What's bothering you?

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I know it is, and I appreciate that but all my classmates think I'm slowly descending into madness...
It doesn't help I've been told off for staring into space for in several lessons. I think they're convinced I'm an alien now. :(

That sucks. I've done that in school before but mainly because I was bored. Side note, I didn't care what people thought of me. It's what I thought of myself that is important. :c
The scary thing, is I know why people cut. It releases endorphins which basically make you happy. It's just temporary though...
Well. As long as you're okay now. I kinda, the subject itself is hard to broach because, from personal experience, I hate that generic 'don't cut yourself just be happy<33' kinda fakeness as if a few words will just instantly cure people. And people deal with these things in their own way, sometimes they wanna talk or sometimes they're just nah. Leave it.

Like when I was in school I hated people commenting on it. So I get you. I just felt like. Embarrassed. Like people were gonna think I was some attention seeking weirdo.

So I can kinda see both sides. I'm glad she did notice and was concerned. But on the other hand from personal experience I'm kinda like nah no not today over that kinda stuff.

So basically. Whatever you're feeling. I hope you're k. And if you need someone. Hmu.

Hopefully my response wasn't too assuming/self centred/annoying.

I'm totally cool. My scars from last time were just healing but something big blew up and I sorta cut myself.
I don't like cutting myself. When I get near a knife I get too scared because it gets me. I've only properly cut myself once, I normally just stab myself with my nails and rip chunks out of my flesh until I bleed.
Sorry if that was too much, couldn't think of a better way to describe it lol

I get you. There's a scandal going around our school that one of the popular girls has cut herself and I don't get why everyone's just not leaving it alone. Surely spreading it would make it worse? Idk, it's horrible.
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I'm totally cool. My scars from last time were just healing but something big blew up and I sorta cut myself.
I don't like cutting myself. When I get near a knife I get too scared because it gets me. I've only properly cut myself once, I normally just stab myself with my nails and rip chunks out of my flesh until I bleed.
Sorry if that was too much, couldn't think of a better way to describe it lol

I get you. There's a scandal going around our school that one of the popular girls has cut herself and I don't get why everyone's just not leaving it alone. Surely spreading it would make it worse? Idk, it's horrible.

Glad you're all right. I mean. I'm sure the standard approved response to that kinda thing is 'don't do that love yourself' but I prefer to serve up some realness when it comes to that kinda thing.

And mannnn. I feel you on the getting close to the object kinda thing. Gonna put this under a spoiler, just in case people are kinda squeamish about this kinda thing. Or triggered. So read with caution.

But yeah. I have this kinda beauty tool thing that I use to shave my facial hair. Like not my beard or anything I'm a chick. Not that chicks can't have beards. But I mean like I use it to get rid of the unibrow and upper lip hair. And lord just one look at it. I don't wanna elaborate on the kinda feelings associated with it (well not on this forum anyway) as I feel that could be interpreted as promoting that sorta thing. And straight up nah I never ever wanna get behind promoting it.

Haha oh god the nails thing reminds me of myself.

But meh. Just try and ignore it. It's really no one's business. Apart from those whom you deem worthy to discuss that kinda stuff with you. It's lame to 'gossip' about that sorta stuff and says more about them than you.

People can be really awful about this kinda thing. So sorry you're dealing with that. But school is mostly full of insensitive idiots so bear that in mind.

Edit: Man I say 'kinda' and 'like' a lot. Super sorry. I type like how I talk.
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I want to go to Gamestop and buy SSB and Hyrule Warriors but no cash = no games. I might be able to buy one of them?? I think I have like $70 but it's hard to get to get my parents to take me to Gamestop OTL. My mom won't buy it for me unless it's an early birthday present (but tbh I'm wondering when the new 3ds comes out so I can get that instead as my birthday present, as was my last year's present) and my dad is cheap, and won't pay for anything unless he supports the idea (basically if it's a type of food he likes, he'll pay. Otherwise, it's on me.) orz
My head feels like it may explode.. I have a sinus infection which means there's like heaps of pressure in my head.
Doesn't help that I've been crying for the past 20 minutes. Silly relationship stuff.. Distance is a b***h. Feeling triggered and I forgot my medication tonight... The only time I can cry is when I "forget" to take it.
Ugh I just want to sleep for a week.

Oh also, I went for a job interview. Thought I went well. I have very severe anxiety.. Maybe I did something wrong because like always I got the rejection email the next day.

I just want to feel happy again.
I've been saving up money for something I could get, but the problem is I don't know what to get =P
my mom actually offered to buy SSB 3DS for an early birthday present (birthday is like a month away) so I get to get it, so nothing is bothering me now lol
So I spent over a week villager resetting for Marshal so that I can begin cycling for TBT.

I give up today so I can download SSB, and behold he plots when I load up my mayor.

This is why I don't like you Marshal.
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