lot. I hope they do too but I'm not going to lie my life is turning into a bit of a train wreck. Im glad to have close friends that care and will try to help me through this.
-hugs tight- ohhhh i was afraid of this... all i can say without freaking out is im praying for you...

Don't freak out. I'll be fine.

I got diagnosed with anorexia today, I guess I saw it coming and I've felt like this for quite some time but tomorrow is my birthday and my birthday means cake. Just thinking about it is making me want to throw up. My mum has made this big giant cake and it's really impressive and I don't want to be rude and not eat it. My family just don't understand how I feel and they wont listen to what I'm saying because they think its stupid and I'm making it up, they made that quite clear.

You need to be clear on your issue. Very, very clear. There are a few members here diagnosed with that or a similar issue that you can talk to. Honestly, it comes down to a psychological repugnance to food. Change your diet. At least try that much. Make stuff on your own to see if you can break the chain going through your head.

Well, I geuss I got a reason, well not one but many reasons.But I might shouldnt really bring up all to much because so many things are private. You see... Im constantly scared, of everything in general. Tomorrow it will be the first day I will study again, I have to get it done over again because I failed school because of depression. So I do feel very nervous. I moslty are able to vent, my babe though haven't comming home yet and after all Jeanette lives in another country. I am not able to protect them when Im here in sweden. I trust my love, but I do not trust others. I wish already that I could move to america so I can do that. But my school degrees stops me and I have to study for 5-6 years before Im able to move. Im nervois and scared I will fail.

Sounds like Anxiety to me. Take things day by day. You can't live off of worry and grief alone. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and soak in the tub. Just anything you can to take your mind off of things. Focus on the 'now' instead of what's so far down the road you can't plan for it.
The classes I have to take when I go back to school, a lot of science and engineering stuff, not fun. There's one lab that takes 4 hours.
people who cant be "funny" without being offensive and/or vulgar bother me. someone at lunch was getting on my last nerves and i had to restrain myself from asking him to be a disgusting human being at a different table
My anxiety, obsessive racing thoughts, and repressed memories make me doubt who I am on a daily basis.
That's scary... Not knowing who you are and doubting your whole life.
why do people who host giveaways never give out the prizes cuz im like subscribed to like 5 and i won like 1 and they never gave me my prize yet but i see them posting and its just like ... ???? yo wats going on

........... and its like past the end date for a couple already. gggggg smh
I should have gotten contacts while I was at the eye doc. I look so much better without glasses! But I didn't know because I can't see myself without them. Derp.
Sounds like Anxiety to me. Take things day by day. You can't live off of worry and grief alone. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and soak in the tub. Just anything you can to take your mind off of things. Focus on the 'now' instead of what's so far down the road you can't plan for it.

Yeah, I rarely getting anxiety this big nowdays, it was way worse before I meet my babe. But there are stuff right now thats its too much for my head, so I can get abit sensetive. I wish alot that I could go to some parents and talk but both my parents are gone though. I wish I could think NOW instead of the future, but I can't help it really. But you are right, I gotta focus on what's importand right now.
Well, I geuss I got a reason, well not one but many reasons.But I might shouldnt really bring up all to much because so many things are private. You see... Im constantly scared, of everything in general. Tomorrow it will be the first day I will study again, I have to get it done over again because I failed school because of depression. So I do feel very nervous. I moslty are able to vent, my babe though haven't comming home yet and after all Jeanette lives in another country. I am not able to protect them when Im here in sweden. I trust my love, but I do not trust others. I wish already that I could move to america so I can do that. But my school degrees stops me and I have to study for 5-6 years before Im able to move. Im nervois and scared I will fail.

Reen bby ;w; Feel better okay? You can always talk to me <3
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