• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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My dog wasn't that excited to see me, at least he got up and came to me lol.
I definitely failed that test but it's my fault I should've studied more.
this really annoying girl will not let me or my friends leave omfg she has to hold on to everything.

she took my old tumblr url out of spite i guess i mean if that makes you feel better????? but move on jesus ****
It bothers me when people have an ego so huge that it prevents them from behaving as a decent human being. It seems that humility is a virtue that is all but lost these days.

I also find it ridiculous when people use their own personal hardships as an excuse to treat others like garbage. Everyone has problems; it doesn't entitle you to belittle everyone else because you're not strong or emotionally mature enough to prevent your issues from ruling you. Someone very close to me has made a pattern of this as of late, and it's really starting to grate on me. -_-
I don't feel like going to school so YOLO and go to school at afternoon (bah w/e it's just an event)
So ****ing angry. One of my boyfriend's (I guess that's what I'll call him for this post.) friend's friend or something has this girl cousin that apparently finds him hot.. so he decides to troll and call Steven (my bf) on his phone but put her on the phone, and she asks him to have sex with her. He obviously said no because he has me.

FOR REAL? I have never wanted to knock somebody out so badly.
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My student loans got delayed. AGAIN. EVERYONE ELSE got their provincial student loans on September 5th. Mine didn't come because I was in repayment and I was applying for interest free status of which I was only recently approved. I had to jump through all these hoops. They SAID I would get my money on the 22nd - the day before my birthday - but I checked the website and it STILL says my funds are on hold. So I called them. And they said It will take 3-5 business days from the 23rd for the money to be deposited into my account. So it could take until the 30th - literally the DAY BEFORE rent is due before I get my money. I can't pay rent, groceries, tuition, prescriptions or anything without it. My drug plan insurance hasn't come through yet so I am paying $106 weekly out of pocket for my medication and now I have no money left to afford anything until I get reimbursed for it.

no I'm just having one of those bad days when you're in a really pissy mood.
I woke up tired as hell with a stuffed nose and my head throbbed. I swear it felt like my brain was going to beat out of my skull, lol. I sat in bed for what seemed like 10 minutes, which turned out to be 30, so I got out of bed at about 5:30 AM. I spilled syrup all over me and honestly I had a boring day at school and I'm pretty sure I was asleep for half the day.
The rest of the day hasn't been bad but I'm pretty happy that I get to sleep in, so you know what, I'm pretty okay.
I wish I could make spontaneous plans without being unreasonably anxious about it. I have to plan at least a day ahead to feel comfortable.
That I always realize things too late, if only I could tell myself back in the past--it would have changed a lot of things hopefully for the better, and that I wouldn't have wasted my time. I always tend to make things harder on myself.
I have to get rid of my car and start thinking about what kind of car I want to replace it...
It was the perfect car )': I don't want a different one, but since it has engine trouble I have no choice
can someone give me a baseball bat.
I'll give it right back but I can't promise that there will be no blood on it.
can someone give me a baseball bat.
I'll give it right back but I can't promise that there will be no blood on it.

i feel you there :lemon:

So ****ing angry. One of my boyfriend's (I guess that's what I'll call him for this post.) friend's friend or something has this girl cousin that apparently finds him hot.. so he decides to troll and call Steven (my bf) on his phone but put her on the phone, and she asks him to have sex with her. He obviously said no because he has me.

FOR REAL? I have never wanted to knock somebody out so badly.

because of this. oh my goodness.
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Well I'm here to talk if anybody needs to, I have nothing else to do on here right now and I'm trying to calm down myself lol
My ex just kinda got a new date and I'm like whatever but rlly not okay oh well
Aw **** it.

jesus do you ****ing take no as an answer or??
I'm never giving you my number. Ever. And that's final. I'm not gullible anymore. Just stop berading me for it. Please.

and I thought you said that there are plenty other girls. Go find one. Make up your mind, dip****.
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